Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1490: Golden Crow Spirit

Chapter 1490


At this moment, a white beam of light burst into the southwest and exploded like fireworks in the air.

Fairy Yue glanced at the beam of light, frowned slightly, and looked at Han Yu coldly and said, "Han Yu, this fairy will let you go for the time being. If you meet again next time, you won't have such good luck!"

After finishing speaking, he rushed directly to the southwest. A few flashes disappeared, and the male pet hurriedly followed.

"Did someone give her a signal? Did you find a treasure over there?" In Han Yu's eyes, a bright light gradually burst out.

Han Yu retracted the slaying of the gods and flew in front of Xie Changsheng, propped up the formation shield to protect Xie Changsheng, Xie Changsheng was relieved immediately, and stopped urging to lower the devil.

"Brother Han, you are really a **** descending to the earth, and even the lady-in-law Yuexian is not your opponent!" Xie Changsheng praised, his face full of admiration.

"This person is very strong, I can't kill her!" Han Yu said lightly, this is his true heart.

"Brother Han is humble. If that woman doesn't run, she will definitely be beaten to the ground by you!" Xie Changsheng kept complimenting.

"I want to go over there to see, you take your brother and leave here!" Han Yu said lightly, not floating because of Xie Changsheng's praise, and his heart was still in the water.

Yuexian left in a hurry, absolutely unusual. If there is a real treasure, Han Yu also wants to compete.

"Brother Han, what should I do if Yuexian goes and returns? You should take me!" Xie Changsheng pleaded.

It is rare to encounter a strong man like Han Yu who can protect him, and Xie Changsheng is not willing to leave so soon. Han Yu thought for a while and took Xie Changsheng on the road. When Qin Changfeng wakes up and Qin Changfeng protects Xie Changsheng, Han Yu will not be afraid of being distracted.

He flew to the southwest at a moderate speed, and soon flew out of the area affected by the war. The other areas were still Taolin.

The roots of the ancient peach trees are like horned dragons and the old skins are like dragon scales. I don't know how many years they have grown here.

Han Yu and Xie Changsheng's eyes carefully scanned each peach tree, but no peach was found wherever they went.


Suddenly, a little bird flew from the east and landed on a peach tree not far away, singing leisurely.

This is a small bird about the size of an ordinary sparrow. Its feathers are golden, and it looks like gold carved all over it, so that it immediately attracted the attention of Han Yu and Xie Changsheng.

"How come there are birds here? Is this little bird a powerhouse above the sixth level of Demon Emperor?" Xie Changsheng asked in surprise.

Han Yu observed the little bird carefully and found that there was no aura fluctuation in the little bird, and it was not a monster. It is incredible that it is not a monster that can survive in this Yu Yuan bottom.

Han Yu grabbed his hand and quickly extended his arm to grab the bird.


The bird screamed in surprise, flapped its wings, and flew towards the sky.


The speed is extremely fast, almost like a golden lightning flashing across. Han Yu and Xie Changsheng looked at each other, they both underestimated the bird.

"Chasing!" Han Yu led Xie Changsheng to chase to the southeast. After flying for a while, the bird disappeared.

"Brother Han, wouldn't the little bird be transformed by the Golden Crow?" Xie Changsheng asked with blazing eyes.

Han Yu shook his head. He didn't know what kind of bird the little bird was, but it was definitely not a simple thing with such a terrifying speed without a cultivation base.

After chasing forward for a while, Han Yu stopped decisively without seeing the bird, and hurried towards the place where the signal was sent.

At the bottom of Yu Yuan, there are mountains and mountains as well. But the mountains here are not high or big. Han Yu and Xie Changsheng chatted while walking, and gradually the topic was brought to the palace of longevity by Han Yu.

Xie Changsheng said some secrets about the Palace of Longevity, which surprised Han Yu.

According to Xie Changsheng, the originator of the Hall of Longevity is indeed a jade body physique. The Hall of Longevity has been inherited for a long time, comparable to the Holy Land of Mount Xiling. It was inherited in ancient times and is one of the oldest schools in Wuzhou.

After the turbulence of the last years of ancient times and the last years of ancient times, the Hall of Longevity is no longer in the past. The mountain gate is half ruined and the classics are lost. Although it still has the name of the ancient forces, its foundation is no longer comparable to the ancient forces. Now within the entire mountain gate, there are no more than three hundred disciples.

After Han Yu heard this, he couldn't help but sigh, there really is no lasting power in this world, no matter how strong it is, it will eventually fade away in the long river of history.


Suddenly, Qin Changfeng, who was carrying Xie Changsheng, let out a painful cry and slowly opened his eyes. Seeing Xie Changsheng, his eyes burst into flames, and he said angrily: "Junior Brother, why did you hit me with the Devilish Pestle?"

Xie Changsheng smiled awkwardly: "No wonder, brother, didn't I also misunderstand the person?"

"Huh!" Qin Changfeng exhaled, unusually angry.

"Brother, let me introduce to you, this is Han Yu and Brother Han." Xie Changsheng pointed at Han Yu and diverted Qin Changfeng's attention.

"Han Yu?" Qin Changfeng frowned as he looked at Han Yu.

"Brother, this is the ruthless man from Xiling. It's just that he has changed his face now. It was Brother Han who helped you repel Yuexianzi and Yuexianzi's dog legs." Xie Changsheng said.

"Huh?" Qin Changfeng hurriedly jumped off Xie Changsheng's back, raised his fist at Han Yu, and said, "Brother Han, it's rude, and I hope to redeem it!"

Han Yu clasped his fists and smiled: "Brother Qin is polite!"

Although Qin Changfeng was already a middle-aged man in his thirties, in front of Han Yu, he didn't dare to stand up.

After a brief exchange, Qin Changfeng gradually became acquainted.

"By the way, brother, have you ever seen a golden bird?" Xie Changsheng asked.

"Have you seen it?" Qin Changfeng's eyes widened and looked at Xie Changsheng incredulously.

"Hmm..." Xie Changsheng nodded.

"Where?" Qin Changfeng hurriedly asked.

"Fly away, Brother Qin, what is the origin of that bird?" Han Yu said.

"Brother Han, that bird is terrific. Three days ago, I saw a semi-sage chasing the bird. I asked the senior. The senior said that the bird was transformed by the essence of the Sun Golden Crow. The supreme treasure! The predecessor called it the Golden Crow God Essence. Let's go after it, and we have caught up with the great fortune." Qin Changfeng said eagerly.

Han Yu sighed faintly. He only now knew what treasure he had missed, and said, "I don't know where the bird has gone now. It's too late to chase it."

"Huh?" Qin Changfeng looked regretful and beat his chest and feet.

At the moment, several people continued to rush forward. I don't know if it was God's favor or something. It didn't take long to walk out. The golden bird actually swooped toward them from the front.

"I encountered it again!" Xie Changsheng jumped up excitedly.

"Swish..." Han Yu and Qin Changfeng shot for the first time, rushing towards the little bird with a horn. Although the two have never teamed up, they cooperated with an unusual tacit understanding to traverse the void and block the bird's path.

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