Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1021: In danger

Chapter 1021

Tianzhen Hall is divided into four areas, southeast, northwest, and each area has eight separate rooms. Many of the rooms have been dilapidated. Han Yu and Qinle searched for one room next to each other, and the results were almost as expected. Nothing was left except waste.

When he found the ninth room, Han Yu suddenly felt dangerous and made Qin Yue stop.

From a room in the northwest, a monster gasping sound came. After stopping, the music was heard.

"What is it? The sound of swords rang in Tiangong every once in a while. How could there be anything that could survive in this environment?" Qin Le asked in surprise.

This is also Han Yu's doubts.


Before Han Yu could speak, the door of that room was smashed, and a dark figure rushed towards Han Yu and the others.

This figure was covered in black fog, with eight tentacles like octopus, but it could be seen vaguely, as if it had a human head, and its eyes were like a bottomless hole, without eyeballs.

"What kind of monster is this?" Qin Le screamed in surprise.

"Look at the creatures!" Han Yu saw the true body of this monster, exactly the same as the obsessive creatures he had encountered in the Xuantian Realm Cemetery. It is a kind of monster formed by the persistent obsession of the dead, condensing the energy between heaven and earth.

This kind of monster has no soul, so it's no wonder that it can survive in an environment like Tiangong.

"Run!" Han Yu didn't have time to explain, turning around and running wildly while playing the piano. This obsessive creature exudes the aura of the peak of King Wu, which is definitely not something Han Yu and Qin Yue can deal with.

Although Han Yu is a Heaven-swallowing Demon, he is not afraid of obsessing with beings, but Qin Le is not good. And Han Yu still has the Taoist Slaughter, Han Yu's secret does not want to let the Taoist Slaughter know.

"Boy, it's really good luck for you to let you encounter this kind of ghost." Taoist Slaughter said gleefully.

"Hmph, if I am going to die, I will also put on your back as a stinky Taoist priest!" Han Yu gritted his teeth.

Han Yu and Qin Yue are fast, but the speed of obsession with beings is faster.

"Damn it, fight it!" Han Yu gritted his teeth and pushed Qin Le out, he was alone and obsessed with beings.

"Han Yu, what are you doing?" Qin Le was shocked.

"Go, I'll stop it!"

Han Yu urged the Can Moon Mirror with all his strength, and smashed toward the obsessive creature.

Qin Yue froze for a moment, his big eyes instantly became watery, and his heart was moved.


The obsessive creature uttered a frightening scream, and a tentacled tentacled heavily on the waning moon mirror.


The Wanyue Mirror was flew upside down by the obsessive spirit, and hit Han Yu's chest heavily. Han Yu was hit with coughing up blood and flew out and hit the opposite wall. Did not smash through the wall, and fell to the ground.

The gap between the two is really too big, even if Han Yu urges the soldiers of the low-level emperors, he is not an enemy of obsessive creatures.

This obsessive creature, half-footed into the realm of Emperor Wu, Han Yu could not be its opponent unless he could exert the strongest power of the Waning Moon Mirror.

"Disgusting ugly monsters, I will shoot you to death!" Qin Le saw that Han Yu was injured, Huarong paled, took off the Tianlei Bow and wanted to shoot, but found that he could not pull it, holding one end of the Tianlei Bow with both hands and rushed towards the obsessive creature.

That's quite weird, just like fighting ordinary people on the street.

But now, Han Yu couldn't laugh at all, and roared, "Did you not hear me asking you to go?"

Qin Yue didn't hear it, and rushed to the obsessive creature, smashing the sky thunder bow down. One of the tentacles of the obsessive creature suddenly twitched, and the sky thunder bow was flew away, and Qin Le was flicked upright, and her skin spattered and flew out and hit a wall without knowing the life or death.

"Damn it!" Han Yu was dying of death, with his body severely wounded and dying. With Qinle's weak body, I wonder if he can survive.

Although Han Yu and Qin Yue don't have deep feelings, Qin Yue helped Han Yu before, and Han Yu was grateful for her. After entering the palace, they depended on each other for so many days, how could he bear to watch Qin Yue die like this.

The obsessive creature glanced at Qin Le, then at Han Yu, and flew towards Qin Le, apparently in love with Qin Le's body.

"Asshole, you have the ability to win the house!" Han Yu stood up with one last breath, drew the broken sword on his back, urged with all his strength, and rushed to the obsessive spirit like crazy.

"Boy, you are so sturdy, you actually asked to take the house." The Taoist Slaughterer praised. I don't know if he is complimenting or sarcastic, but Han Yu can't care about Slaughter Immortal Taoist now.


The broken sword trembled, the rust was restrained, and the green mansions flourished. Under the urging of Han Yu, the murderous aura became more and more terrifying. The patterns of the wings on the above actually felt like coming to life.

The obsessive creature felt the murderous aura of Broken Sword and turned his head to look at Broken Sword. In the black hole-like eyes, there was a touch of fear in humanity.

He stepped back again and again, when Han Yu approached it about three feet away, he suddenly let out a harsh scream, turned around and fled, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Han Yu was a little stunned. Although Broken Sword was more powerful than Wanyue Mirror, even if Han Yu used the strength of milking, he was definitely not an opponent of obsessive spirits.

Han Yu held his anger and obsessed the creatures, and let the obsessive creatures take away his mind.

"Boy, you are so lucky, it seems that this obsessive creature was killed by this broken sword before his death, and he was subconsciously afraid of this broken sword!" Slaughter Immortal Taoist.

Han Yu said that it was so, this is really God's favor. If it weren't for the broken sword before, who knows what will happen today.

Han Yu stopped urging Broken Sword and rushed to Qin Le.

The place where Qin Le was drawn just now, the skin was open and fleshy, and it started to decay rapidly around it, and Han Yu's teeth were crisp. Han Yu quickly checked the situation of Qin Yue, although the meridians were all broken and the five internal organs were cracked, fortunately, there was still a breath.

Han Yu didn't dare to be slack in the slightest, hurriedly took out the blood of the White Fire Deer and poured it into Qin Le's mouth gruntingly. I have to say that the blood of the White Fire Deer really deserves to be the treasure of healing. After the piano music was put on, it quickly turned into the limbs and limbs that filled the spirit of the music, and instantly stabilized the injury and saved the last breath of the music.

However, although the blood of the White Fire Deer had a good healing effect, it was only aimed at general internal injuries, obsessed with the terrifying black energy left in her body by creatures, and was still arrogantly breaking her body.

Han Yu quickly sealed Qin Yue's big holes to prevent the spread of black energy. The blood of the White Fire Deer cannot dissolve the black energy, but Han Yu can only detoxify with luck.

But Han Yu was seriously injured, and he didn't have much energy anymore.

Han Yu gritted his teeth, placed Qinle and sat cross-legged, and drank three bottles of white fire deer blood, letting it heal on its own. Then one hand was pressed on Qinle's vest, luck helped her detoxify, and the other hand quickly refining medicinal materials to replenish vitality.

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