Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1080: Soldiers approaching the mountain

Chapter 1080

Tian Chan also cultivated the power of the soul, and felt that Han Yu was watching her, but she did not say anything. She knew that Han Yu did not believe her, and her first thing to do now was to make Han Yu trust her.

Tian Chan's vitality is extremely strong, equivalent to the eightfold of King Wu. However, the breath she exudes gave people a feeling of Wuwang Jiuzhong, or even higher. This is because of the high spiritual realm of Tianchan. If the soul realm does not match the physical realm, this kind of vague feeling will be formed to outsiders.

It was Han Yu's personal experience that he could see the cultivation level of Tianchan. It would be difficult to tell if it was observed in normal time.

Driven by the vitality of Tian Chan, Han Yu's accumulated meridians quickly opened up one by one, and the residual blood and backlash energy in the body were quickly excreted, much faster than Han Yu did it himself.

In less than two days, Han Yu's accumulated meridians were all opened up, and the blood and backlash energy were also eliminated. Tian Chan stopped then, stood up and walked in front of Han Yu, kneeling in front of Han Yu, and Ying Jing asked guiltyly: "Master, the slave and maidservant did not follow your instructions, please punish you."

Tian Chan is for the good of Han Yu. Now that his body has been straightened out, it is much easier for Han Yu to heal his injuries. How could he blame Tian Chan. However, Han Yu still had no joys and no worries on his face, and said solemnly: "You immediately go to the Asura Palace, find Tianjun for me, and monitor his every move."

Han Yu took out a scroll and handed it to Tian Chan Dao: "Tian Jun is the person in this portrait."

The portrait was painted yesterday after Han Yu woke up.

"Slaves obey orders." Tian Chan took the scroll and said respectfully.

After a pause, he asked, "Master, do you want a slave and maid to catch him?"

Han Yu said: "You may be difficult to catch him, just watch him, and when my injury heals, I will come to you."

"Yes, slave servant obeyed." Tian Chan took the order and left.

Seeing Tian Chan's leaving back, Han Yu slightly relieved.

Yu Feiyang was severely injured and needed a lot of woman's blood to heal his injuries, so he must return to the Shura Palace. Han Yu was afraid that Yu Feiyang would recover first and would take action, so he sent Tianchan to monitor it.

With the power of Tianchan, it is not difficult to monitor Yu Feiyang. After Han Yu recovers, and then join forces with Tian Chan, it will be much easier to kill Yu Feiyang.

Han Yu abandoned distractions and began to heal. Now every minute and a second are extremely important to him.

Eight days later, a bird wandered outside the cave for a long time and did not fly away. Han Yu asked Xiaojiao to catch it. It turned out that it was sent by Tianchan to spread the letter.

Tian Chan has found Yu Feiyang, and reported the situation in the Shura Palace to Han Yu, letting Han Yu decide.

Tian Chan means that the Shura Palace is now completely controlled by Yu Feiyang. Although the Queen of Shura is dead, there are still many masters in the Shura Palace. If Han Yu wants to kill Yu Feiyang, but it’s a little difficult for him, she suggested that Tian The Zen and Jinzhong Sects joined forces to first besie the Shura Palace, and after Han Yu recovered, they attacked in one fell swoop.

Han Yu thought for a while and agreed to Tian Chan's suggestion.

After all, killing the Shura Palace is not just for Yu Feiyang. This time Han Yu can only succeed without fail, so he must be fully prepared.

After the bird left, Han Yu did not deliberately pay attention to the outside world, he believed that Tianchan could arrange everything.

Just three days before the wedding of Dong Xuanli and Princess Shura, Jin Zhongjiao suddenly proposed to divorce, which caused quite a stir. As for the reason for retiring, it spread quickly.

Princess Shura hoped that Jinzhongjiao would help recover Shura Palace and help her ascend to the position of queen, and Shura Palace would still establish diplomatic relations with Jinzhongjiao on an equal basis.

This was inconsistent with the interests of the Golden Bell Sect. After the Golden Bell Sect agreed to regain the Shura Palace, the Shura Palace should be replaced by Princess Shura as the queen, but the Shura Palace has since become an affiliated school of the Golden Bell Sect.

If the interests of the two parties are not in line with each other, it is natural to break up. Among them, it involved Princess Shura's backlash, and she agreed at first. After all, she has been married to the Golden Bell Sect. Whether the Shura Palace becomes an affiliated school of the Golden Bell Sect is not important anymore. But then those who opposed Yu Feiyang found Princess Shura, which gave Princess Shura some confidence, and naturally had to re-negotiate, which caused the marriage to fail.

The alliance between Princess Shura and Jinzhong Sect had been broken, but because the Heavenly Zen Sect had intervened, the three parties finally reached an agreement and formed an alliance.

Ever since, the divorce storm turned into a smoke bomb. While everyone was talking about this matter, the Tianchan Sect, the Golden Bell Sect, and the Princess Shura had secretly marched in and besieged the Shura Palace in secret.

If it were normal, no matter how secret the three forces were, it would be difficult to avoid the spies in the Shura Palace. However, after two civil strifes in the Shura Palace, coupled with missing doubts, the whole sect is bleak, and who has the mind to pay attention to the outside world has become an opportunity for the tripartite alliance.

Quietly, the three-way army formed a big pocket and put the Shura Palace in it. No one noticed that a battle to determine the situation of Xiling's first-class school was about to start.

Han Yu looked at the letterhead from Tian Chan and nodded in satisfaction. The layout of Tian Chan can be said to be seamless. Only when Han Yu comes, he can launch a final fierce attack on Yu Feiyang.

Han Yu did not dare to delay the slightest, healed his injuries all the time.

More than half a month passed soon after the divorce storm. The trilateral army has long been ready to go, only waiting for the order to attack.

Dong Yunhai and Princess Shura, the leaders of the Jin Zhong Sect, have twice proposed to attack, but they have been dragged down by Tian Chan for various reasons.

Today, Dong Yunhai and Princess Shura came to find Tianchan early, with a sense of persecution.

"On behalf of the leader Yin, the army is fighting, and it is important to take advantage of it and kill it. We have been here for four days. It violates the way of using soldiers. If we wait any longer, we are likely to be discovered. It will be extremely detrimental to us by then! "Dong Yunhai said with some dissatisfaction.

"Master Yin, are you waiting for someone?" Mo Ji asked.

The woman's intuition is terrible, Dong Yunhai didn't notice it, Mo Ji did.

"Waiting for someone? Yin Daishi, is there anyone else coming to help?" Dong Yunhai frowned, rather sullen.

Tian Chan said calmly, "I'm really waiting for someone, and it's a very important person."

Mo Ji showed a thoughtful look.

Dong Yunhai asked: "Who is it? Is it that important? You must wait for him to come to war!"

Tian Chan Tao: "It is very important, and without him, I am afraid that Tianjun cannot be killed."

Dong Yunhai snorted coldly: "As far as I know, Tianjun is just a junior of the Seventh Layer of the Martial King. What's the big deal. Yin Daishi, if you look forward and backward like this, you don't have the courage of a hegemon at all."

Tian Chan looked cold and said, "Is Elder Dong teaching this seat?"

Dong Yunhai said in a weird manner: "How dare I. I just want to ask Acting Master Yin because of your delay, who will bear the loss caused by your delay?"

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