Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1141: Dangerous moment

Chapter 1141

"Why don't you go to Jiulongchi for a while and relax, Sister Ma Su is too tired this time!" Shui Linger suggested.

Although the three are not sisters, they are better than sisters. Eat at the same table, sleep at the same bed, and often take a bath together. Jiulongchi can help them revive their blood, refresh their minds, and be a good place to rest.

Ma Su shook his head and said: "There are still a lot of things waiting for me to deal with, there is no time."

The war in the north was tight, and the army of the Holy Kingdom of Xilai retreated steadily. Ma Su can be said to have burnt her brows, she is hesitating now, whether to ask Clear Sky School to take action.

Although Haotianzong and the Holy Kingdom of Xilai were already connected, Jiang Lixuan was still Han Yu's eldest brother. However, there is always a difference between government and martial art. Proud Ma Su, he didn't want to encounter anything, so he asked the Clear Sky School for help.

"Kang Dang..."

Suddenly, the palace gate suddenly opened, and a gust of wind blew in. The three women were blown back a few steps by the wind, and when the wind dissipated, two middle-aged men appeared in their sight.

The pupils of the three of them shrank suddenly, judging from the presence of these two people, they are definitely masters of the masters. When the three women stood up side by side, Ma Suyi asked, "Who are you and why did you break into my palace?"

When the two saw the three women, they stayed for a while. All three of them are peerlessly graceful and beautiful, even if they are comparable to the saints of the Promise Hall, they are not bad at all. They didn't expect that such a person could still appear in Jingzhou, a place where birds do not shit. The only shortcoming is that the strength is too low.

"I? It seems you are Masu." The boss looked at Masu with a wicked smile.

"Bold fanatics, dare to break into the palace and holy ground, disturb the holy driver, and punish sin!" Shui Linger cursed.

"Are you Narcissus?" the boss looked at Shui Ling'er and asked.

"I am, what are you going to do?" Narcissus said.

"It just happens to be together." The second child smiled.


A sword appeared quietly in Ma Su's hand, which was the Chiyan Sword Han Yu gave her. Under her urging, Chi Yan Sword revived by a large margin, and Ma Su shot two swords, stabbing them respectively.

"Soldier of the low-level venerable?" Both men curled their lips in disdain.

I saw the second child's finger flicking, and he was hitting the blade of the Chi Yan Sword.


With a loud bang, the Chiyan Sword broke into three pieces.

"This..." Ma Su was shocked.

"Tsk tusk tusk, it's too weak!" The second child shook his head contemptuously. When he grabbed his hand, he grabbed Ma Su's wrist, and a strong force poured into Ma Su's body like a flood, making Ma Su instantly Immobile.

"Run!" Masu yelled in panic.

Such a master of existence is simply not something they can deal with.

How could Shuixian'er and Shui Ling'er run? The former pounced on the boss, and the latter pounced on the second child.


The second child patted out a palm without hesitation, and hit Shui Ling'er's chest heavily. Shui Ling'er let out a scream, blood-stained the sky, and flew out and broke a pillar. Except for Narcissus and Masu, the others were killed without mercy.

"Ling'er!" Narcissus and Ma Sumu were about to split.

The boss of the detective grabbed Narcissus's shoulder.


Suddenly, Narcissus's shoulder trembled, and a powerful force bounced the boss's hand away, making the boss's hand numb.

"The King's Soldier?"

The boss' eyes widened, and Narcissus took the opportunity to pounce on her second child.

The boss came back to his senses, snorted heavily, waved his left hand, and rushed out one by one to tie the five-flowered narcissus, unable to move instantly.

Narcissus wore a glutinous meditation garment, which was a treasure of the king's soldier level, unparalleled in defense. But Narcissus couldn't move, so he could only defend passively. If the other party didn't attack her, it would have little effect.


Shuixian'er and Ma Su didn't worry about their situation at all, looking at Shui Ling'er, who was lying motionless on the ground, with blood blisters in his mouth, his liver and gallbladder were splitting. Shui Ling'er is probably already dead!

The two men had no mercy and cherish the jade, and grabbed the two women and walked outside the palace.

"Who are you guys? Why do you want to arrest us, why do you want to kill Ling'er?" Ma Su asked with tears in his eyes.

"Da da da……"

The palace guard was alarmed and rushed in.

With a wave of the sleeves of the second child, a gust of wind swept out, and the team of dozens of people was instantly torn apart and all died on the spot.

Ma Su and Shuixian'er face ashes for a while, such a master, looking at the Holy Kingdom of Xilai, is unmatched.

The two strode out of the palace.

"Don't keep one!"

In the eyes of the boss, a thick murderous intent appeared. This is Pang Xuan's order. Except for Han Yu's woman, all the others are killed!


At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the palace.

Both men were taken aback, this figure seemed to appear out of thin air. This back figure is tall and straight, on his shoulders, there is a small white beast squatting, **** facing them.

Ma Su and Shuixianer's eyes widened in an instant. The back view gave them a familiar feeling. When they saw the little beast squatting on their shoulders, they were surprised and happy. The countless thoughts and grievances in my heart turned into rolling tears, so that I could not even speak.

"Who are you?" the boss asked cautiously.

The appearance of this person is really weird.

The person slowly turned around, a delicate face, which was already covered with frost at this time, and killing intent surged in his pupils. This person is not someone else, but Han Yu.

The positioning of the teleportation array is not so precise. But Han Yu was hit by mistake and directly sent here.

Han Yu is very grateful for God's blessings. If the spread is a little bit off, he might regret it for life.

Han Yu looked at the faces of Narcissus and Ma Su for the first time. Suddenly, thousands of thoughts and all kinds of tenderness went straight to the heart, so that the nose actually felt a little sour.

Shuixian'er and Ma Su started crying directly, their bodies were a little soft, if they hadn't been carrying them, they would have fallen to the ground.

"Huh, pretend to be a god!" The second child let go of Ma Su and strode towards Han Yu with a murderous expression on his face. Although they had heard of Han Yu's name, they had never met Han Yu, so that they didn't know who they were in front of them.

As soon as he let go of Ma Su, a breeze supported Ma Su's delicate body, so that she did not collapse.


The second child raised his hand and slammed at Han Yu. With this palm, he directly used his full strength, because he couldn't see the depth of Han Yu.

"Be careful!"

Shuixian'er and Ma Su screamed in unison, the second child can destroy even the soldiers of the venerable with a finger, the level of horror is unimaginable. The power of his palm is absolutely earth-shattering.

Han Yu just stretched out **** at random and clamped the second child's palm, which was easier and simpler than he just grabbed Ma Su's wrist.

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