Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1544: By mistake

Chapter 1544

The heart is gushing with the northern fairy light, like a hedgehog, even if the orange dragon swallows it, it may be pierced by the northern fairy light and die, but it has no choice.

The orange dragon swallowed its heart into its mouth. To its surprise, the heart stopped spouting the northern fairy light, floating in the orange dragon's mouth, beating slowly.

The orange dragon was not dead, and rushed out of the cave without hesitation.

Wang Ba, who was fighting with Daya and Han Yu, was talking to the man in black and found that the northern fairy light had disappeared, and his expressions changed drastically. Han Yu pretended to be innocent, and with a surprised expression, stopped the fight with the black man.

The man in black rushed towards the northern boundary without hesitation.

No matter what, Da Ya still madly attacked Wang Ba Tan, making Wang Ba Tan complain endlessly.

"Oh, it's okay!" Han Yu said.

Da Ya put away her raised fist, Wang Ba Tan breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly turned and chased the man in black.

Han Yu pretended to chase them, and when they both entered the cave on the top of the mountain, Han Yu pulled Da Ya to stop.

"It's fun!" Da Ya was extremely excited.

Han Yu was speechless, this was a life-and-death battle, and only a child like Da Ya would find it fun.


The orange dragon emerged from the soil and rushed into Han Yu's body. Han Yu took Da Ya and turned away.

"Da Ya, how did you come in just now, take me out!" Han Yu said.

He had to set up a teleportation array to go out, it was too late.

"You follow me!" Da Ya pulled Han Yu back and rushed quickly. When rushing to a certain distance, Da Ya bombarded out with a punch, shattering the void. Then he took Han Yu into the big gap in the void without hesitation.

Suddenly the terrible tearing force and the storm in the void hit Han Yu and Daya. The force was extremely terrifying, as strong as Han Yu, and he absolutely couldn't stay longer in such an environment.

Da Ya was not afraid, constantly shaking her fists, the powerful fist wind shattered the tearing force and the storm, and Da Ya took Han Yu forward in the void.

Han Yu's eyes widened in surprise, Da Ya's method is really too violent.

Da Ya shook a total of 33 punches, each of which smashed the void, and finally broke through the space barrier and came to the outside world.

Han Yu looked back, and the void behind him collapsed like the end of the world.

He didn't hesitate, took the big girl and flew away, and suddenly disappeared. When Wang Ba Tan and the black-clothed man came out of the hole, the big void in the void had not yet healed, and Han Yu and Daya were gone.

"Damn, we have been fooled by Han Yu!" Wang Ba talked anxiously.

The man in black didn't say anything, and hurried down the mountain, Wang Ba Tan followed closely.

With Da Ya, Han Yu flew tens of thousands of miles away without stopping, and suddenly a loud noise came from the dantian.


The orange dragon was directly blown to pieces, and the dark blue heart appeared. The other dragons were frightened and flew away, looking at the heart from a distance, trembling. The orange dragon turned into a plume of gas and entered the black hole.


There was another loud noise, and the heart exploded, turning into a drop of black blood.

This drop of blood hovered in the world of Dantian, exuding monstrous power, making the dragon tremble, and Han Yu's Dantian was silent.

Han Yu suddenly changed his color and stopped hurriedly, looking inwardly at Dantian.

From this drop of cyan blood, Han Yu felt the vitality and the brilliance of the sky, which actually made his body begin to tremble and his soul was afraid.

This drop of blood is more terrifying than the blood of a saint, and more sacred than the blood of the finger of God.

Suddenly, from above the blood, a phantom flashed out, an illusory white robe man.

This man, standing up to the ground, is like a hegemon who tramples all things under his feet, and every move contains unparalleled majesty.

"It is said that the Arctic Fairy Light was caused by the fall of Emperor Luantian. Could it be that this drop of blood was left by Emperor Luantian? This phantom is Emperor Luantian?" Han Yu's heart beat wildly.

A drop of emperor's blood can destroy the universe and the world, and the eight wastes and six harmony, now entering his body, I don't know whether it is a blessing or a curse.

The energy contained in the blood of the emperor is unimaginable.

The black hole in Han Yu's body has no doubt about its ability to swallow energy. But at this moment, the black hole chose to be silent, shocked by this drop of blood.

"Waiting for tens of thousands of years, I finally found a suitable candidate!" The phantom said slowly, and the voice was full of vicissitudes of life, and it seemed to sound through the ages.

Han Yu is shocked, what does he mean?

Now it seems that it is not the orange dragon that got the heart, but the heart chose the orange dragon. Han Yu shuddered involuntarily.

"What's your name?" Xu Ying asked suddenly.

"Han Yu." Han Yu's voice trembled a little.

"Are you willing to inherit my tradition?" Xuying asked.

Han Yu was taken aback for a moment. He thought that the phantom was going to seize him, but he didn't expect that he was going to pass on the Daoism to him. He was immediately overjoyed and asked, "Senior is Chaotian Emperor?"

"Emperor Luantian?" Xuying murmured to himself, as if his thoughts suddenly returned to a long time ago, and after a while, he said: "It should be me."

He is the Great Emperor Luantian, but the name of the Great Emperor Luantian came from later generations, so he himself is not sure.

"Junior Han Yu, meet senior!" Han Yu said piously.

Although he has an invincible heart, Han Yu came from the admiration of his heart when facing the trembling Emperor Chaosian.

"You haven't answered my question yet." The Great Emperor Luantian said lightly.

"Senior, I'm afraid I can't inherit your orthodoxy." Han Yu said.

What a fortune is to inherit the Taoism of Emperor Luantian. But Han Yu really couldn't inherit, he had already walked out a path of his own.

When Han Yu said this, he took a great risk. It might provoke the Great Emperor Luantian with unimaginable consequences. But in front of such characters, Han Yu dare not lie.

The Great Emperor Luantian was taken aback, but he did not expect that some people would refuse his orthodoxy. Regrettably, I couldn't help but appreciate Han Yu even more. Calmly said: "I am just a remnant thought now, this time I am alarmed, it will be destroyed directly. If you do not inherit my orthodoxy, it will disappear forever. This is my regret."

Han Yu hurriedly said: "Senior rest assured, the younger generation will definitely find a suitable candidate to inherit the predecessor's orthodoxy, so that the predecessor's supreme law will shine in the world."

Han Yu already had a candidate in his heart, and that was his unborn son, Han Huangsheng.

The Great Emperor Luantian sighed and said, "Well, I will pass it to you first!"

From the voice of Emperor Luantian, he was somewhat disappointed, but he also had no choice. His remnant thoughts have been sealed in the blood of the emperor, and he was startled by the orange dragon and broke the seal. Who would have thought that Han Yu was not willing to inherit his orthodoxy.

However, because Han Yu was unwilling, Emperor Luantian was relieved to pass the Taoism to Han Yu first. He believes that Han Yu can find a suitable successor for him.

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