Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1342: Skeleton at the bottom of the lake

Chapter 1342

The young generation of Xiling is fighting more fiercely than imagined.

Just when the "Xilai Three Immortals" were in the midst of the sky, a group claiming to be "perverted brothers" turned out to kill people from the Zhao Family, Shenji Palace, Blessed Holy Land, Tianshu Holy Land, and Bright Holy Land.

Later, people gradually became aware that these "perverted brothers" were Sun Dahou and Sun Dabao, who had both formed "perverted duo" with Han Yu.

The combat power of the two can be called metamorphosis.

In Wuya Mountain, Han Yu had a miserable life. For a year and a half, he was healing most of the time. If it weren't for a cultivator of his level, he would have starved to death without eating food for a long time.

Without the white dragon to travel, Han Yu can be said to be difficult to walk in Wuya Mountain.

He did not find the old madman, nor did he find the Yujing Buddha Lotus, he had already aroused the heart to retreat. But after going deep into Wuyashan, it is difficult to retreat.

Attacked by a strange tree again, Han Yu dragged his wounded body and barely escaped. At this time, he was lying on a large rock and gasping for breath.

Looking at the sun in the sky, Han Yu's eyes were black, and he was almost desperate.

He had never been so helpless in the underworld that day.

Wuya Mountain is full of strange and weird monsters, and if you accidentally step into it, it is a desperate struggle. Han Yu ran to the west, and he didn't know where he was in Wuyashan now.

Han Yu has been lying down for half a month. He can't do anything, he can only rely on the blue dragon to heal his injuries. The wounds on his body stammered before he got up again and continued to travel south.

He can only identify one direction now and keep going.

Over the hillside, there is a steep, straight wall ahead, as smooth as a knife, as if mosquitoes are going to slide down. Han Yu was relieved. The more dangerous the terrain, the safest place.

Han Yu walked under the cliff and inserted his fingers into the cliff. The hard rock was like tofu in Han Yu's hand, and then Han Yu climbed up with his bare hands.

It didn't take long to climb to the top of the cliff, standing on the top of the mountain, you can see far around. There are black mountains with invisible sides all around.

Suddenly, a lake on the opposite mountainside attracted Han Yu's attention. The lake was full of lotus flowers, colorful, like a picture scroll. In this lifeless mountain without cliffs, there is simply an alternative existence.

Han Yu's heart moved: "Could it be that Yujing Buddha Lotus is here?"

Han Yu's blood boiled quietly, if he hit him by mistake, it would be God's favor. He took a deep breath, suppressed the turmoil in his heart, and went down the mountain slowly.

If it is in other places, Han Yu will fly over directly and will soon reach the opposite lake, but here, he has to go down and up the mountain carefully.

Fortunately, Han Yu went down to the foot of the mountain without encountering danger, and then he continued to climb the mountain. One hour later, I reached the opposite side of the mountain, not far from the lake.

Han Yu entered the marshland, seeing that the water was not deep, he stepped directly in. Without taking a few steps, suddenly his body began to sink involuntarily. The harder his feet were, the faster his sinking.

Han Yu has the urge to scold the sky. In this flightless environment, this is a dead end.

Fortunately, Han Yu encountered a lot of dangers during this period. He had practiced early and had the will to stay calm, and suddenly Han Yu thought of a solution. With a thought, the orange dragon appeared, dived into the swamp, escaped underground, supported Han Yu's feet with his back, so that Han Yu would no longer sink.

Then the orange dragon rose, and Han Yu was lifted up.

The orange dragon walking in the mud, carrying Han Yu forward. Although the swamp has the power to sink, it is not a problem at all for the orange dragon who has the earth cover spell.

The aura here is much richer than other places, and the further you go, the stronger the aura, which makes Han Yu more energetic.

After a period of swamp, entering the lake, you can see the lotus in the lake, one plant next to each other, one more charming than the other. The surrounding aura is more concentrated, and you can smell a faint fragrance.

There are some strange-shaped stones standing up by the lake, and some plants with teeth and claws are growing, which looks quite gloomy.

"If the Yujing Buddha Lotus is really here, then I have to be careful. The holy medicine is spiritual and cannot be disturbed."

Han Yu quietly released the black dragon, the black dragon wrapped around him, making him walk on the ground as if walking in the lake. In order to prevent other dangers, Han Yu didn't take the orange dragon into his body and let it entangle himself.

The black dragon took Han Yu out of the water. There was no sound or waves, and Han Yu soon arrived at the lotus position. There can be tens of thousands of lotus flowers here, and there are all kinds of flowers.

Some lotus flowers are only the size of a fist, while others are as big as a washbasin, so anyone can stand on it.

Although the Jade Jing Buddha Lotus was white, Han Yu never let go of any kind of flowers, and carefully observed them one by one.

The holy medicine is spiritual, not only can run away, but also disguise. With so many lotus flowers, it is difficult to tell at a glance which one is the Jade Jing Buddha lotus.

He walked quietly among the lotus, every time he encountered a lotus, he must carefully observe the petals and stems, and sniff the smell.

Although the holy medicine can be disguised, careful observation can also reveal clues.

Han Yu takes more than ten minutes to observe each flower. He is not in a hurry now, and can take his time. I would rather spend more time than make mistakes.

When Han Yu arrived in front of the tenth lotus, something suddenly happened.

A hand stretched out in the water, grabbing Han Yu's left ankle, and pulling it into the water forcefully.

"What the **** is this?" Han Yu was taken aback, and when he looked down, it turned out that it was a hand with only bones left on his ankle. This hand came out from the mud at the bottom of the lake, very strange.

The lake was not too deep. Soon Han Yu fell to the bottom of the lake, and the skeleton pulled him into the mud.


Han Yu snorted heavily and kicked the skeleton hand with his right foot.


With a sound like metal switching, the skeleton hand was not damaged.

With a move of Han Yu's heart, the orange dragon rushed to the ground, turned the river and the sea for a while, and threw the monster in the dark. This was a skeleton with two groups of weird green lights shining in his eyes.

He made a strange cry and hit Han Yu with a palm.

Han Yu's eyes were quick, his fingers inserted into the skull's eyes and shattered two green fires. The green fire went out, and the skeleton instantly lost its vitality. He released Han Yu's hand and fell to the bottom of the lake.

"Puff puff……"

At this moment, the surrounding silt exploded one after another, and one skeleton after another emerged from the bottom of the lake, and soon there were thirty or forty.

Han Yu saw his scalp numb, and a skeleton could accurately smash the soul fire in his eyes and make it perish, but how to deal with so many skeletons? Without even thinking about it, let the black dragon take him away quickly.

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