Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1632: Invincible Avatar

Chapter 1632 Invincible Incarnation

Once the phoenix phantom on the Scarlet Phoenix Gold emerges, the cultivation base is equivalent to that of the caster, and immediately Han Yu is equivalent to being besieged by two masters of Wusheng's early stage transformation star.


The phantom of the phoenix turned into a red light and passed by Han Yu. The wings were like heavenly swords, cutting a terrifying scar on Han Yu's shoulder.

Han Yu was in pain, and the spear swept across the tail of the Phoenix Phantom, almost breaking its tail.


Sun Godzi quickly swung his sword, with heavy shadows on the sword, piercing seven terrible blood holes in Han Yu one after another. Sun Godzi snorted triumphantly, and the sword swept out, the horrible sword glow turned into a horse, trying to cut Han Yu in the waist.

Han Yu's spear guarded his body, his body spun rapidly, and the horse hit Han Yu, making a loud noise, but it didn't hurt Han Yu.


With a long cry, the phantom phoenix pounced on Han Yu again.

The Phoenix clan possessed swift speed, and immediately slammed Han Yu close, and Han Yu's claws were grabbed by Han Yu's skull. Han Yu slapped the center of Phoenix Void's claws with his left hand, and Phoenix Void wailed, his claws convulsed.

Sun God's eyes were gloomy, and Han Yu's physical body was so powerful that it was unheard of.

With a thought to Han Yu, the black dragon, the white dragon, the red dragon, the orange dragon, and the blue dragon rushed out of the body together, killing the phantom of the phoenix.

There was a look of horror on the face of the **** child, and the warrior could cultivate an incarnation in the realm of the king of martial arts, but when he became holy, he would choose to cut off the incarnation, and I was the only one who became holy. It is not the right way of martial arts to keep the avatar like Han Yu. There is only one kind of person who doesn't need to cut off the incarnation when they become holy, and that is the Heaven Swallowing Devil Body.

"You really are the Devouring Demon Body!" Two stern rays of light burst out of Sun God's eyes, staring at Han Yu firmly.

The people of the Sun Moon God Sect have fought against Han Yu many times. This is also the second time that Sun Godzi has confronted Han Yu. He has not dared to determine Han Yu’s physique before, but after releasing so many incarnations from Han Yu, he will Can be determined.

Han Yu sneered, and the spear was quickly pierced out, and the spear was a little bit, every spear shattered the void. Sun Godko didn't dare to be careless, and hurriedly swung his sword to resist.

On the other side, the five dragons and the phoenix phantom battled.

Although the five dragons were only the four levels of cultivation in the early stage of Wusheng's transformation of the stars, the dragons were powerful, and they could even fight with the Phoenix phantom.


The swords made by Killing God and the Scarlet Phoenix Gold continued to intersect, making clear and loud collisions.

Han Yu's exquisite marksmanship has repeatedly forced Sun Godzi to passively defend, and it will not take long for Han Yu to puncture blood holes in many places.


Han Yu and Higashiko passed by, spinning the spear around his waist, hitting Higashiko's waist heavily, almost breaking Higashiko's waist. Sun Godko was furious, and slashed with a backhand. At this time, Han Yu had already raised up to kill the gods as a blockade, blocking the sword of the **** son.

Sun Godzi hurriedly closed the sword, and a few shinning distances from Han Yu, raised the sword high and displayed the Great Sun Excalibur.

Suddenly, a red ball of light appeared on the sword, and the light quickly became as sharp as a sword.


The ball of light shuddered suddenly, and countless rays of light turned into lightsabers and pierced through the void to kill Han Yu.

The Great Sun God Sword Jue displayed by the God Child today is far more powerful than the one that was displayed at Heart Island that day. It is simply not the same.

But Han Yu was not afraid, and immediately displayed Huang Yu's Three Thousand Sword, and blasted him.

"Han Yu, the last time I was sealed because of my cultivation base, I couldn't display the strongest power of the Great Sun Divine Sword Jue. Today, let's see how you resist it!" Sun Divine Child's proud voice came from behind Jian Mang.

"It's not you!" Han Yu said flatly.

"Boom boom boom..."

Countless sword qi collided together, turmoil and void, as if to turn the universe upside down.


The phoenix phantom kept crying and looked extremely excited. The gaze that looked at Han Yu, from the initial indifference, became a little hot. The aura of Huang Yu's Three Thousand Swords originated from the same vein.

Han Yu was overjoyed and hurriedly communicated with the Phoenix Phantom. It would be a great help if the Phoenix Phantom could reverse the Son of Sun.

However, this phoenix phantom was controlled by Sun Godzi's sword after all, even if he was close to Han Yu, he would not be controlled by Han Yu to deal with Sun Godzi. However, this is enough for Han Yu.

The five dragons took the opportunity to attack and kill.


The orange dragon displayed the seal of the earth king, and the terrifying big seal descended from the sky. It seemed that the power of the earth under the sky was all gathered in this big seal, making the sun **** child feel a dangerous aura.

The majestic mountains and great mountains on the planet below all rose from the ground, and Dayin attacked together up and down, and smashed towards the Phoenix Phantom together.

The Phoenix phantom was hit hard by this, and it became even more faint. Several other dragons used their ultimate moves one after another, and it didn't take long for the phantom of the Phoenix to be obliterated. Although the phoenix phantom is not a real life, it is derived from the Scarlet Blood Phoenix Gold Sword, but there is a limit on the number of times it can be cast. The killing of a phoenix phantom was an extremely bad signal for Sun Godzi.

Several dragons slew the Sun God from the other side, and the orange dragon once again displayed the seal of the earth king.

Sun Shenzi had to be distracted against a few dragons, and Da Sun Shenjian Jue was soon suppressed by Huang Yu 3000 Sword.


Diwang Yin smashed into the sword qi group, although it did not hit the Sun Godzi, it disrupted the Sun Godzi's offensive. Han Yu took the opportunity to control Huang Yu's Three Thousand Swords, and killed him from that loophole.


In a blink of an eye, the Sun Godzi was stabbed with more than seventy swords.

Sun Godko roared with pain, and hurriedly turned to the Sun God Sword Fight, turning the attack into defense. Rubbing his hands together, the sword quickly revolved around him, transforming a Hong Zhong to cover him.

"Boom boom boom..."

Countless fire swords hit Hong Zhong, making a terrifying loud noise.

Han Yu asked Shenlong to step back to watch the battle, collected Huangyu's three thousand swords, displayed the Shenlong Spear, and hit it heavily.


Hong Zhong was hit and flew tens of thousands of miles away, and broke into pieces in the process of flying upside down, making Sun God child pale.

"Nine-Nine Return to One tactic!"

Han Yu thought about it, and Killing God hovered over his head. His hands quickly formed seals. After a series of seals were printed, eight phantoms that looked exactly the same as Han Yu were formed, and the seals were formed at the same time, with uniform movements.


The nine pillars of light rushed out like a flood, and then gathered together and rammed toward the Sun God. Along the way, the void was smashed, and even tens of thousands of miles away, it was quickly killed.

Sun Shenzi's face was solemn, and he hurriedly displayed a set of low-level swordsmanship against the sky. Because it was cast in a hurry, Sun Godzi didn't use all the power of the sword technique at all, and was cracked by the Jiujiu Guiyi tactic. In the end, the beam of light directly hit the Sun Godzi's chest, knocking out a terrible hole.

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