Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1580: Reenter the underworld

Chapter 1580

All of a sudden, the city of Phoenix was full of people. Whether they were related, hated, or unrelated to Han Yu, they sent people to send gifts to express their desire to live in peace with Han Yu.

Han Yu handed the matter to Ma Su, and Ma Su handled it in an orderly manner.

One day, with Han Yu's delivery, Tian Lao quietly left Kun Jie with Lin Zi. Now Kun Jie's affairs are almost handled, Tian Lao is about to travel around the world.

The first stop he went to was Earthquake World, and Han Yu asked him to find Xiaojiao, Tian Lao was very happy.

After another period of time, Jiang Ran took Li Qingling to say goodbye, and they were ready to return to Lijie. Zhao Yubing decided to go to the Korean War with them. If Han Yu hadn't been a child, he would also like to visit Lijie.

So he asked Bai Hu to leave with Zhao Yubing and them, while Li Xiaoyun stayed in Kunjie.

After Zhao Yubing and the others boarded the teleportation formation and left, it didn't take long for Han Yu and Baihu to lose contact, and the two worlds were separated, cutting off all contact.

Han Yu wasn't worried. With Baihu's current strength and the Sky Sword, there were few rivals in the world.

In the days that followed, Han Yu accompanied his wife and children, watching the two children grow up day by day, from falling to the ground to learning words, Han Yu experienced the joy of being a father.

The two children are already two years old at the blink of an eye. They can stand up and walk on their own, and they will be called "father" and "mother".

In the past two years, Shuixian'er, Ma Su, and Shui Ling'er have made tremendous progress in their cultivation, and they are only a thin line away from the realm of Martial Saint. Phoenix also began to practice wholeheartedly, and it was only a matter of time before he broke through the realm of Martial Saint.

When the secret of the stele was opened once again every three years, Han Yu went to look for Zhao Wending, who fell asleep, Han Yu did not dare to disturb, and left quietly. Han Yu explored the secret realm of the stone tablet, the secret realm is endless, with his current strength, he can't reach the boundary, and in the end, Han Yu returns without success.

After returning to Phoenix, Han Yu returned to Jingzhou with Narcissus, Ma Su, and Shui Ling'er. The three daughters went back to their homes to find their parents and relatives. Han Yu went back to Liuyunzong and observed in secret, and saw Han Yi and Han Gan. , Han Yong, Qin Tianyuan, Liu Qingfeng and others are all living well, Han Yu did not show up to disturb, quietly left and rushed to Qinzhou.

Han Yu's return this time, the biggest purpose is to go to the underworld world to find answers to his doubts.

Han Yu quietly fell outside the range of the evil abyss secret power, that secret power was very strange, blocking Han Yu from crossing the void.

Once again standing outside the abyss of evil, Han Yu's heart was boundless. His gaze swept around, the environment remained the same, but the things were different.

Suddenly, Han Yu's eyes narrowed. Within the scope of the secret power, a figure attracted his idea, and a few jumps disappeared from Han Yu's line of sight, but soon appeared on the mountain farther away.

"Old madman, girl!" Han Yu's eyes widened before shouting.

I saw a little girl riding on the neck of a short man with an axe pinned to the waist of the person below, and several jumps disappeared into Han Yu's sight. Han Yu hurriedly chased him before he entered the scope of the secret power. The secret power in the secret was blessed on Han Yu's body, trying to wipe out Han Yu's essence and make Han Yu suddenly aging.

Han Yu quietly ran the "Tianjing", blood rumbling, vitality was extremely strong, not afraid of the erosion of secret power.

Han Yu is fast, but the old lunatic is not slow. It didn't take long before Han Yu saw the old madman approaching the edge of the abyss of evil and stopped to watch.


Han Yu shouted, but neither the girl nor the old lunatic heard his voice. Suddenly, the old madman jumped and jumped into the abyss of sin.

"What are they doing here?" Han Yu was full of doubts.

He rushed to the edge of the abyss of evil and jumped down without hesitation. Although the secret power of evil is very powerful when it comes to the depths, it is no longer important to Han Yu.

When it reached a certain range, the blood sucking grass began to attack Han Yu, and Han Yu casually radiated air outwards, shattering the blood sucking grass, unable to get close.

Before long, Han Yu came to the bronze gate, the bronze gate was closed tightly, and the old madman and the girl were nowhere to be seen.

"Did they enter the world of the underworld?" Han Yu thought for a while, did not rush to open the bronze gate, and began to search for the whereabouts of the old madman and the girl in the abyss of evil.

Han Yu knew the location of the bronze gate, and came quickly. The old madman and the girl didn't necessarily know the bronze gate. To a large extent, they did not enter the world of the underworld.

Han Yu searched all the way, and unconsciously came to the cliff where the coffins were stacked.

Suddenly, the two coffins placed in the center attracted Han Yu's attention.

Han Yu had come here with the Yin Bing. The coffin was placed in the middle, indicating that he was waiting for the Yin Bing to carry it.

Han Yu never understood why the Underworld World used this method to transport the people in the coffin to the Underworld World.

"Could it be the old madman and the girl in it?"

Han Yu walked to the front coffin and opened the coffin to take a look. A smell came out. Inside was a decayed corpse, whose limbs were still nailed with Han Yu's familiar Willow Town ghost nails. The first time he came to the world of the underworld, Han Yu opened the coffin in a sea of ​​blood, and each corpse had Willow Town ghost nails on his body, in order to prevent the corpse from changing.

Han Yu said "Sorry", closed the lid of the coffin, and was about to open the coffin at the back. Suddenly, there was a rustling sound, and those Yin soldiers came.

Han Yu dodged and hid on the side, and soon a group of demon-faced soldiers lined up in two rows and came here.

"These Yin soldiers are similar to the battle corpses in the Tianshu Holy Land!" Han Yu thought.

There is no vitality in these Yin soldiers, and they rely on a green flame in their eyes to provide energy for walking.

The Yin Soldier came and lifted the two coffins, and returned mechanically.

Han Yu quietly came to the end of the team and marched with Yin Bing.

Han Yu used to pretend to be a yin soldier, but now it is easy to fake it. He almost went around the bottom of the abyss of evil, without encountering the old madman and the girl, the two of them have entered the world of the underworld in all likelihood.

Enter the bronze gate and reach the ghost gate.

The dead bodies that Han Yu came here before are gone, and the broken places have been repaired. Yin Bing pushed open the ghost gate, the black mist surged, and the cold air evaporated, causing Han Yu to shiver involuntarily.

Now Han Yu is not the hairy boy back then, he is already the overlord of the Kun world, a saint-level existence. It is impossible for the general environment to affect him at all, and this black air actually made him feel cold, it was incredible.

Soon after entering Guimenguan, Yinbing entered Guimenguan and closed automatically.

"The way here..." Han Yu looked at the sky, and suddenly there was a storm in his heart.

The Tiandi Avenue here is very different from the outside world. The Tiandi Avenue here seems to be closer to Han Yu, without the feeling of being elevated.

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