Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1607: Starry sky

Chapter 1607

Han Yu looks up at the starry sky day and night, observes the trajectory of the stars and the connections between them. After many days, even if Han Yu closed his eyes, a scene of stars in the universe could flash in his mind.

Each star has a different trajectory, and the trajectories of all stars are drawn together to form a broad and profound pattern that contains no sense of Taoism.

The star trajectory diagram that Han Yu can draw now is only a small part of the entire vast starry sky. Han Yu feels that if he can understand the trajectory of the stars in the entire universe, he might be able to penetrate time, space, and life. , Can confuse time and space, master the cycle of life.

This is a very bold conjecture, and Han Yu's blood boiled involuntarily.

However, this is an extremely vast project. After thoroughly researching the entire starry sky, I am afraid that it is already a vicissitudes of life, and Han Yu is somewhat powerless.

"The Great Emperor Tongtian in the past may have also seen the supreme Taoism contained in the cosmic starry sky, but when the manpower is finally exhausted, it is better than the emperor to study the entire starry sky thoroughly, master the cycle of life, and eventually the dust will return to the dust!" Han Yu Qing sighed.

He quickly adjusted his mentality, and it was impossible to thoroughly study the entire universe, but it was possible to thoroughly study the partial stars.

After observing for this period of time, he discovered that if the entire cosmic starry sky is regarded as a world, then every star is a life, and the area composed of some stars can be regarded as a family or a sect.

The stars in a region are a part of the entire universe. They follow the laws of the entire universe, but their small collective also has their own unique laws.

In a specific area, there will be one star as the leading star, and the rest of the stars revolve around this star. Han Yu calls them "stars". The entire universe starry sky is composed of countless "stars". . Between the "constellations" and the "constellations", some are intertwined, some are adjacent, and some are far away. It's like countless schools in this world.

The "constellation" has a set of rules on its own, and there is also a connection and influence between the "constellation" and the "constellation".

Han Yu is now going to mainly study one of the "constellations".

This "star group" has 108 stars and countless meteorite fragments. One of the stars is located in the center, and the rest of the stars and meteorite fragments orbit around this star and are affected by this star.

Han Yu regarded himself as the "main star", and everything around him could be regarded as those stars and meteorite fragments.

Unconsciously, Han Yu felt like being in the starry sky of the universe, as if he himself had become the main star. Han Yu was fascinated and completely entered a state of selflessness.

There was no wind around, but the sand and dust in the air started to revolve around Han Yu involuntarily, and Zhao Yubing soon discovered this strange phenomenon. Looking at Han Yu in surprise, Han Yu stared at the sky blankly, doing nothing.

Zhao Yubing discovered that a strange gravitational force spread from Han Yu's body. Gradually, her body was involuntarily suspended, and then revolved around Han Yu. The speed at the beginning of the rotation was not stable, but three days later, Zhao Yubing was spinning around Han Yu at a uniform speed.

Zhao Yubing was surprised, she did not resist, nor disturbed Han Yu. The trajectory she orbits Han Yu is constantly changing, sometimes it is elliptical, sometimes it is a perfect circle, sometimes it rotates horizontally, and sometimes it rotates obliquely.

After another two days, Zhao Yubing's speed around Han Yu speeded up a lot. Zhao Yubing tried to resist, but found that with her strength, she was unable to break free from this state, so she could only move around Han involuntarily. Yu rotates.

Zhao Yubing shot two brilliant lights in his eyes, surprised and delighted, and said: "Xiaoyu deserves to be a genius of Tianzong, just imitating, he has realized such a powerful ability."

Zhao Yubing is happy for Han Yu, but also proud and proud. He glanced at the Korean War on the altar with a look of expectation. Even Han Yu understood, she felt that what the Korean War could realize was definitely more amazing and powerful.

Suddenly, Han Yu withdrew from that state of selflessness and found Zhao Yubing flying around him. He couldn't help but asked in surprise: "Mother, what are you doing?"

Zhao Yubing smiled bitterly: "Xiaoyu, why did you ask me instead?"

"Huh?" Han Yu was taken aback, and quickly observed himself and found that his body was actually exuding gravity involuntarily. What's more amazing was that the two stars on the holy palace flew to the sky above the holy palace. The faint stars revolve around the staring stars.

"This..." Han Yu was stunned. He didn't expect that when he was observing the "Star Group", his body could not help but imitate the true meaning of "Star Group".

Suddenly, the two golden stars returned to the holy palace, the vitality in Han Yu stopped, gravity disappeared, Zhao Yubing fell to the ground, and the sand in the air began to float irregularly.

"Xiaoyu, what magical power did you use just now? Did you realize it by looking up at the stars?" Zhao Yubing walked over and asked.

"Supernatural power?" Han Yu was taken aback, and said: "Mother, this is what I learned from the movement of stars. I didn't expect it to evolve involuntarily. Didn't it hurt you?"

Zhao Yubing shook his head and said, "No, you continue to understand."

Zhao Yubing smiled and retreated, she didn't want to interrupt Han Yu's thoughts.

Han Yu fell into deep thought. The word "supernatural power" that Zhao Yubing said gave him a flash of inspiration, and he felt that he could create a magical power based on the Taoism that he had understood. With Han Yu's thoughts moving, the Dragon Ba Bible quietly revolved, and his vitality began to revolve around several special meridians.

Han Yu had never used his vitality like this before. This was the trajectory of his body's vitality running on its own when he woke up just now.

After a week of vitality operation, Han Yu found that the trajectory was similar to that of the main star of the “constellation”. After the vitality revolved for a week, the two golden stars on the holy palace burst into light at the same time, slowly flying out of the holy palace, flying to the top of the holy palace, the golden stars staring at did not move, the illusory golden stars began to stare around Golden stars rotate.

Then, Han Yu's body released a very special attraction, and the surrounding sand began to revolve around Han Yu, forming a yellowish-yellow ribbon, which looked extremely beautiful, like a nebula.

Han Yu tried to control the sand and found that as long as he controlled the speed at which his vitality moves in his body, he could control the magnitude of gravity and the speed of the sand rotation. The faster the vitality moves, the greater the gravity, and the heavier the weight of things that can be controlled. When Han Yu rotates his vitality to extreme speed, he can control a radius of one hundred feet, even if the Wuhuang Eighth Layer masters enter this range, they will involuntarily rotate around Han Yu.

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