Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1324: Wuya Mountain Change

Chapter 1324

Everyone got together and celebrated. After this period of recuperation, Mo must have healed, and the injuries of Hua Luo Can, Hu Badao, and Smiling Tiger have recovered a lot. Only Yin Xu has the most serious injuries and is extremely weak.

Han Yu told everyone the prediction of the old pilot. After hearing this, everyone was very excited. It is a blessing for all cultivators to meet the great world in one lifetime.

Even if Yin Xu's injury could not be healed, and no matter how hard it is to improve his cultivation base, he felt fortunate. Even if you can't be sanctified, you can experience the great world, and see the geniuses of all sides contend for the crown, it is an experience that countless people envy.

Han Yu mentioned that he was going to Wuya Mountain. The three daughters of Narcissus and Yin Shisan all said they would advance and retreat with Han Yu, but Han Yu persuaded them to stay.

Let alone how terrifying Wuya Mountain is, it is known as the Cemetery of the Death God. If you go there, you will probably not be able to get out alive. It is difficult to deal with the enemies of Han Yu alone.

After the banquet was over, everyone went back to each house, and Han Yu went to find Hualuocan. He raised questions about the jade man blowing and unwarranted, and Hua Luocan directly stopped it, and asked Han Yu not to inquire or care.

He said that only the two of them can solve the jade's blessings and unwarranted grievances, and other people's intervention will make things worse.

Hua Luocan also cited an example. The Jade Man claimed to be the fifth day thief of the Stealing Mountain Range, and it is unnecessary to have a friend of the Stealing Mountain Range, but no one can manage the grievances between them.

Many sky pirates cannot be resolved, how can Han Yu resolve it?

In the end, Han Yu had no choice but to give up. In the following days, he would go to the little old man's weapon shop to listen to the little old man's iron.

Han Yu gained a huge harvest. After a few days, the entire right hand was completely immersed in the Dao. Together with the right back pipa bone, it can be stretched and shortened. Emperor Wu's first level of cultivation can reach Dzogchen, and he can attack the second level of Emperor Wu.

The realm of Emperor Wu is a process of entering Taoism physically. First limbs, then five internal organs, a total of nine layers.

Wuhuang Erzhong is a process of entering Dao with the left hand.

After a few days, Han Yu and the little old man became familiar with each other day by day. The little old man was a very refreshing person. He was full of praise for Han Yu's wine, and he was not at all polite. Ask Han Yu if he wants to drink it.

Han Yu poured a pot to the little old man and asked the little old man's wishes by the way. He wanted his relatives and friends to stay here for a while.

The little old man was very polite, saying that as long as Han Yu's relatives and friends don't dislike the shabby here, they can come anytime and stay for as long as possible. This made Han Yu so happy that he took Narcissus and the others over that day.

When I came here, I happened to encounter the little old man hitting the iron, and the sound of the iron was bursting. After listening to it, it was better than Yin Xu. After hearing it, they all shouted magical and respected the little old man.

Although it is dilapidated here, it excites them more than the **** palace. Every day as soon as the old man started to strike the iron, everyone would come to sit cross-legged on the grass outside the shop, listening to the rhyme of the iron strike. Yin Xu has gained a lot from this rhyme, let alone other people.

Everyone is guarded by the little old man here, so Han Yu is relieved and decides to leave for Wuya Mountain.

In the past few days, a large number of masters from all over the world have rushed to Wuyashan, not knowing what happened.

Han Yu has heard that in the prediction of the celestial pilot, the question of who can become holy is also involved. The celestial pilot bluntly said: "The arrogance of the sky is fighting for the best, and the heroes are fighting for the best, there is only one!"

This means that there is only one person who can be sanctified in the great world. This is even more difficult to wait. Whoever gets the chance of sanctification first has the initiative.

And the old celestial pilot also said that there will be experts from outside the territory.

In other words, the masters in the world parallel to the Kun world will also come to the Kun world to compete with the people in the Kun world for the opportunity of sanctification, which makes everyone feel a lot of pressure.

In the past few days, some people have begun to attack Wuya Mountain, but the news that came back was shocking.

An old man in the Zhao family who was about to sit down suddenly fell to the ground a hundred meters away from Wuya Mountain, and did not get up again; an elder master at the Holy Master level in Wuliang Holy Land, following the old man of the Zhao family, just like the old man, after falling He died.

Various martial arts have figures who are about to be sitting down into Wuyashan for the last time. But after a few days, there were more than twenty people in it, and no one could get close to Wuya Mountain.

Just when many masters began to retreat, there was a sudden loud noise from the depths of Wuya Mountain, and then a ray of blue light rushed to the nine-day clouds, and a white lotus appeared in the light curtain, and the lotus was swaying. About to bloom.

Everyone outside Wuyashan could smell the fragrance of lotus, refreshing.

The lotus phantom and fragrance quickly disappeared, but it caused an uproar. Many people have seen that this is a sign that the holy medicine is about to mature. Only the holy medicine-level treasure can form such a vision when it matures.

Everyone can't calm down anymore. Wuya Mountain has holy medicine and an opportunity for sanctification. This is not the prediction of the old sky pilot, but everyone has seen it with their own eyes.

Han Yu and the others also saw the lotus phantom, and they were all dumbfounded, as strong as the little old man, they were all amazed.

The little old man affirmed that the phantom was a vision that the holy medicine was about to mature. He also said that there will definitely be a vision that will form until the holy medicine matures.

Han Yu and the others are not calm anymore, wishing to fly into Wuya Mountain to pick the holy medicine. But a word from the little old man froze everyone's excitement.

"Even if there is holy medicine in Wuya Mountain, who can go in and pick it?"

Han Yu encouraged the little old man to go on the road to Wuya Mountain, but the little old man remained unmoved. In the end, Han Yu went on the road alone, and the others stayed with the little old man.

Although the little old man warned that if you want to enter Wuyashan, you should bring the girl, but Han Yu has not yet determined whether to enter, and temporarily does not want to take the girl to risk.

The people in Wuyacheng were all alarmed and gushing out of Wuyacheng like a tide, heading north.

It didn't take long before I could see a row of black mountains rising from the ground like a wall of the world on the distant horizon, hundreds of kilometers apart, they seemed to shock people and felt extremely depressed.

Wuyashan is not a mountain, but mountains. From the outside, the nine mountains are uneven, some are majestic and some are taller than the sky, but no matter what shape the mountains are, they are as dark as ink, if they are magical.

Ten miles away from Wuya Mountain, densely packed people had already gathered, and almost all the people who had gone to Shenji Mountain to observe the predictions of the old celestial machine were here.

You can also see that within ten miles of Wuya Mountain, there are some corpses lying, some are only bones, some are beginning to rot, and some clothes are still new.

There is no wind here, it seems that the wind blows here, and they all go around automatically, unable to bear the depressive breath here.

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