Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1158: Do not advance or retreat

Chapter 1158

Entering the entrance of the tomb, there is a narrow and deep passage that exudes a faint smell of blood. Soon Han Yu reached the first checkpoint. Here you can see the traces of the explosion. The blood on the wall is still Fresh.

This was the first time it was contaminated when an explosion occurred, because the dead were masters of the Martial Emperor realm, and every drop of their blood contained terrifying anger, so that it did not freeze for a long time.

Han Yu didn't stop and moved on.

There was a swooshing sound from behind, and people from the Immeasurable Holy Land chased him. Their speed is obviously not as good as Han Yu.

When Han Yu reached the second level, the voice behind him had disappeared, and Han Yu was thrown farther away. The place was also dripping with blood, and the air was filled with a strong smell of blood.

This is a place protected by beasts.

After passing the third hurdle, the eyes suddenly opened up.

The continuous majestic mountains and the blue sky are an independent space just like outside the tomb. The only difference is that there is no sun in the sky.

Although the dimensional space created by the saint is a relatively independent world, it is not a complete world. It also exists on the basis of external forces and cannot be independent into a new world.


A tweet shakes up for nine days and moves down to Jiuyou. I saw a bird that was several thousand feet long flying from a mountain with its wings grazing on the top of a mountain, actually cutting off the tip of that mountain with ease.

"The Tier 4 Demon King!"

Han Yu sighed. He didn't expect to enter the tomb of the saint when he encountered such a powerful monster.

Behind the demon beast, followed by a strong young man, holding a cold shining knife, chasing the demon bird. That man is a master of Wuwang Wuzhong.

"This dimensional space has survived for more than ten thousand years, and a complete ecosystem has been formed in it. The monster beast should be the original monster beast here. When you come here, you not only have to compete with people, but also fight with the original monster beast!"

Han Yu's blood boiled for a while, and his fighting spirit was high.

Looking back at the narrow passage, Han Yu snorted before the people from the Immeasurable Holy Land could not catch up with them. He slammed his feet on the ground before he flew into the tomb of the saint.

People from the ancient forces have been here for more than ten days, and Han Yu must speed up to catch up.

Han Yu traveled all the way through mountains and ridges, across thousands of miles. Encountered many battlefields, with people and people, monsters and people.

Inside the tomb of the saint, there is simply a huge treasure house, among the mountains and plains, there are countless elixir growing, not even large ones.

Before a cave mansion, two groups of people were engaged in a terrifying battle. It turned out that there was a magical power inheritance in the cave mansion, which was an intermediate-level mysterious power.

Although the value of the mysterious intermediate rank supernatural powers was already very high, it didn't have much temptation to Han Yu, and he did not participate in the battle.

"It's worthy of being the tomb of a saint, this is a paradise for cultivation!"

Han Yu sighed, and when he passed a swamp, he stopped.

From under that swamp, a wild and savage demon aura was exuded, and a sixth-order demon king-level flood dragon crouched underneath, guarding an eighth-rank great medicine.


The swamp exploded, and the flood dragon rushed out. It was ten thousand feet long, and its huge body could crush a mountain.

"Roar!" Jiaolong roared, staring at Han Yu viciously.

It has lived in this saint's tomb since it was born. It has never seen a human being, so naturally it does not understand human language. It seems to be threatening Han Yu to let Han Yu leave.

"Give me the Eighth Stage Medicine, I can spare you not to die!" Han Yu said lightly.

The dragon roared, and it didn't understand Han Yu's words, but from Han Yu's expression, he could guess what Han Yu meant, and directly killed Han Yu.

He opened his mouth and bit at Han Yu.

Han Yu easily avoided the dragon's mouth and kicked its head. The dragon screamed and smashed the mountain next to it. He got up and looked at Han Yu, with a look of fear in his eyes and chose to escape.

Han Yu didn't go after him, and went down to the depths of the swamp, inside Jiaolong's cave, and picked off the Eighth Stage Medicine. It is refined directly in the hand.

Han Yu has reached the peak of the sixth level of King Wu. The golden dragon will not resurrect, and will not break through if it absorbs too much spiritual energy. It will be swallowed by the black hole.

But Han Yu didn't care. The black hole would feed back anyway, and it would be swallowed by the black hole.

Han Yu continued on the road, and the ancient forces gradually increased, and the fighting became more fierce.


A scream ran across the sky. A disciple of the ancient forces was torn in half by a blasting ape. This explosive ape has reached the level of the seventh-order demon king.

Whether it is passing by or the people around, they all choose to sit on the sidelines.

Since stepping into the tomb of the saint, everyone has become a competitor, and no one will sympathize with others.

Han Yu avoided the Explosive Ape, a group of people met to kill him, and took a fancy to the Explosive Ape's monster core.

The core of the monster beast of the seventh-order demon king is the most precious. Used for refining, the magical effect is endless.

A few days later, Han Yu killed a few monsters, and there were three other monsters with special blood. After the golden dragon swallowed its blood, it was getting closer and closer to the resurrection.

When Han Yu passed by a cliff, he was suddenly stopped by someone.

"This place has been occupied by our Promise Hall!" A strong and arrogant voice sounded, and a young man stepped in the void, blocking Han Yu's path.

Han Yu glanced over, there were nine people in total, eight men and one woman.

"Is he Pang Xuan?" Han Yu looked at the woman. This was a woman in her early twenties with a triple cultivation base of the King of Wu.

And the one who blocked Han Yu's path was a master of Wu Wang's five layers.

"Can Pang Xuan be here?" Han Yu asked.

The other party did not recognize him. This is not a strange thing. There are hundreds of thousands of disciples in the Hall of Promise. Even if Han Yu and the Hall of Promise have an enemy, not everyone knows Han Yu.

"What's the relationship between you and Pang Xuan?" The young man frowned, he naturally knew Pang Xuan.

The people under the cliff stopped what they were doing and looked back at Xiang Han Yu. One of the young people's expression instantly stiffened and exclaimed: "Han Yu?"

The man was empty in his left sleeve, turned out to be a broken arm.

This person is Gong Shaohao.

"Brother Hao, is he the evil thief Han Yu?" A young man in the Promise Hall was furious.

"Swish swish..."

Suddenly, everyone flew toward Han Yu, and soon surrounded Han Yu, each glaring at him with murderous aura.

Han Yu glanced at Gong Shaohao and couldn't help but sneered.

Gong Shaohao was originally a genius cultivated by the Promise Hall, but in the Gobi, his arm was cut off by Han Yu, leaving irreparable wounds. After more than a year, he still stayed in the state of Wu King Sixth Layer.

Cultivation is like traveling against the current.

Although Gong Shaohao's cultivation has been maintained, the others are advancing by leaps and bounds. The former geniuses have now become ordinary people.

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