Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1180: What a lunatic

Chapter 1180

Time and space seemed to freeze at this moment, and everyone was shocked to speak.

Han Yu twisted his spear, wanting to smash the shoulder of the Promise Son. The Promise Saint Child sent both palms together, hitting Han Yu's abdomen with three palms, knocking Han Yu down and flying away. Blood was vomited in the mouth, and blood stained the sky.

Sage Son of Promise is worthy of being a leader among the younger generation, and even when he is seriously injured by Han Yu, he can also fight back against Han Yu.


The phoenix broke through the mountain and rushed over, decisively displaying a high-level mysterious power. A series of handprints quickly condensed a colorful divine phoenix, which screamed, with the potential to break through the nine days, and dived towards Han Yu.

The eyes of the divine phoenix carried an incomparably haughty color. Although they were supernatural powers, they were like the real divine beast phoenix.

If it is an ordinary person, it is absolutely difficult to stop the opponent displaying such terrible magical powers when they are injured and their footing is not stable.

However, Han Yu mastered the Dragon Killer Spear, and the advantages of the Dragon Killer Spear showed once again.

Killing the Dragon Spear is, in the final analysis, only a Tier 8 martial skill. The master of Wuwang Bazhong wants to use the eighth-order martial arts, how simple it is.

Above the spear, the golden light flourished again, and the seven-color dragon energy entangled, and the roaring sound suppressed the sound of Shenfeng's cry.

The spear was handed out and collided with Shenfeng. The **** phoenix exploded, and the golden scales and seven-color dragon energy that Han Yu grabbed also exploded.

The terrifying wind and waves hit Han Yu's body and drove him into the sky.

"I was hit by the mysterious high-level supernatural powers, this time I am crippled without dying, right?" Everyone followed to watch the battle, and they were not very optimistic about Han Yu's current situation.

But soon everyone shut up.

Far away in the sky, Han Yu stopped and stood proudly, facing the Phoenix and the other three indifferently.

Yu Qian double-killed in the front, Linglong treasure car and Han Yu smashed together crazy. Suddenly, the sound of metal switching, piercing gold and cracking stones, caused pain in the eardrums of some onlookers.

The guns and swords in Han Yu's hands are extremely sharp and hard, and as long as they hit the Linglong treasure car, they will leave a trace.

Because of the previous battle with Han Yu, the Linglong treasure car was covered with sword marks. After Yu Qianshuang went back, it took a long time to repair the Linglong treasure car to perfection, but this battle left more and more terrifying marks, some of which have reached the point of irreparability.


Han Yu slashed three swords in the same position one after another, and Linglong's treasure car was split by him. From the cracks, one could faintly see the figure sitting inside.

Yu Qianshuang was furious and urged Linglong Treasure Car with all his strength to shook Han Yu away.

"A hundred swords and a thousand kills!"

The Promise Saint Son roared and shook the sky, and the two swords used a hundred swords together.


Above the two divine swords, there was a loud noise like a big river bursting a bank at the same time, two clusters of sword lights, surging out, densely blocked to Han Yu.

The Hundred Swords and Thousand Kills performed by the Promise Saint Child is indeed several times stronger than Li Yangzhou's.

Han Yu snorted coldly, the Dragon Killer spear opened, and directly entered the sword energy vortex. With his left hand behind him, he quickly turned the sword into a disc, blocking his back door.

The front door is guarded by the Dragon Spear, and the back door is guarded by a broken sword. Even if the sword aura is endless and pervasive, it will not hurt Han Yu.

There was a splendid scene in the void, black and white sword energy surged, cyan discs revolved (formed by the movement of broken sword wheels), golden war spears were vigorously righteous, and seven-color dragon spirit was mighty and mighty.

When the two phases collided, the black and white sword qi continued to explode, and Han Yu, like a boat against the current, kept moving closer to the Wuji Sage.

The Promise Saint Child did not expect that such a large-scale bombardment such as Hundred Swords and Thousand Kills would be resisted by Han Yu, and he performed another Hundred Swords Thousand Kills.

Fenghuang and Yu Qianshuang stopped at Han Yu's wings, and did not rush to do anything.

"Boom boom boom!"

The sword qi continued to explode and flew towards Han Yu, as Fei Er was fighting the fire.

The impact of Hundred Swords and Thousand Kills is extremely terrifying, but Han Yu's Dragon Killing Spear is not bad, it is like a long arrow that breaks the surface of the water, shooting towards the Promise Saint Child.

The Promise Saint Child has seen the terrifying of the Dragon Killer Spear, which is simply a magical skill for close combat, so naturally he dared not let Han Yu get close.

"Ten thousand swords return to the clan!"

The Promise Saint Child screamed, and the turbulent sword aura gathered together in an instant, forming a sky-shaking sword light, which collided with the Dragon Killer Spear.

The sword energy condensed thousands of swordsmanship, its power is terrifying.

The Dragon Killer spear burst into pieces, but the sword energy was still there. Pushing Han Yu and flying away.

Had it not been for the purple spear that was made from the sand of the purple sky, it would be indestructible, and Han Yu would suffer a big loss this time.

Han Yu was holding the hand of the spear, his skin was directly rubbed off, blood flowed.


With a loud shout, Han Yu once again displayed the Dragon Killing Spear.


Both the Dragon Killer Spear and Jian Qi exploded, and a terrifying wave of air hit Han Yu's chest, directly smashing Han Yu's breastbone.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, Han Yu flew out and broke the tip of a snow-capped mountain, then flew several kilometers away before stopping.

If ordinary people suffer such a blow, there must be death but no life. But Han Yu, after spitting out a mouthful of blood, stood up straight again, fighting intently.

Fenghuang and Yu Qianshuang started, and they attacked and killed one by one.

After thirteen moves, the phoenix slapped Han Yu's vest, his back was broken and his five internal organs were injured.

After eighteen strokes, Han Yu was hit by Linglong Treasure Car, leaning on his side, across the sky, blood staining the void.

Although Han Yu is strong, his two fists are hard to beat six hands.


Han Yu fell from the sky and smashed down the mountain heavily, lying on the ground without moving for a long time. The three of them flew in and once again surrounded Han Yu in a triangle.

"Hand over the ancient books and spare your life!" Phoenix said, with a cold voice and an arrogant attitude.

The long sword of the Promise Saint Child dripped blood, his face showed killing intent, and he said coldly: "Today you will die!"

Yu Qianshuang said: "A person who knows the current affairs is a brilliant, don't lose your life for an ancient book!"

Her words are very obvious, as long as Han Yu handed over the ancient books, at least he would not be besieged by the three. Promise Saint Child wants to kill Han Yu alone, I am afraid it is not so easy.


Han Yu laughed and said, "I have been able to fight with the three of you so far, and still seriously injured one person. I, Han Yu, are worth it today!"

The Promise Saint Child's face trembled violently, and he was seriously injured by Han Yu.

Phoenix's eyes narrowed slightly. What does Han Yu mean? Is it really deadly for an ancient book?

Han Yu said again: "There is only one ancient book, who do I want to give it to?"

What he said at this time can be said to be extremely stupid. As long as he throws the ancient books into the sky, he can resolve his crisis.

He also said such a profound sentence, obviously not wanting to hand over the ancient books.

What a lunatic!

This is the voice of everyone, including the Promise Son.

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