Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1147: Beautiful misunderstanding

Chapter 1147 A Beautiful Misunderstanding

Ma Su looked at Han Yu suspiciously, secretly working his mind.


An unprecedented strong vitality gushed from the dantian, almost bursting Ma Su's body.

"This this this..."

Masu stammered in surprise.

Han Yu gently embraced Ma Su's waist and smiled: "How about it, I didn't lie to you, have you broken through now?"

Ma Su came back to his senses for a moment, and shouted: "Ah, husband, you scared me, you are good or bad!"

Ma Su greeted Han Yu with a jade fist, and Shuixian'er came to help too, only to snorted when Han Yu begged for mercy and stopped.

Ma Su said proudly: "If you dare to bully me in the future, I will teach you a lesson with my sister."

Han Yu lay on the bed, pointing at the second woman and smiling: "Look at you, everything is gone."

Narcissus quickly lay down, a little embarrassed. Although Ma Su was a bit shy, he was not as responsive as Narcissus, and said, "There is no one else here, so what are you afraid of."

After speaking, he lay down and leaned closely in Han Yu's arms, for fear of being separated from Han Yu. What Han Yu said just now really scared her.

"Husband, why do we suddenly have such a terrifying change?" Narcissus asked. Ma Su looked up at Han Yu, also full of doubts.

"Think about what we did last night?" Han Yu said with a look of intoxication.

"We last night, could it be..."

"Seven times, Qizhong, can't it..."

"Husband, you are so good?"


Two women, you say a word to me, staring at Han Yu's eyes.

"Will your husband not be good?" Han Yu said deceivingly.

"Husband, I still want to..." Ma Su said shyly.

"Husband, I also want to..." Narcissus was even more shy.

"It seems that you are really going to squeeze your husband out, but it doesn't matter, who told me to be so powerful..."

It's another joy of fish and water. After tossing in the afternoon, the two women were content to snuggle on Han Yu's body.

Their cultivation level has risen unconsciously.

It was also seven times, but this time the effect was slightly weaker, only breaking through the sixth layer.

The two women were also very satisfied, and their bloodline power was actually revived because of this, and it was not far from completely resuscitating their royal bloodline.

As the sun sets, the three of them put on their clothes and walked out of the palace holding hands.

Before going out, two narrow eyes made Narcissus and Ma Su bow their heads a little shyly.

"Tsk tusk tusk, why don't you just sleep until tomorrow?" Shui Linger said with a strange yin and yang. After speaking, his eyes widened suddenly, and he said unbelievably: "Two sisters, did you break through?"

Although the breath of Shuixian'er and Ma Su was looming, they were strong enough to the point of Shuilinger's heart palpitations.

This is unscientific, the three of them were originally at the same level of cultivation.

Shuixian'er and Ma Su quietly glanced at each other, the former said: "The husband gave us a secret method, and we broke through after practicing."

As he spoke, his blush was almost bleeding.

Shui Ling'er and the two girls are together almost every day, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are connected with each other.

"Really? What do you two do now?" Shui Linger asked suspiciously.

"Wu Zun eightfold." Ma Su said.

"What?" Shui Linger jumped up directly, looking at Ma Su, almost staring out of her eyes.

Overnight, from the fifth level of Tianwu to the eighth level of Wuzun, how absurd is this? However, Shui Ling'er did not doubt what Ma Su said.

First, Ma Su would not lie to her; second, only Wu Zun's cultivation level above the fifth level would make Shui Ling'er invisible.

Sui Ling'er, with bright eyes in his eyes, hurried over and took Ma Su's hand, begging: "Sister, what the secret is, you can teach it to my sister."

Although Shui Ling'er had some doubts that the secret method Shui Xian'er said was not true, she couldn't think of so much now.

"Uh..." Ma Su was taken aback, couldn't help but look at Narcissus.

How can this "secret method" be taught?

Shui Ling'er ran over and pulled Narcissus, begging: "Sister, you must teach it to me."


Shuixian'er didn't know what to do, she looked at Han Yu.

"Hmph, you two, you still keep saying that we are sisters. After we have been married for a long time, I forgot my sister." Shui Linger suddenly became a little unhappy.

"Sister Ling'er, that's not the case. This secret... The law belongs to Han Yu. He told us not to tell anyone else..." Shuixian'er could only make up mistakes again and again.

"I finally understand what it means to marry a chicken with a chicken, marry a dog with a dog!" Shui Linger ignored Narcissus and Ma Su, looked straight at Han Yu, stretched out her right hand, and said domineeringly: "Han Yu , Give me the secret method."

"Gah!" Narcissus and Ma Su stared directly.

Han Yu coughed twice with the black line on his forehead, and said: "This secret method cannot be passed on to outsiders."

Shui Ling'er snorted, "Am I an outsider? I'm your wife's sister, and I have been taking care of them for the past few years. There are hardships without credit. Don't you want to thank me? I am very easy. If you send it, you just pass the secret method to me."

"The secret method really can't be passed on. If you want to thank you, I will use other methods." Han Yu pulled Narcissus and Ma Su quickly. The two women covered their mouths and laughed, almost laughing out loud.

This is embarrassing!

"Han Yu, stop for me!" Shui Ling'er stamped her feet with anger, unexpectedly Han Yu was so stingy.

How could Han Yu stop.

"Han Yu, are you a believer?" Shui Ling'er asked.

Han Yu stopped, don't know why Shui Ling'er said that, turned around and looked at her suspiciously.

"Do you remember that you promised me a condition?" Shui Ling'er asked strongly while walking over.

Han Yu nodded, he had indeed promised Shui Linger a condition.

"Will you keep your original promise?" Shui Ling'er asked.

Han Yu already felt bad, but it was a matter of integrity, and he could not tolerate him to escape, so he nodded.

"That's good, I want you to do something for me now." Shui Ling'er walked up to Han Yu, quite strong.

Shuixian'er and Ma Su quietly glanced at each other, and they were not in a hurry, but also secretly laughed.

"What is it?" Han Yu frowned.

"Give me your secret method." Shui Ling'er stretched out her hand and glanced at Narcissus and Ma Su with some pride.

I thought you two people who met the girl, thought that if I lost you two, there would be nothing I could do?

Han Yu was helpless for a while, and looked at Narcissus, asking for help. Narcissus caused the misunderstanding of this "secret method", and only Narcissus could explain it. Narcissus was snickering, as if it had nothing to do with her. Han Yu looked at Ma Su, but Ma Su ignored him.

"Damn, so unjust, your husband is going to lose his life, don't you worry about it at all?" Han Yu slandered, speechless to the two girls.

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