Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1103: Strong little horns

Chapter 1103: Strong Little Horn

After a long period of tempering, coupled with the quenching of the Biluo cold liquid, the Zixiao Divine Sand at this time has become a round stick with the thickness of an arm and a length of one foot, and the distance is infinitely close as a spear. .

Han Yu took it out for more than three hours and prepared to rest after putting it away.

Suddenly, a golden light radiated from the inside of the bed, and Han Yu hurriedly cast his eyes to see that the golden horn of the small horn was emitting a golden light, and the light became more and more prosperous. The breath on it is undergoing a wonderful change.

Han Yu was overjoyed, Xiao Jiao finally turned the big waves into sand and rocks into gold, the second level of cultivation, and the third level of cultivation.

At the same time, what made Han Yu a little speechless was that it broke through in his sleep.

Soon, the golden light turned into a cocoon and completely wrapped the small horns. The incomparable qi mechanism could block Han Yu's soul detection. Han Yu hurriedly propped up the vitality shield and wrapped the whole house inside.

The little horn's breath is extremely powerful, and it would not be a good thing if it spread out to attract other people's attention.

Han Yu was looking forward to it, but a little nervous. I look forward to its mental breakthrough, which can revive its blood. What is nervous is that this breakthrough of mental method will touch the breakthrough of cultivation base. For the current Xiaojiao, it is definitely a disaster.

But Han Yu can't do anything now, so he can only watch it anxiously.

The aura on Little Horn's body is getting stronger and stronger, and the sacred aura in it is getting stronger and stronger. The sacred aura is the transformation of the origin of the blood of the sacred beast, and the sacred aura becomes richer, indicating that the blood origin of the little horn is becoming stronger and the blood of the sacred beast is recovering.

The sacred aura grew for half an hour before it stopped, and it was more than twice as strong as before. This time the breakthrough of the heart technique has greatly restored its bloodline power.

Han Yu sighed secretly, it is worthy of the big wave to wash the sand and stone into the golden heart method, so far Han Yu knows the heart method that can restore the power of blood, only it.


The golden silkworm cocoon on Little Horn's body began to burst, and rays of light like a golden sword shot out from it. The light hit Han Yu's vitality shield, and it made a loud bang.

Han Yu hurriedly arranged another trapped formation outside the vitality shield to prevent the sound of the impact from being transmitted.

After the golden cocoon was completely broken open, Xiao Horn's body appeared. From its golden horns and the top of its head, there is a strong golden light that makes it look unusually mysterious.

The small hair on the little horned head turned golden again.

Looking at this bunch of golden hair, Han Yu was not only happy, but felt quite a lot. Xiao Jiao has repeatedly lost his blood, and the pain and torture he has suffered is probably even more terrifying than Han Yu, a man who has been punished by heaven.

It is a miracle that Xiaojiao can now embark on the path of recovery.

"My son, someone is asking to see me outside." At this moment, a maid's voice came from outside the door.

Han Yu frowned slightly, he didn't have any acquaintances here, who would come to him, and said in a low voice, "No!"

Han Yu deliberately made his voice look a little angry, so that the servants would not dare to send another letter to disturb Han Yu.


Xiaojiao's body, like a volcanic eruption, burst out more violent air waves, instantly crushing the contents of the house. Even if Han Yu braced the shield early to resist, otherwise the palace might be overturned.

Xiao Jiao's current situation was as Han Yu expected, and his cultivation base broke through.

Han Yu was in a cold sweat for a while, can Xiao Horn break through that barrier? The answer is more negative.

Once Xiaojiao fails to pass through the barrier, it will inevitably be backlashed, and some of his blood has just recovered, and it may be injured again. Han Yu clenched his fists tightly, he wanted to find a way to help Xiaojiao.


Suddenly, Xiaojiao screamed, revealing the most painful color.

Its breakthrough was hindered. And the torture suffered this time is more terrifying than the previous one.


Suddenly, a golden flame was burning on Xiaojiao's body, and the hair on his body was instantly burned out, and then his body began to burn.

Han Yu was shocked and immediately rushed over, preparing to forcibly prevent the small corner from breaking through.

Forcibly preventing it will make Xiaojiao suffer a more terrible backlash, but now Han Yu can't take care of that much. At this moment, Xiaojiao's situation is a bit like Huadao, and if he is not careful, he may be overwhelmed.

"Oh oh oh..."

Xiaojiao shook his head, forcibly staying awake, and shouted in a low voice to stop Han Yu from passing.

At this time, Xiaojiao's eyes were filled with a frenzy.

Han Yu's heart trembled, and it instantly understood what Xiaojiao was going to do. The small corner is to be broken and then stand.

Standing after breaking through is a breakthrough method in cultivation, but it is an extremely dangerous method. In all likelihood, you will fall into a place where no one can recover. Generally, only people who break through hopelessness and reach the limit of life will choose this method.

"Little Horn, don't!" Han Yu shouted.

In Xiaojiao's eyes, there was a resolute look.

It has experienced multiple traumas to its origins, and this time it does not want to repeat the same mistakes. Once this breakthrough failed and the bloodline was injured again, Xiaojiao wondered whether the change of the big wave from the sandstone to gold would still have an effect on its bloodline recovery.

Don't look at the usual time, Xiao Jiao not only eats but sleeps, and occasionally plays tricks with Han Yu, but he is proud in his bones.

It doesn't want to be trapped at the peak of the demon general for a lifetime, it wants to fight alongside Han Yu.


The abdomen of the little horn suddenly melted, and a more terrifying golden flame appeared.

Han Yu saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart, but he chose not to interfere with Xiaojiao. He understood Xiaojiao. If Xiaojiao was prevented from breaking through today, Xiaojiao would hate him for a lifetime and regret it for a lifetime.

"Puff puff……"

Little Horn's body was constantly burned through, and even more terrible flames appeared. But Xiaojiao gritted his teeth and didn't say a word.

The torture it suffered at this time was even more terrifying than Han Yu's encounter.


Suddenly, the little horn hit the ground and tried to get up, but his limbs moved a few times and he seemed weak.

"Little Horn, hold on!" Han Yu shouted exhaustedly.

The craziness, strength, and senselessness of Xiaojiao made Han Yu feel awe in his heart.

However, the state of Xiao Horn is getting worse and worse, and gradually, it is close to death.

"No, no, Xiaojiao, stand up..."

Han Yu was already in tears.

The flames on the little horns burned more and more vigorously. I am afraid that it won’t be long before the little guy will be burnt to fly ash and disappear.


Han Yu's vitality surging out, he can no longer control so much, he wants to keep Xiaojiao's last breath.

At the moment when Han Yu's vitality was about to touch Xiao Jiao, Xiao Jiao suddenly let out a horrified roar, and he stood up with difficulty. The flame on it suddenly recovered into the body.

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