Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1640: Super cruel

Chapter 1640: Super Ruthless


The mountain rises from the ground, the river flows backwards into the sky, and then the man on the top of a mountain begins to spin at a very fast speed.

Whether it is the majestic Wanren Giant Mountain, or the rice-sized sand and gravel dust, they are all attracted by this man. This man is like a huge star in the cosmic starry sky. With his unparalleled gravity, he has created a "stellar group".

The momentum is extremely spectacular and terrifying, but Han Yu found that there is still no lethality. As long as it is within the envelope of his "things-to-star-shifting", no matter how large or small it is, how light it is, and how light it is, the speed will be the same, which will cause no collision with each other and cause damage.

Han Yu keeps changing the speed of his vitality in the meridians, and the speed of his vitality directly affects the speed of things that revolve around him. The vitality moves fast, the rotation speed of the surrounding things is fast, and the vitality rotation speed is slow, the rotation speed of the surrounding things is slow, and the rhythm is uniform.

After many attempts to change the vitality speed and no effect, Han Yu fixed his gaze in the Niwan Palace.

There are five golden stars on the holy palace related to the transfer of things. With Han Yu's transfer of magical powers, the five golden stars left the holy palace and flew over the holy palace, rotating around an invisible axis. The rotation speed of the surrounding things always keeps pace with the five golden stars.

"Is it because the speed of the five stars is the same, so that the rotation speed of the foreign objects is the same? If the rotation speed of the five stars is different, and the trajectory is different, will those foreign objects form a star storm? Scene in?"

Han Yu began to try to control the rotation speed and trajectory of the five golden stars. It was simple to say, but it was extremely difficult to try.

Five stars are like five fingers. Wanting five stars to run at different speeds is like having five fingers in different positions. The difficulty can be imagined.

Han Yu first controlled the faint star with all his heart, and after trying seven times, he felt a sense of exhaustion spread all over his body, and his mental energy was exhausted abnormally.

Han Yu had to put away the "Transformation of Things" and began to recuperate.

After half a day's recuperation, after Han Yu recovered, he once again performed the Object Transition. In a blink of an eye, it took more than half a month. With the efforts of dripping through the rocks, Han Yu finally made slight progress, slightly slowing down the faint star.


The speed of the stars is different, and the speed of the foreign objects being pulled has also become different, forming a mutual collision, making a terrifying loud noise.

This is only a slight improvement, but the lethality is extremely strong. According to Han Yu's visual observation, even if the Wuhuang fifth level master is hit, he will be disabled if he is not dead. Although it's not a big deal for a powerhouse of Han Yu's level, Han Yu is already very satisfied, which gives him hope for improvement.


Suddenly, in the Niwan Palace, a solid star hit the faint star, causing Han Yu's head to become chaotic, and his soul tore. He hit the ground directly from mid-air, and when he recovered, the material transfer and star transfer magic power had been automatically solved, and the five golden stars returned to the holy palace.


Han Yu held his head and sucked in cold air. At this time, his head was hit by a sledgehammer, and the pain was unbearable.

The stars are running at different speeds, causing collisions, which is reasonable.

"If you want not to hurt yourself, you have to change the trajectory of the stars!" Han Yu thought.

Although he has encountered difficulties, he already has a solution.

"Huh? Boss, what's the matter with you?" Suddenly a voice of surprise came, and Meng Zuisheng appeared and hurriedly came to help Han Yu.

"Something went wrong in the practice, and it was backlashed." Han Yu said, his face was a little pale, and he looked extremely bad.

"Hurry up and sit up and take a rest. I thought where you were. I was looking for you everywhere. I didn't expect you to practice here." Meng Zuisheng helped Han Yu sit up.

"What are you doing with me?" Han Yu asked after sitting down.

"Boss, you definitely can't guess." Meng Zuisheng deliberately sold a pass.

Han Yu rolled his eyes, and said angrily: "If I can guess, you still have to say?"

Meng Zuisheng smiled and said, "Boss, the Sun Moon God Sect is afraid of being beaten by you!"

Han Yu asked: "How to say?"

Meng Zuisheng said: "You made the Sun Godzi seriously wounded and escaped in Heart Island. You killed five Sun Moon God sages, causing the whole Lijie to be shaken three times. However, Sun Moon God cult is dumb and dare not even fart. Put one."

This was in Han Yu’s expectation. The Sun Moon God Sect had so many saints killed by Han Yu before and after, and his muscles had been wounded. At this time, the entire Sun Moon God Sect had only three saints, one of whom was Han Yu’s. Incarnation, the Sun Moon God Sect is low-key, it is normal.

Moreover, Sun Godzi sent a message to Han Yu before, and learned of Xindao's affairs, the leader of Sun Moon God Sect was silent directly, Sun Godzi went to retreat to heal his injuries, Sun Moon God Sect would not do anything to Han Yu for the time being.

Han Yu said indifferently: "What was expected."

Meng Zuisheng sighed: "Boss, you are really the God of War, you killed ten saints before and after Sun Moon God Sect, right?"

Han Yu didn't say much, closed his eyes and recuperated.

"Tsk tusk tusk..." Meng Zuisheng kept smacking his lips, and said: "You can use your own power to let the Sun Moon God Church die. Throughout the ages, you are the first person, the boss, I suspect that you are the ruthless person in Kunjie , No, you are ruthless than that ruthless person, super ruthless person!"

Han Yu said angrily: "Are you complimenting me or scolding me?"

Meng Zuisheng chuckled and said, "Of course it's a boast. Boss, you are a role model for my generation!"

Han Yu said lightly: "How is your master?"

"Master?" Meng Zuisheng reacted for a moment, and said with a bitter expression: "Very good, boss, in the future, it is shameful to say that the master will not be long and short. I think it is more appropriate to call the sister-in-law."

Han Yu gave Meng Zuisheng a sad look and ignored him.

After Han Yu recovered, he blasted Meng Zuisheng away and continued to practice "Transformation of Things".

One day, a message came from the Son of Sun God, that Yang Ming, the leader of Sun Moon God Sect, quietly descended the mountain with the Minghuang sword, looking for Han Yu's trace, and preparing to kill Han Yu secretly. In the early stage of Martial Saint, the master of the six-layer transforming star carries a quasi-imperial soldier, and its lethality is unimaginable. If he is found by him without preparation, Han Yu will be in trouble.

A sharp flash of light flashed in Han Yu's eyes, and he had a plan in his heart to continue his cultivation.

After repeated experiments, it took nearly a month for Han Yu to finally change the rotation speed of the faint stars and the trajectory of the faint stars so that the five golden stars in the Niwan Palace cannot collide.

As for the foreign objects, because of the huge number, even if the stars in Niwan Palace do not collide, they still collide. The improvement of the transfer of objects to the stars is declared a success.

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