Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1137: Apprentice

Chapter 1137

"This kind of advantage is difficult to manifest under the realm of Wuhuang, but once it reaches above the realm of Wuhuang, it can be reflected incisively and vividly. Since ancient times, those who have mastered the supernatural powers will have extraordinary achievements. In the ancient times, the extremely Taoist magical power also has a special name-the emperor's exclusive magical power."

Even though you have cultivated to the realm of King Wu, every level is like a gulf of Heaven's Scourge, and every breakthrough is extremely difficult. But compared with the realm of Wuhuang, it seems insignificant.

Gong Chaoyang is a generation of cultivation genius, he broke through to the realm of Wu Huang's first layer at the age of thirty. It is nearly two hundred years old now, and it is only the third level of cultivation of Emperor Wu, which shows that it is difficult to cultivate in the realm of Emperor Wu.

The realm of Emperor Wu can be said to be a watershed.

Many geniuses will be blocked at the peak of King Wu, and they will never be able to cross the chasm of heaven. Those who can cross the chasm of heaven are all geniuses among geniuses.

Out of a thousand people, there will be one talent; out of a thousand people, there will be a genius; out of a thousand geniuses, there is not necessarily one who can break through to the realm of Wu Huang.

Wuzhou has a population of hundreds of millions, but the masters of the Wuhuang realm are rare, and they are as strong as the ancient forces and are also one of the few.

"The so-called exclusive supernatural powers of the emperor means that only the strong at the emperor Wudi level can fully exert its terrifying power, and only the strong at the emperor martial level can be qualified to possess the supernatural powers. In the age of no emperor, in the ancient times, those who master the supernatural power The weakest achievement of this generation is the martial sage level. It seems that in the underworld, it is destined that these peerless talents should be able to master the ultimate supernatural power."

"Your extreme swordsmanship is not just a swordsmanship for me, but a sharp weapon to ride the wind and waves and perceive the avenue. It will become my greatest support to attack the martial arts realm. For you, it is the same. I hope you try to hide as much as possible when you use that kind of swordsmanship in the future, otherwise, it is likely to bring you a murderous disaster!"

Gong Chaoyang whispered, speaking very sincerely. After speaking, he looked at Han Yu earnestly. Can let the always dull, indifferent Gong Chaoyang, say so much, show such emotions, it can be seen that he has also racked his brains.

Han Yu's heart was greatly moved. This was also why Gong Chaoyang saw the secret of the Shutten Finger Sword, and when someone else saw it, I am afraid that Han Yu's current situation would not be so happy.

Han Yu was lost in thought.

The dog will jump the wall when he is anxious. If he refuses again, Gong Chaoyang will probably move fiercely. Such people usually disdain to do compulsive things, and once they do, they will inevitably give it up regardless.

With Han Yu's ability at this time, he definitely couldn't compete with Gong Chaoyang.

Seeing that Han Yu was a little shaken, Gong Chaoyang was delighted, and said, "What conditions do you want, just let it be!"

After Han Yu settled down, he looked at Gong Chaoyang cautiously and said: "You just said that as long as I worship you as a teacher, you can teach me what you have learned throughout your life?"

Gong Chaoyang raised his eyebrows with joy, his stiff face stretched out rare, and he nodded hurriedly, saying, "This is a lesson from the world!"

Han Yu nodded thoughtfully, and said, "My swordsmanship is my strongest trump card, my housekeeping skill. If it is to be passed, it is also passed to my disciple."

Gong Chaoyang was taken aback, what did Han Yu mean, wouldn't it be impossible for him to worship Han Yu as a teacher?

This sudden change made Gong Chaoyang somewhat unacceptable.

This is actually an unusually bold decision for Han Yu.

If he had to pass the Jietian Zhijian to Gong Chaoyang, he had to maximize his interests. And the maximum benefit is undoubtedly taking the palace as a disciple.

It is ridiculous, what a whimsical thing that a person of Wuwang Wuzhong wants to accept Wuhuang Sanzhong's master as his disciple.

However, this is also very exciting!

Quite exciting!

Be Gong Chaoyang's disciple? Or be Gong Chaoyang's master? All fools know how to choose.

"You think about it, you can come to me!" Han Yu turned and went to the sky.

Gong Chaoyang looked at Han Yu's back, his face became very exciting. At some point, he thought about holding Han Yu and forcing Han Yu to hand over the sword.

However, Gong Chaoyang was not such a person. Secondly, he was worried that he would get nothing in the end.


Han Yu flew out about a hundred meters away, and Gong Chaoyang's emotional voice sounded behind him.

"Does this guy really have so much courage and wants to worship me as a teacher?" Han Yu was a little looking forward.

Turning around, he asked seriously: "What's the matter?"


Suddenly, Gong Chaoyang knelt on the ground, kneeling nine times at Han Yusan. Even Han Yu, who had already had some psychological preparations, was stunned for a while.

This Gong Chaoyang is really a talent.

"Brother's womb is in the sun, pay homage to Master!" Gong Chaoyang straightened up after kneeling three times, holding his fist and respecting Han Yu.

When those three kneelings and nine knocks just now, Gong Chaoyang's mentality suffered unparalleled torture.

This worship, from now on, will be Han Yuma's first look; this worship, from then on, he will become a joke of Wuzhou; this worship, he will be expelled from the house of Wuji Hall.

He will become the laughing stock of others, and he will become a traitor who deceives his master and ancestor. However, under the temptation of Wu Sheng, he finally overcame all psychological obstacles and completed the ceremony of three kneeling and nine knocking.

Han Yu's mood is also complicated, excited, irritating, worried, and mixed.

Han Yu stood still for a long time, Gong Chaoyang also looked at Han Yu quietly, motionless.

At this moment, his state of mind has calmed down, and he is not so uncomfortable after passing the psychological hurdle.

The small horn on Han Yu's shoulder, his mouth opened wide, and an egg was stuffed, and he was shocked.

A cold wind blew, Han Yu recovered, and walked slowly towards Gong Chaoyang with his hands on his back, fell in front of Gong Chaoyang, looked down at him, and asked in a deep voice: "You sincerely want to worship me as a teacher?"

Gong Chaoyang raised his left palm and said, "Heaven and earth are proof!"

Han Yu said, "You betrayed the Promise Hall in order to worship me as a teacher. How can this make me believe you? Will you betray me by worshiping other people as a teacher for other things?"

A tinge of pain and guilt flashed in Gong Chaoyang's eyes, and said: "Master, my disciple swears to the heavens and will never have two hearts with you. Although I am a member of the Promise Hall, I have been practicing with people in my clan since I was young. , I didn’t apprehend anyone before, so it’s not a betrayal!"

There is some truth in what he said.

Han Yu remained unmoved, his face grew gloomy, and questioned: "Do you know that from now on, you will be driven out of the mountain gate by the Wuji Hall, and you will go to the position opposite to the Wuji Hall. That is your home, you do it for yourself? For self-interest, you must be an enemy of your family?"

Gong Chaoyang said: "I will not be enemies with them. If they have to kill me, after I become holy, I will never thank my family and the world!"

Gong Chaoyang was very confident and determined.

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