Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1484: Respect the Phoenix

Chapter 1484


Phoenix slammed the armrest, stood up suddenly, looking down at the three women high above.

Narcissus was suddenly at a loss, shocked, angry, and wronged. There was mist in his eyes.

She is a smart person. She knows that if Phoenix wants to deal with them, there can be thousands of reasons. Phoenix must really marry Han Yu if he says that.

Ma Su stared at Phoenix in a daze. She didn't doubt that Phoenix was Han Yu's wife, because with Phoenix's strength and status, she didn't have to lie. The only thing that puzzled her was whether Phoenix really didn't know the identities of the three of them, or pretended not to.

Shui Ling'er jumped up and pointed at Phoenix and cursed, "Where is the mad woman from, talking nonsense here!"

Phoenix sneered, and said, "If you doubt the identity of this seat, you can find someone from the White Tiger clan to confirm. This seat is not only the wife Han Yuming is married to, but also his child."

Fenghuang deliberately stroked Gao Ting's belly and glanced at Narcissus and the others.

"What do you want?" Ma Su asked suddenly.

She didn't argue, because she could see that Phoenix was clearly here to give them offense, not ignoring their identities, but pretending not to know.

A strange color flashed in Phoenix's eyes, and he didn't expect Ma Su to be so calm, saying, "Talking to smart people is straightforward. This seat gives you two choices."

Now Shuixian'er and Shuiling'er also understand.

Shuixian Eryu clenched his fist tightly, feeling very uncomfortable in his heart, while Shui Linger glared and grinned secretly.

Ma Su secretly transmitted the voice to the two of them, asking them to endure first. She was also up and down at this time, but she was strong and calm, looking at Phoenix and said, "Which two choices?"

Phoenix said: "First, leave Han Yu by yourself, and don't show up again from now on. If you need anything, you will be satisfied with this seat; second, this seat asks you to leave. In that case, you don't want to get anything."

Even the good-tempered Narcissus is itchy with anger, let alone Shuiling. If it hadn't been for Masura, I'm afraid he would have already jumped out.

Ma Su's face became gloomy, and said: "Are we all agreeing?"

Phoenix said strongly: "I can't tolerate you not agreeing."

Ma Su was trembling with anger, and he lowered his head for a long time before raising his head again. His face had become extremely pale, as if he had made some important decision. Staring at the Phoenix coldly said: "Phoenix, I know your thoughts, you will marry Han Yu after us, but you don't want to succumb to us. Ling'er and I can give in, and Ling'er and I can call Your sister!"

Ma Su is such a strong woman who can make such a big concession, which shows how much she loves Han Yu.

She and Shuiling'er can make concessions, but Shuixian'er can't make them.

Phoenix said: "This is naturally a reason. You are not qualified to dominate this seat. Of course, there is another reason. This seat does not like to share anything with others, let alone a husband."

Ma Su said angrily: "If we don't leave, do you still want to kill us?"

Phoenix said: "Do not rule out this possibility!"

Shui Ling'er couldn't bear it anymore, and cursed: "Smelly woman, if you have the ability, kill the three of our sisters!"

Ma Su hurriedly blocked Shui Ling'er behind him, fearing that the Phoenix would be angry and attack Shui Ling'er.

And Narcissus, almost as inspiring as Ma Su, took a step forward, blocking the two younger sisters behind him, and said: "Since you are married to Han Yu, you should know his character. If you dare to touch us. Hairy, he will never spare you."

If you know Han Yu, who can compare to Narcissus.

Phoenix was indeed furious, and wanted to slap Shuishi Ling'er with a slap, but after listening to Narcissus, she endured it again.

At this moment, a cold breath came in, and a white tiger with snowy hair came in slowly, glaring at the Phoenix, who was the incarnation of Han Yu.

"Phoenix, you are too much!" Bai Hu uttered in a deep voice.

Had it not been for the Baihu clan at this time, he really wanted to report his identity.

"Huh, can you intervene in this seat?" Phoenix was furious and slapped the white tiger. All the anger towards Shui Ling'er was sprayed on Bai Hu's body.

Bai Hu took a step, raised his front foot, and greeted him with one foot.

"Boom!" The two sides collided, Phoenix stood motionless, and Bai Hu took seven steps backwards.

However, a deep astonishment appeared on Phoenix's face, and he looked at Baihu inconceivably.

The Baihu at this time is already the Eighth Layer of the Demon Sovereign’s cultivation base (Baihu’s cultivation base not only follows Han Yu, but he can practice independently, so his cultivation base is still above Han Yu), and the reason why Phoenix has today’s achievements, It depends on the inheritance of the ancestors of the Feng family. If there is no inheritance, she is no match for Baihu.

"Phoenix, you are powerful, and your identity is noble. But have you ever thought that since you are married to Han Yu, you are Han Yu’s wives, and they are also Han Yu’s wives. You have trouble with them, the most uncomfortable Isn't it Han Yu? Of course, unless you don't really like him, just want to possess him." Bai Hu said coldly, this is what Han Yu wants to say.

"You don't need to worry about your affairs!" Phoenix shouted angrily.

"Think about it for yourself." Bai Hu glanced at Phoenix, looked at Narcissus, Ma Su and Shui Ling'er and said, "Let's go."

Phoenix looked at Bai Hu in astonishment. The glimpse of Bai Hu just now made her feel like Han Yu. Standing on the spot blankly, waited for Baihu and the third daughter to leave before coming back to his senses.

"What should I do?" Phoenix said dreamily.

In the distant Dongyuan, Han Yu knew everything that happened here. Although the crisis of Narcissus, Ma Su, and Shui Ling'er was resolved, Han Yu felt uncomfortable.

How to deal with the relationship between the four wives has suddenly become an urgent matter. What he is most worried about now is that he is afraid that Phoenix will be secretly disadvantageous to the three women. He let Baihu protect the three people at all times.

To Han Yu's surprise, the next morning, Phoenix went to visit Narcissus, Ma Su and Shuiling'er in person.

However, Han Yu was not surprised by the development of things.

The Phoenix "curves to save the country", with the power of the red celestial jade and the "mother-in-law" shocking Narcissus, Ma Su and Shui Ling'er.

In the end, although the three women were wronged in all sorts of ways, they had no choice but to accept it, respecting the Phoenix.

Han Yu knew that the back of his forehead was covered with black lines, and Phoenix's domineering behavior made him dissatisfied. He can't let Narcissus, Ma Su, and Shui Ling'er be wronged.

Fortunately, this backyard turmoil has temporarily subsided, and Han Yu can feel relieved to find a way to heal Yudie.

He sorted his clothes and went out. I found that the people in the whole city were full of excitement. After inquiring, Han Yu learned that there may be a terrifying vision in the western part of Dongyuan. People from all major sects have already rushed to the place where the vision occurred-Yu Yuan.

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