Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1431: Nine Dragon Arch Beads

Chapter 1431 Nine Dragon Arch Beads

Fenglang rushed towards Han Yu's gaze, and quietly changed. At Han Yu's age, he has achieved the achievement of the Sanyuan Earth Discharger, which is a rare existence in the history of the Feng Clan.

Feng Lang Chong became a land unloader at the age of twenty-two, and reached the level of a two-yuan land unloader at the age of twenty-six. They are all known as the geniuses of the Wind Clan that have been rare in a thousand years, but compared with Han Yu, they seem mediocre.

"Brother Han is really a talent!" Feng Lang Chong couldn't help but thumbed up and said, now he was convinced of Han Yu.

The wind and waves suddenly became a little guilty. Thinking about his rude words in Qitian League that day, he felt a sense of fear.

Yuan Cheng sighed again and again in his heart. It was not a wise move for Guangming Holy Land to become enemies with Han Yu. Suddenly, his mind began to liven up. It would be a great thing if Han Yu and Guangming Sacred Land's grievances could be resolved through this cooperation.

"Friend Daoist Han, what shall we do next?" Yuan Cheng looked at Han Yu and asked, pretending to be Han Yu's head. The storm, the storm, Lu Haoyan and Xu Xing also looked at Han Yu.

Quietly, Han Yu became the backbone of this group of people.

"The stuff buried below should have been disturbed before evolving into illusion killing. Our next actions must be very careful not to disturb the things below!" Han Yu said.

"Brother Han is right. We still don't know what that thing is, and we can't act rashly. First find the position of the thing carefully and then think of a solution." Feng Lang rushed.

He is a conceited person, but Han Yu conquered him with strength.

Han Yu proposed to divide into two groups of people to start searching. The storm, the storm, and Yuan Cheng were together, and Han Yu led Lu Haoyan and Xu Xing to start searching from different directions.

To be on the safe side, Han Yu didn't put the Black God away and let the Black God follow him. As long as he encountered danger, he could enter the Black God Niwan Palace at any time.

Han Yu and the others flew at a height of about ten feet above the ground, exploring the way with the power of their souls, looking for them inch by inch.

They made no sound when they flew, and they communicated through sound transmission. Inside the deep well, it was extremely quiet.

When using the power of the soul to detect, Han Yu and the others ran into trouble. The underground is full of superb quality spirit jade, which contains terrifying energy. The power of the soul can only reach a distance of about three feet before being blocked, and cannot go deeper. This is a huge trouble for exploring the underground situation.

"Brother Han, the power of the soul can't go deep into the ground, what can we do? The thing will not be buried too shallow." Lu Haoyan transmitted to Han Yu.

"Explore the environment first, and then think of a solution after meeting them!" Han Yu transmitted to Lu Haoyan.

Half an hour later, they met Fenglangchong and others, and Fenglangchong encountered the same problem as Han Yu and others.

"There are two methods to detect the underground. One is to use the mountain-moving pattern to directly move the mountain and unload the ground; the other is to determine the location of the thing by feng shui pattern. We cannot be sure before that thing. You can't use the shifting mountain array pattern, you can only set Feng Shui." Feng Lang rushed.

"What do I need to do?" Lu Haoyan asked.

"Brother Han, what would you do?" Fenglang rushed towards Han Yu and asked sincerely.

"I'm not very good at Ding Feng Shui, you should come to Chong brother." Han Yu said calmly.

Feng Lang nodded, and said: "The world's feng shui is ever-changing at any time. Nowhere is feng shui constant. In our Qi Tian master, there are special methods for determining feng shui. Among them, the most frequently used are star feng shui and nine palaces. Feng Shui. Star Feng Shui is mainly based on the trajectory of the stars in the sky to determine Feng Shui. Between the universe and the stars and dragon veins, there is a continuous continuity; Jiugong Feng Shui uses the pattern of nine palaces to detect Feng Shui, and the entire earth It can be contained in the Nine Houses, and any place is also within the Nine Houses. We can't see the stars here, so we can only use the Jiugong Fengshui to determine the Feng Shui here."

Han Yu, Lu Haoyan, and Xu Xing all listened carefully.

At this moment, the difference between the orthodox Qitian Master and the unorthodox Qitian Master is undoubtedly revealed. The non-orthodox Qitian Master mainly studies the exploration of ancient tombs and cloth large arrays. The Feng Clan is the orthodox of Qi Tianshi, who has studied the methods of setting Fengshui and locking dragon veins from a young age.

Although these two methods have the lowest requirements for Qi Tianshi, Xiling Lishi can determine Feng Shui, and Xiling Master can lock the dragon veins. But for in-depth research, the rest have no such resources at all.

The methods that Han Yu, Lu Haoyan, and Xu X have mastered to fix Fengshui and lock dragon veins are extremely superficial.

Han Yu's ancestors are considered as orthodox Qi Tianshi, but he didn't learn much.

"Brother Han, I need you to help me!" Feng Lang rushed. Now he showed extraordinary knowledge, but he didn't stand in front of Han Yu anymore.

"What you need to do, you can do it." Han Yu said.

"Let's go up there first!" Feng Lang Chong took the lead to fly upwards, followed by Han Yu and others. They flew into the 10,000-meter-high void, before they flew out of the deep well, the wind and waves stopped, and they began to arrange the sky-opening eye array in the void.

This time, it took the wind and waves three days to set up a sky-opening eye formation, which was much more powerful than the one he had set up before.

Through the sky-opening eye array, everyone can clearly see everything at the bottom of the deep well, and can even penetrate hundreds of meters above the ground.

Han Yu secretly remembered some of the formation patterns carved by the wind and waves in his heart. Under this special illusion, this sky-opening eye formation is better than the power of the soul, and it will definitely be of great use in the future.

However, the wind and waves used to engrave the formation patterns very quickly, and even Han Yu's eyesight could not be remembered.

Feng Lang saw Han Yu's thoughts and smiled: "Brother Han, if we have the opportunity in the future, we can discuss the formation patterns."

Han Yu nodded and said: "Yes."

As we get along, Han Yu also has some understanding of wind and waves. Wind and waves are not bad in nature, but the disadvantage is that they like reputation and power too much.

The wind and waves rushed through the sky through the eyes and looked at the ground carefully.

The underground is full of superb quality spirit jade, the aura forms like a serpent, and it shuttles through the ground like a dragon vein. You can faintly see their phantoms through the sky-opening eye array.

"It's really a unique and excellent treasure place, you see, this is the shape of a Nine Dragon Arch beads." Feng Lang Chong pointed to the Tongtian Eye Array.

Everyone followed his gestures and saw the nine lifelike dragons guarding Yizhu. These nine dragons are not constant, their shapes and positions are changing at any time.

Nine Dragon Arches, this is the top ten treasure in Feng Shui.

"That thing must be where the'bead' is. As long as the nine dragons are anchored, the feng shui here will not change for the time being. We can deal with the bead wholeheartedly. I have a feng shui dragon spear here. Brother Han, follow me. By inserting the Feng Shui dragon spear into the ground, the nine dragons can be anchored." Feng Lang rushed.

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