Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1071: Yu Feiyang's Secret

Chapter 1071 Yu Feiyang's Secret


The ground suddenly exploded, and a stream of blood poured out, surging more and more fiercely, like a Baotu spring.

Suddenly, the world was filled with an unspeakable **** smell, and it seemed that the whole world suddenly turned red.

After the blood gushing out, it was squirming and condensing, and it looked abnormally cripple. It didn't take long for a human figure to appear, and his face gradually became clear.

Han Yu stared at this man made of blood condensed. This was a very strange scene, but Han Yu was not surprised at all.

The figure gradually became clear. This was a tall and straight young man with a sharp outline like a sharp knife. He had thick eyebrows and big eyes, and there was always an evil color between the eyebrows, which made people very uncomfortable.

This person, even if Han Yu turned into ash, would recognize him as his old opponent Yu Feiyang.

It's no wonder that Han Yu couldn't find his trace, and Yu Feiyang turned into blood and followed the earth, so that Han Yu's soul power was so powerful that he could not be found. If it weren't for Han Yu's keenness, most people would never find someone following him in secret.

Han Yu did not expect that Yu Feiyang also came to Wuzhou. For this person, Han Yu can't wait to kill him soon, and Narcissus was almost buried in the hands of this demon.


The murderous aura on Han Yu actually disturbed the void and formed a terrifying whirlwind.

Yu Feiyang stepped up into the air with a frivolous expression, as if he didn't even see Han Yu in his eyes.

"I thought you had such a big disturbance in Wuzhou, and I was impressed, but I didn't expect you to be so useless." Yu Feiyang sneered.

Today, among the same generation, Yu Feiyang is the only one who can be so calm in the face of Han Yu.

The temperament of Yu Feiyang's whole person has undergone earth-shaking changes compared to a few years ago, and there is already a superior spirit between his gestures.

The most important thing is that he actually already has the cultivation base of King Wu Qizhong. This surprised Han Yu. How fast Han Yu's cultivation speed was. When he was in Jingzhou, Yu Feiyang's cultivation was not as good as Han Yu's. How did he come to Wuzhou and he surpassed Han Yu?

"Is it surprised and scared to see my current achievements?" Yu Feiyang came to the same height as Han Yu, carrying his hands on his back, as if he no longer regarded Han Yu as an opponent.

"I could kill you before, but now I can too!" Han Yu said solemnly. Yu Feiyang's cultivation level surprised him, but it was not enough to scare him.

"Are you very curious now, why can my cultivation level have changed so much in just over three years?" Yu Feiyang looked at Han Yu defiantly.

Han Yu did not speak, but he was really curious.

The corners of Yu Feiyang's mouth rose slightly, revealing a touch of complacency, and said, "Of course this is based on Yin Yin Dafa. Yin Yin Dafa is worthy of being one of the three magic arts in the cultivation world, and its level of horror is absolutely beyond your imagination. The old man who sucked **** was forced into a dead end in that place in Jingzhou where birds don’t shit. It really is an insult to the prestige of sucking vagina."

Han Yu cursed: "You have inherited the mantle of the old man who **** Yin, you are simply a rebel who deceives the master and the ancestor! The Dafa of Yin Yin is so conscientious that the world is intolerable, and you are embarrassed and proud.

"Tsk tusk tusk...Han Yu, you are wrong, you are really wrong." Yu Feiyang shook his head with a look of contempt.

"Humph!" Han Yu snorted heavily.

"Do you think that I have achieved today's achievement by sucking the blood of a virgin? It can only be said that your knowledge is too short." Yu Feiyang said.

At this moment, he was in a very refreshing mood. He was able to talk to Han Yu in the posture of the superior, and sarcastically satirized Han Yu, which made him feel more excited than killing Han Yu.

"Is there anything sacred about that filthy cultivation mind?" Han Yu was also lacking in irony.

"In the beginning, the Yin Yin Dafa really needed the blood of a virgin as the introduction to cultivation, but when the cultivation reached the fifth level, there was a qualitative change. No matter the method of cultivation became more beautiful, the degree of horror, It's also turned upside down. Do you want to know?" Yu Feiyang said.

Naturally, Han Yu wanted to know that he knew that he knew that he would never end up in battle, but he believed that Yu Feiyang would say it, so he did not ask.

"It seems that you really want to know, do you know why I told you my secret to this enemy?" Yu Feiyang said.

Han Yu sneered again and again, Yu Feiyang was self-inflated, so that he despised him so much and thought he was right.

"Because you are an enemy, to be honest, you are no longer worthy to continue to be called my enemy. It doesn't hurt to tell you my secret, I'm not afraid to tell you a dead person." Yu Feiyang said proudly.

"I might as well listen to the secrets of the dead." Han Yu responded coldly.

"Heh..." Yu Feiyang chuckled, shook his head, and said to himself: "The essence of Yin Yin Dafa, the essence is in the word 'Yin Yin'. Yin represents a woman. As long as everything on a woman can be For my use. Their cultivation can also be used for me. Han Yu, do you know how much I hated you when I left Jingzhou, but now, I have to thank you well."

"If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have left Jingzhou, nor would I have come to Wuzhou and enter the Shura Palace. It is often said that Shura Palace is a world of women, but in fact it is not, it is a paradise for men. Any disciple, everyone It allows me to enjoy the joy of men and women, and feel the joy of soaring cultivation. Even Queen Shura cannot escape the palm of my hand."

"Tsk tusk tusk... Don’t you know that Queen Shura is not only beautiful, but also very good at serving men. The most important thing is that she is the cultivation base of King Wu Jiuzhong. Her body is my holy ground for cultivation, and her cultivation base is My nourishment, I have what I have achieved today, and she has 80% of the credit. It is a pity that the old woman cannot bear to work, and she was drained by me before she helped me reach the top!"

When Yu Feiyang was talking, he couldn't help licking his lips, looking intoxicated.

Han Yu's expression became gloomy, and he did not expect that Yin Yin Dafa was so terrifying that he could absorb the cultivation of others for his own use. If you don't get rid of him today, it will definitely be a big problem in the future.

Han Yulong's bible ran wildly, his vitality transformed into a dragon, galloping in his veins.

"You are so anxious to do it with me, don't you want to know why I told you so much? Telling a dead person is naturally one of the reasons, but the most important purpose, I think you should know." Yu Feiyang said slowly.

"What's the purpose?" Han Yu asked in a deep voice.

"I told you to let you know that Narcissus will become my cultivating meat pot. I will train her well, train her into a generation of masters, and then slowly absorb the essence of her body. But you can rest assured, I will not It will kill her, because I won't hurt my own woman, hahaha..." Yu Feiyang laughed, laughing wildly.

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