Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1332: Killer

Chapter 1332

Feng Kunxiang, who was in a gentle mood, couldn't help but scold Han Yu secretly for not knowing the so-called, and overpowering. In a rage, stepped aside.

Han Yu used all his mighty steps and ran towards Wuya Mountain.

Everyone was in a daze. They thought that Han Yu was going to fight with Su Yuan in a daze, but he turned around and ran away.

"Even if he escapes, can he escape the palm of Wu Huang Jiuzhong's master?" Countless people shook their heads, Han Yu was digging his own grave.

Su Yuan yelled, with long hair flying, strode to catch up with Han Yu, and soon chased behind Han Yu, and took a picture of him.

Qin Le, Ye Xunhua and others instantly raised their hearts to their throats. At this moment, who can save Han Yu.

Han Yu turned around and blasted Su Yuan's palm with a punch without hesitation.

"He may shake the tree!" Countless people sighed. Even if Han Yu's combat power was against the sky, how could he be Su Yuan's opponent.

Su Yuan originally wanted to transform into a palm world, but found that his vitality could not be used at all, only to wake up and he had entered the ten-mile range of Wuya Mountain. But without fear, with his cultivation base, no matter how deep he goes, nothing will happen.

At this time, the light of the little beast tooth that Han Yu was wearing on his neck became a bit stronger, causing Su Yuan's eyes to shine.


Han Yu’s fist and Su Yuan’s palm slammed together, and the contemptuous color on Su Yuan’s face instantly solidified, and a strong force flooded his arm like a flood, making his entire arm numb instantly, and his feet could not help but Yes, backed away.

Han Yu sneered, and slammed his feet, like a leopard, and his fists bombarded out like a storm.

"Papa Papa..."

In a twinkling of an eye, the two shook more than ten blows, and Su Yuan was beaten staggering backwards, and some of them could not withstand Han Yu's offensive.

"Wu Huang Jiuzhong's powerhouse was actually crushed and beaten by Han Yu, how could this be possible, did I read it wrong?" Unbelievable countless people, many people began to rub their eyes, thinking that they were wrong.

"The ten-mile range of Wuya Mountain can suppress the cultivation base. Anyone can instantly degenerate into an ordinary person, and can only exert the power of the flesh!" An old master explained the reason.

Feng Kunxiang's expression became uncertain, and he stared at Han Yu blankly. Now he finally knew why Han Yu was so arrogant.

"The master of Wu Huang's ninth layer, his limbs and five internal organs have already entered the Dao, and his physical body has become terrifying, and he can't compare with Han Yu?"

"Han Yu is a Heaven-swallowing Demon, and his physical body is comparable to the divine beast, the White Tiger!"

As everyone spoke, a stream of blood surged like a jet of water, Su Yuan screamed, and Han Yu's left hand was abruptly torn off by Han Yu.

"Roar!" The orange dragon inside Han Yu roared.

A ray of blood evolved from Su Yuan's blood, rushed into Han Yu's body, and was swallowed by the orange dragon.

Everyone was in speechless shock, and no one noticed the scene that quickly dissipated.

Su Yuan's face turned pale in an instant, a look of horror appeared in his eyes, and there was no courage to continue fighting, and he hurried away. As long as he leaves the range of ten miles, Han Yu is not his enemy at all.

How could Han Yu give Su Yuan a chance to catch up with Su Yuan, stepped on Su Yuan's calf from behind, stepped on Su Yuan and fell to his knees, causing a comminuted fracture of the calf bone.

"Ah, little thief Han Yu, the old man can't spare you!" Su Yuan shouted, the pain of broken bones was unbearable.

"Hmph, next life!" Han Yu's voice was like a Su Ming song from Jiuyou Hell, and Su Yuan's soul trembled with fright.


Han Yu stepped on again and broke Su Yuan's right foot. It was stronger than Su Yuan, unable to use his vitality. At this time, he also became disabled and could not move.

Han Yu walked around in front of Su Yuan and kicked him on Su Yuan's chest. Su Yuan's body was thrown high like a sandbag, and then hit the ground again, his breastbone shattered.

Up to now, many people are still stunned, a strong man of Wuhuang Jiuzhong was crushed and beaten by a weak man of Wuhuang No.1, and there was no way to fight back!

"Boom boom boom..."

Han Yu didn't mean to stop at all, and strode towards Su Yuan.

"Old thief, you are still a master of Wu Huang Jiuzhong, I am ashamed to attack me!" Han Yu's expression was cold and murderous in his eyes.

He has a lot of enemies, but the ones that make Han Yu want to kill the most quickly are the people from the Tianshu Holy Land!

"Little thief, if you have the ability to fight outside, I will press you to death with one finger!" Su Yuan roared, with a disheveled hair, there is no such thing as a master.

"No matter where you are, I kill you like a dog!" Han Yu shouted.

Su Yuan was so angry that he vomited blood, and his fame was ruined today.


More than a dozen people rushed in, all from Tianshu Holy Land.

Han Yu didn't give them a chance to save Su Yuan at all, and quickly rushed to the side of Su Yuan, and stepped Su Yuan under his feet.

"Stop the thief!" an old man shouted at Tianshu Holy Land.


Han Yu snorted heavily, with a violent force under his feet, he directly crushed Su Yuan's chest, his heart exploded, blood rushed out, and a blood gas was transformed into Han Yu's body. It was Su Yuan's blood origin gas.

A master of Wu Huang Jiuzhong was killed by Han Yu so easily.

Su Yuan's eyes were staring like fish-eyes. He never thought that he would die in Han Yu's hands.

"Ah!" the people of Tianshu Holy Land shouted, rushing to Han Yu frantically. Someone wanted to take out the weapon, but found that the Universe Bag was useless, and the magic weapon hidden in the flesh and blood could not be taken out. This is a very strange feeling.

"Kill!" Han Yu shouted, strode towards the people of Tianshu Holy Land, and even three or four feet away, Han Yu jumped up and kicked a martial emperor's quadruple master's chest. Above.

"Ah!" the man screamed, his body flew out and hit the ground, his chest shattered and he was dying.


The original Qi of his blood floated slowly from the wound and drifted towards Han Yu.

"Swallowing the origin of blood!" Many people suddenly went cold from head to toe. The origin of blood is a person's talent. If deprived, immortality is more uncomfortable than death.


A powerful man of Wuhuang Sixth Layer was blown to the head with a punch by Han Yu, blood and brains flew all over.

Everyone was stunned. The current Han Yu is completely a killer, depriving others of their lives with bare hands, which is harder than harvesting vegetables.

The formation of Tianshu Holy Land was instantly disrupted. The young people were trembling with fright, and had no courage to fight on.


There was another scream, and Han Yu cheated on the shoulders of a young man with a heavy weight. The young man flew out and hit the ground, directly turning into a pile of flesh and blood, which was terrible.

People below Wu Huang's triple level are not at all an enemy of Han Yu.

Han Yu walked in blood in the crowd. He only attacked, not defended. The strong man who resisted Wu Huang's eightfold four punches was unscathed, but he only used three punches to break the opponent's chest, then his left hand held the opponent's right shoulder, and his right hand held the opponent's left shoulder, making a violent effort. The strong man of Wuhuang Bae was torn in half by him.

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