Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1067: Opponent of Little Horn

Chapter 1067

Han Yu learned from the conversations of passers-by that the two monster beasts in the battle were not too high in rank. Both were the peak strength of the monster generals, but they attracted the attention of many experts because of the battle displayed by the two monsters. Power is extraordinary, people guess that the power of its blood is not weak.

Han Yu can almost conclude that one of the monster beasts is probably a small horn, but he relaxes. With the ability of the small horn, he is invincible in the same realm, and which monster encounters it will be unlucky.

He couldn't help but remember that when he was in the Monster City, Xiaojiao sneaked out to fight and enlighten the way. Does this time the little guy also wants to use battle to break through the barrier of the Wuwang realm?

Han Yu speeded up, turned into a streamer and rushed to the north, causing a burst of exclamation in the crowd.

It didn't take long before Han Yu rushed to the place where the battle was. From a distance, he could see various energy storms raging. The battle was extremely fierce. At this time, many people had already arrived here and pointed at the two monsters in the battle.

"The potential of these two monster beasts is extraordinary. The peak cultivation of the monster commander is not inferior to that of the monster beast of the general second-order monster king. If it is an unowned thing, the old lady wants to use the little white monster beast as a pet. ."

"Don't think about it, these two monsters appear here, and they are probably something of a master. I still want to accept that little mink as a pet, but it seems that there is no chance."

Everyone talked a lot, and many people were moved by the two monsters.

The battle between the two monsters can be described as horror. If you just look at this momentum, people will think that two ferocious beasts are fighting. However, the facts are very different.

These two monsters are not only not fierce, but also a little cute.

Both ends are a small one, and one of the hairs is slender and white as snow, and bears a golden horn with golden light.

The other small one, a little smaller than the small horn, is a mink. Its hair is as white as snow, and its long tail is royal blue, shining with crystal light.

Han Yu was very surprised. This little mink can actually match Xiaojiao. It is not simple.

Han Yu's soul power quietly penetrated into the battlefield, and found that the little mink also exudes a sacred breath, which is not weaker than the little horn.

"Divine beast blood?" Han Yu's eyes widened. Although the divine aura on Mink's body is very cryptic, and most people can't notice it at all, it can't escape Han Yu's perception. It is certain that this is a monster with the blood of a monster. Only such a monster can stand up against the little horn in the same realm.

Looking at its royal blue tail again, Han Yu suddenly thought of the ancient divine beast Dragon Sable he encountered in the ancient ruins Xuantian territory.

"Dragon mink descendants!" Han Yu exclaimed, this little mink turned out to be the descendant of the dragon mink, and the bloodline purity is still very high, just like the little horn, when the opportunity arrives, it can definitely evolve into a beast.

Han Yu thought of what Long Diao had said to Xiaojiao when he was in the ancient ruins at the Xuantian realm, and suddenly understood a lot.

In all likelihood, the opponent that Little Horne used to enlighten the Dao in the Monster City last time was this little mink. On the body of Little Horn, the breath of this little mink remained. It was discovered by Dragon Mink, so Long Mink said that Little Horn bullied it.

The fate in this world is sometimes so wonderful.

Although the two monsters used their best in the battle, the expressions of the two monsters were quite different.

Xiaojiao's face was serene, with a somewhat frivolous look. Xiao Miao was full of anger and resentment.

Han Yu discovered that this little mink was still a female.

"Little Horn and this little mink are not acquainted with each other. If they can be brought together and the descendants of the two divine beasts are combined, will their future descendants be more powerful?" A bad thought suddenly flashed in Han Yu's mind.

But Han Yu was quickly dismissed, and he secretly scolded himself as shameless. Xiaojiao is still a child.

The battle between the two monsters went from heaven to earth, terrifying.

Even Han Yu had never seen some of the magical powers Xiaojiao displayed. At first Han Yu thought it was Xiaojiao's original supernatural power.

The so-called original magical powers are the magical powers that are carried within the origin of the bloodline, just like the slaughtering magic of the Phoenix family. As long as it is the Phoenix clan, this kind of supernatural power is carried in the bloodline, and when it reaches a certain level, the supernatural power will be automatically activated. This is the unique talent of the beast, and it is also the terrifying aspect of the beast.

And Xiao Mink also played some exquisite supernatural powers, and the little horns banged against him, without losing the slightest.

Han Yu stared at Xiao Diao's magical powers intently. If Xiao Diao's magical powers were also her original magical powers, that would be great. However, after observing for a while, Han Yu discovered that although Long Diao's magical powers were very powerful, they did not have the original magical powers to be horrible. Those magical powers were more like derived.

When Han Yu looked at the magical powers of the little horns, he also found that some magical abilities of the little horns were similar to some of the magical abilities that Han Yu knew, except that after the little horns evolve, and then displayed by it, the appearance changed greatly. At first glance, it can't be seen at all.

Suddenly, the little horned man stood up, his two front feet were clenched into fists, a dazzling golden light suddenly flashed on his fists, and a pair of small fists turned golden, like gold poured out, and the girl rushed to the front of Little Mink. , Is a burst of wild bombing. The two fists moved around, the tigers and tigers alive, the momentum was extraordinary.

"Broken fist?" Han Yu was dumbfounded. Although Xiaojiao's punching method at this time is somewhat different from the breaking fist, Han Yu can be sure that this is the breaking fist.

The little mink also stood up and slammed his palms against him. Seeing his shots, it should have been derived from human palms.

"This little guy!" Han Yu had to admire Xiaojiao's wisdom. Han Yu had never taught him any magical powers, and he was able to derive Han Yu's magical powers. This wisdom alone is not comparable to ordinary people.

However, the broken punch that Xiaojiao displayed after all has its shape, not its god. The power is far less than what Han Yu showed. But it is enough to deal with Xiao Mink.

As soon as the small horn broke his fist, he became even more arrogant and arrogant, screaming, forcing Xiao Miao to retreat and then retreat.

Little Mink also screamed, but it was aggrieved. Under Xiaojiao's flood-like attack, she gradually became overwhelmed.


The more wronged the mink screamed, the more proud the horns screamed.

Han Yu and Xiao Jiao had long been cherishing each other in their hearts, and they couldn't help but laugh at what Xiao Jiao was saying.

Little Horn unexpectedly asked Little Mink to surrender, and went back to warm her bed, and he let it go.

Although Han Yu could not understand what Xiao Siao was saying, he could guess from Xiao Siao's furious roar that he was definitely cursing the little horned hooligan.

"It seems that this little guy has learnt from Hu Lilielie!" Han Yu shook his head and smiled bitterly. The previous little horn was not so rude.

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