Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1530: Da Ya's sense of smell

Chapter 1530: Da Ya's Smell

The woman's eyes are very watery and simple. When Han Yu saw her, he felt like seeing a child.

The woman looked at Han Yu curiously. When she saw the little beast tooth on Han Yu's neck, her eyes lit up and she suddenly stretched out her hands and asked Han Yu to hug her. Han Yu opened the lid of the coffin and stretched out his hand to pull the woman out. After she stood up, she hung it around Han Yu's neck, giggling, and her voice was very clear.

It would be fine if she was really a child, but she was already very big and looked very abnormal. Han Yu thinks of the old madman and the girl again, and it is almost certain that the memory of this woman must be lost.

Han Yu glanced over the other coffins and frowned tightly. There were people in those coffins, but Han Yu didn't dare to open it again.

"What did the girl's family go through?" Han Yu was full of doubts.

This woman, the old madman and the girl are all living people. Why should they hide in the coffin? This seems extremely unusual.

Han Yu took the woman's hand away, looked into her eyes, and asked, "What's your name?"

The woman shook her head blankly.

Han Yu picked up the little animal tooth hanging on his neck and asked, "Do you know it?"

The woman shook her head, then nodded again.

Han Yu has a terrible headache. How do you think the woman is not only a fool, but also a dumb.

"Can you speak?" Han Yu asked.

"Speaking?" The woman frowned slightly, vomiting pandan, her voice was beautiful.

"Yes, just talk." Han Yuxi said.

The woman's face was blank, as if she didn't know what it was talking about.

Han Yu held his forehead, feeling extremely complicated for a while. I was a little bit strange about itching my hands, and opened the coffin, what can I do now.

Han Yu thought for a while, pointed to the coffin and said: "You go to bed, I will help you cover it."

The woman didn't know if she could understand, she shook her head blankly.

Han Yu pondered for a while, supported the woman and pushed her to sleep. The woman was very obedient, lying in the coffin obediently. Han Yu put the lid on the coffin, picked up the Killing God Rob and the Colorful Fan, and prepared to leave.

After walking out a few steps, Han Yu stopped again, feeling very tangled.

The woman must have been asleep before, but when Han Yu opened the lid of the coffin, she was awakened and let her sleep in it. Will there be a problem?

Han Yu struggled for a while, then walked back and opened the coffin lid. The woman kept Shui Lingling's eyes open. After seeing Han Yu, she laughed happily.

"Are you willing to go with me?" Han Yu asked.

The woman stretched out her hand to ask Han Yu to hug.

Han Yu reached out and was pulled up by her and pulled out the coffin.

"Will you follow me from now on?" Han Yu asked. He settled to pay attention, and took the woman with him first, and then handed her to the girl and the old madman when he met the girl.

The woman nodded happily, as if she understood Han Yu's words.

Han Yu closed the lid of the coffin, put the Killing God on his back, holding a colorful fan, looked at the woman and said, "Then you follow me!"

The woman smiled and held Han Yu's arm, looking forward to Han Yu's horse. Han Yu shook his head with a wry smile, and left with the woman.

"She doesn't even remember her name, what can we do?" Han Yu thought about it, and decided to give the woman a name. If this is the case, it would be convenient to bring her by her side. He turned his head and looked at the woman and said, "I will Call you big, okay?"

The woman looked at Han Yu and smiled, maybe she didn't understand what Han Yu said.

"I will call you big girl from now on!" Han Yu said to himself regardless of whether the woman could understand or not.

Soon, Han Yu took Da Ya out of the valley. Looking at the black mountains in the distance, Han Yu didn't know which direction to go in for a while.

"Da Ya, where do you say we are going now?" Han Yu asked, feeling resigned.

"That!" Da Ya raised her hand and pointed in a direction. Now it seems that she is not stupid.

Han Yu didn't care too much, and moved forward with Da Ya.

The road to Wuyashan must be full of dangers. In order to better protect Da Ya, Han Yu had to carry her on her back. She looked very excited and happy.

It took more than ten days to walk. Han Yu hadn't even seen the shadow of Yujing Buddha Lotus, but with Da Ya's company, Han Yu's journey was not so boring.

Under Han Yu's careful guidance, Da Ya said more and more, and he could talk with Han Yu.

Da Ya is not stupid, but her memory is completely blank. At this time, she is like a three or four-year-old child, she can learn everything taught her.

Han Yu first taught her to speak, and later taught her to recognize things and words. Da Ya is very smart, almost able to teach it.

"Your name is Han Yu, my name is Da Ya, this is Wuya Mountain..."

When Han Yu didn't teach Da Ya, Da Ya was like a child, and said to herself something that Han Yu had taught her before.

"Blue and white stone, mimosa, platanus..."

Daya pointed to the flowers and trees she saw, and said their names one by one, which Han Yu taught her before.

"Han Yu, it smells so good, what is it?" Suddenly, Da Ya said with joy.

"What fragrance?" Han Yu was taken aback, why he didn't smell it.

"It smells so sweet, over there!" Da Ya pointed to the northwest.

Han Yu didn't smell any scent, but he still walked in the direction that Da Ya pointed. Anyway, he has no purpose now.

I walked over five mountains and saw nothing scented. But Da Ya was very excited and pointed to the front, urging Han Yu to go forward, saying that the fragrance came from the front.

Han Yu was taken aback by surprise, how far is this? Da Ya could smell the fragrance, it was incredible. Han Yu had some doubts whether Da Ya was a prank.

Turning forward over the three mountains, Da Ya said excitedly: "It's almost here, just ahead."

Han Yu didn't report any hope. He didn't think that Da Ya could smell the fragrance beyond the eight mountains.

Han Yu climbed the ninth mountain, halfway up the mountain with mist. Han Yu walked in the direction of the big girl, passing through the mist, and Han Yu had not smelled any fragrance. Han Yu's keenness is undoubtedly, he can't smell the fragrance, but Da Ya smelled, there are only two possibilities, first, Da Ya's sense of smell is amazing; second, Da Ya is playing a prank.

Not long after, a small lake appeared in Han Yu's line of sight, and Han Yu was directly stunned.

In the lake, a lotus grows like a beautiful jade. The lotus was blooming and there was a yellow-robed monk sitting in the middle of the flower.

"Jade Jing Buddha Lotus?" Han Yu was surprised and happy.

After the Jade Jing Buddha lotus matures, its fragrance is restrained, and even if it is close, it is impossible to smell its fragrance. This is the method of the Jade Jing Buddha lotus to protect itself.

"It's such a beautiful flower, and the fragrance comes from it." Da Ya said happily.

Han Yu was stunned for three times. He walked up to the Jade Jing Buddha Lotus, and he could hardly smell the scent of the Jade Buddha Lotus. Da Ya smelled it even outside of the eight mountains, it was almost dreamlike.

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