Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1447: The power of inheritance

Chapter 1447 the power of inheritance

There has always been a mysterious power under the area of ​​Phoenix City and Phoenix Mountain that are thousands of miles away. There are many legends about this power in Wuzhou. Two of the most recognized theories are that this underground is the tomb of the phoenix beast, and this power is transformed by the corpse of the phoenix; the other is that this is the place where the phoenix falls, and this power is transformed by the phoenix's remaining power.

No matter what kind of statement it is, it is related to the sacred beast Phoenix.

This power was silent for ten thousand years in the ground. Before the appearance of the finger of God, this power erupted, and then as the finger of God was suppressed, the power disappeared. I did not expect it to erupt again this time, and it was an unprecedented explosion. .

Slaughter Station is like a vent, the underground force is like a violent wind, all gushing from Slaughter Station.

There is a sacred and incomparable coercion, as if the emperor was born, let all things admire and surrender.

The men, women and children of the Feng clan suddenly felt a sense of shock and intimacy from the depths of the bloodline, and the power of the Phoenix bloodline lurking in the depths of the flesh became stronger than ever.


A red wave of air spewed out from the ground, forming a terrifying tornado, reaching into the sky, as if to rush into the clouds, smashing the stars in the deep space of the universe.

Outside Phoenix Mountain, the countless people who came to Phoenix Mountain to look for opportunities for sanctification were stunned. They all flew up in the air, not daring to stand on the ground, as if the whole earth was about to turn over.

The huge tornado enveloped the Slaughter Immortal Aurora, and no one knew whether the Phoenix was alive or dead.

Han Yu was scared and hurriedly backed away. The terrifying tornado gave him a feeling that everything was not destroyed. If he entered with his cultivation base, he might be shattered instantly.

"Has the ancestors been resurrected?" An elder of the Feng clan trembled with excitement watching the terrifying tornado.

The people of the Feng clan knew best where the underground power came from. It was the ancestor of the Feng clan, the sacred beast Phoenix had been immersed in the underground for a lifetime.

"The ancestor has fallen, it is impossible to resurrect, it was some kind of force that brought it out!" An old man of the Feng clan trembled.

"It's the Phoenix. She shocked the ancestor's power and got the ancestor's approval. The ancestor is going to pass on to the Phoenix!" Feng Wubian exclaimed.

In this remark, the masters of the Feng clan were all moved.

The underground power contains the lifelong cultivation base of the ancestors of the Phoenix clan. If the Phoenix is ​​fully inherited, wouldn't it be necessary to create another great emperor?


The colorful wonderful fan appeared, and a fire phoenix burst out, flying around the tornado and screaming, appearing unusually excited.

This power was transformed by the lifelong cultivation of the ancestors of the Feng clan, and this colorful fan was refined by the ancestors of the Feng clan with his own feathers.

The huge tornado began to burn, turning into a terrifying flame, burning down the sky, but to Han Yu's surprise, there was nothing in Phoenix. Whether it's a colorful fan or that force, it intentionally protects Phoenix.

The people of the Feng clan knelt down and worshipped the colorful fan and the tornado, as if they had seen their ancestors. Some elderly people are even more tearful and indescribable.

All the underground power was drawn out and injected into the tornado. The tornado began to condense, and finally turned into a watermelon-sized fireball. Within the fireball, the phantom of a divine beast, the phoenix, could be vaguely seen. The world is majestic and majestic.

The fireball is not big, but it exudes an unusually frightening atmosphere. Han Yu had no doubt that if this fireball exploded, at least the southern part of Xiling would suddenly plunge into the boundless sea of ​​fire.

The fire phoenix turned into a colorful fan, screamed excitedly around the fireball.


Suddenly, the Lianxian Aurora exploded, and a colorful divine phoenix rushed out.

This phoenix looks exactly the same as the fire phoenix formed by a colorful fan and the phantom of the phoenix in the fireball. The only difference is that the former is real, and the latter two are imaginary.

This extremely beautiful divine phoenix is ​​the phoenix of the phoenix clan.

Feng Wubian was so excited that he was about to scream, and the Phoenix successfully performed the Phoenix Nirvana technique, and the power of the bloodline was fully recovered and transformed into a real beast.

It was precisely because the power of the Phoenix's bloodline was completely restored that it was recognized by the underground power.

The phoenix stared at the fireball intently, and the phantom of the phoenix inside the fireball stared at the phoenix intently.

The two are obviously communicating, and the Phoenix phantom is evaluating Phoenix.

In about a cup of tea, the phoenix phantom in the fireball nodded, and then dissipated. The fireball turned into a light and hit the phoenix.

An extremely brilliant red light flashed out, and it was fleeting. The fireball disappeared without a trace in the next moment, and the Phoenix looked up and croaked, both painful and excited.


A terrifying flame suddenly ignited on Phoenix, and a powerful breath swept out, causing many people to palpitate.

The elders of the Feng clan were all so excited that their eyes were red. Phoenix is ​​inherited from the ancestors of the Phoenix clan.

The breath of Phoenix began to soar rapidly.

From Wu Huang San Zhong to Wu Huang Si Zhong in a blink of an eye, from Wu Huang Si Zhong to Wu Huang Si Zhong quickly soaring...

In less than a stick of incense, Phoenix turned into a supreme powerhouse at the pinnacle of Martial Emperor. Under the coercion of the supreme emperor, Qiang Wu Bian felt extremely depressed.

Although Feng Bianbian's cultivation base was higher than the current Phoenix, the Phoenix, who was transformed into a purebred beast, had reached an extremely terrifying state of power. As strong as the phoenix, I'm afraid they are not her opponents.

Han Yu looked stunned and sighed that this is the power of inheritance.

Han Yu's cultivation speed is fast enough, but compared with the inherited Phoenix, it is really not worth mentioning.

The people of the Feng clan began to bow to the Phoenix. Today's phoenix truly incarnates into the **** of the phoenix clan!

Phoenix's breath finally stopped, and that terrifying power was sealed in her Niwan Palace by itself.

With the terrible power, it was enough to recreate a powerful emperor, but the phoenix itself was not enough to withstand that energy, so that energy helped the phoenix soar in one fell swoop to the limit of cultivation that the physical body can withstand at this stage, and sealed it on its own. Waiting for Phoenix to open the seal step by step.

Phoenix turned around, his eyes swept over everyone present, and the senior officials of the Feng clan looked at each other, and finally turned to Han Yu.

A smile appeared in a pair of piercing eyes.

Suddenly, with a long cry, the Phoenix turned his head and rushed into the Feng Clan. Qi Cai Miao Fan followed closely, and seemed to have recognized the Phoenix as the master.

The senior officials of the Feng clan hurried up and returned to Phoenix.

Suddenly, the screaming silhouettes flicked across the sky, covering the sky and obscuring the sun, one by one looked excited and intolerable.

Han Yu was speechless. He risked his life to save Phoenix. It's okay for the Feng clan people not to thank him. Now there is no one to take care of him.

"Brother Han, I don't want to thank you, Feng Kuang will remember your kindness all my life!" Feng Kuang's voice came, rushing into Phoenix City impatiently, no time to take care of Han Yu.

In the end, it was Niaoye who took Han Yu and Hanshan Temple to Feng Clan.

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