Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1437: Same root

Chapter 1437

"Don't worry, it's half done now. As long as we can get our fingers, we have a chance." Han Yu let the storm rush into silence.

Han Yu felt more and more that the four elders were very familiar with that finger, otherwise it would be impossible to be so urgent and cautious.

This shows that they are afraid of that finger.

As long as Han Yu can get that finger, it is equivalent to mastering a big killer.

"It seems that this is the only way." Fenglang rushed.

The two rested for half a day, and then began to act again.

They can dig away the underground spirit jade, and dig the spirit jade suspended in the formation, it is much simpler.

Of course, although simple, Han Yu and Feng Lang Chong are more cautious. The closer you are to your fingers, the more you have to be cautious, because your fingers will be more sensitive to changes in the surrounding environment, and a slight difference may be overwhelming.

Han Yu controls the Liuhe Bahuang Magic Array, while Fenglang Chong controls the Yishan Array Pattern, stripping the spirit jade from the ball bit by bit. Every time it is stripped, Han Yu will use the formation method to evolve the same environment to fill.

Ling jade is generally peeled off the shell, peeling off layer by layer. When about half of it was peeled off, the blood squirming speed suddenly became faster. Han Yu and Feng Langchong were both shocked and hurriedly stopped.

The two of them stared at the ball, unknowingly, there was already cold sweat on their foreheads!

The illusion that this finger derives can make Half-Holy cowardly, and its power is unimaginable.

After the blood squirmed for a while, it gradually subsided.

"Huh!" Han Yu and Feng Lang let out a long sigh of relief, and the four elders were all relieved.

"I was not careful just now, and the force was used a little bit too much!" Feng Lang Chong said somewhat self-blaming.

"It's okay, rest for a while and then do it." Han Yu patted the stormy shoulder.

The two went to the side and sat down cross-legged and began to adjust their breath. Now the old man in white is not urging anymore, Han Yu rests as long as they like.

"Brother Han, I don't think we can peel off those spirit jade and take out our fingers. Now we are still more than 30 feet away from our fingers. With such a small amount of power, the fingers will be alarmed. Wouldn't it be more sensitive if we get closer?" Han Yu Chuanyin, a little worried.

"Yes, we must leave here when we can't grasp it!" Han Yu said.

"Or let's try, hit the ball at them while they are not paying attention, and then take the opportunity to escape. Even if the fingers inside have to react, I am afraid it will take a while. The four people dare not make big moves, that is our chance. "The wind and waves rushed. This is the countermeasure he has been thinking about, and it is also the way he thinks is the most likely way to escape.

"This is too risky. None of us knows how powerful the finger will be and how long the reaction time will be. The finger reaction time is slow. The four elders have time to intercept us, and the finger reaction time is too fast. We can't escape ourselves." Han Yu said cautiously.

"But, besides this desperate fight, do we have other ways now?" Fenglang Chong looked extremely pessimistic.

"I felt a familiar breath on that finger, I think I can control that finger!" Han Yu hesitated.

"Huh?" Fenglang's eyes widened, but soon he returned to normal, but the stormy sea turned up in his heart, and the incredible voice transmission asked: "Do you know the owner of that finger?"

Han Yu said: "I don't know, but I may have been in contact with the person who cut off that finger."

There was a ray of black air on the wound on the finger. Han Yu judged that the black air was left by the person who cut off the finger, and had a pressing effect on the finger. Han Yu felt familiar when he first saw this black air.

Now that he is close to the finger, he can already sense the black breath, he has touched similar things before.

This black aura was consistent with the black epee aura that Han Yu had seen in the Haotianzong Heavenly Scar in the past. Han Yu was almost certain that this finger was the black sword's owner, who chopped it off with the black sword. The terrifying aura of the black sword still remained on this finger.

This was not what surprised Han Yu the most. The black qi actually resonated with the black qi in Han Yu's body, as if it originated in the same vein as the black qi in Han Yu's body.

This is an astonishing discovery. If Han Yu's feelings are not bad, then in all likelihood this ray of black energy also originates from the Sky-Swallowing Demon, and the owner of the Black Sword is a Sky-Swallowing Demon.

Back then, when Han Yu first came into contact with that black sword, he was almost sucked into dried meat by the black sword. The black sword possessed terrifying devouring power, just like a heaven-swallowing monster. But then the black hole in Han Yu's body broke out and he sucked his lost vitality back from the black sword.

In the past, Han Yu thought that the black hole was powerful and defeated the black sword. But now it seems that Black Sword should have recognized that he is the Sky Swallowing Demon, so it didn't hurt him.

If these guesses are correct, Han Yu can use the power of the source to control the black air on his fingers, let the black pressure hold his fingers, and he can take the fingers into his hands.

Of course, Han Yu is not too sure now, he has to peel off some more spiritual jade and feel it carefully.

Han Yu didn't tell Fenglangchong about these things, but now Han Yu is the first to see the wind and waves, and Han Yu just does it.

The two of them rested almost, and continued to do their hands. When they were separated to a distance of about twenty feet away from their fingers, Han Yu was able to clearly sense the black breath. He allowed his original power to quietly control the black qi through the spirit jade shell. The black qi was a bit resistant at first, but gradually, it was able to move with Han Yu's heart.

The wind and waves rushed, and the four elders could only see the squirming blood, and could not see the fingers and the black energy, so they didn't find Han Yu secretly communicating with the black energy.

After a short trial, Han Yu has confirmed that this black qi is of the same origin as him, and that the owner of the black sword is the Heaven-swallowing Demon Body.

Han Yu stopped the wind and waves and looked at the white-clothed old man and said, "Now that we have reached the final critical moment, we can take out the thing, but you have to make sure that after taking it out, let us go."

The white-clothed old man was overjoyed and said, "The old man is hard to chase after a word."

Han Yu nodded, erased the mark on the black god, looked at Fenglang and rushed: "Brother Chong, you are in charge of the black god, if they dare to shame, just do it."

Feng Lang Chong was a little excited, but this was a war slave who was comparable to a half-sage, controlling the killing, how fun it was. Nodding excitedly, he was about to drop his blood to recognize the Lord, but was stopped by the white-clothed old man, staring at Han Yu and said, "Do you still believe what the old man said?"

Han Yu stared straight at the white-clothed old man, and said: "Although the black **** is powerful, but can't kill your encirclement, what are you afraid of? We do this, just save ourselves some cards. If you dare to cheat, we will be the first time Control the Black God’s attack on that thing, and then we will be dead. If you keep your promise and let us leave, nothing will happen. You stop it now, don’t you even think about letting us leave alive?"

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