Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1661: Palace in the sky

Chapter 1661 the palace in the starry sky

"I remember that it was in this star field. You can't go wrong. The star storm is not there. The only possibility is that the star storm is moving." Han Yu scanned the dark star field, and the scene of the star storm appeared in his mind. Deduction in my mind, to find out the direction in which the star storm may move.

After a stick of incense, Han Yu looked for a direction and let the white dragon go forward. Three days later, in the dark starry sky, a light spot finally appeared, not far away from Han Yu, but Han Yu was certain that that was the location of the star storm.

The white dragon began to fly towards the white light spot, and as the distance continued to approach, in the deadly silent void, it gradually became noisy. When you reach a certain distance, you can see the stars spinning wildly.

Han Yu took out the Ming Emperor Sword and joined forces with Yue Xianzi to urge it. A huge Qi Qi formed on the Ming Emperor Sword, which enveloped Han Yu, Yue Xianzi and the White Dragon, and the sword energy rushed towards the star storm.


Countless stars revolve, extremely spectacular, and there are collisions between stars and stars. Some stars were smashed and some stars bounced away. After the sword qi entered the star storm, it was subjected to a terrifying gravitational force, and it was dragged to rotate with the surrounding stars.

Fortunately, Han Yu and Yuexianzi were strong enough to withstand the gravitational force, allowing the sword energy to shuttle through the stars and fly towards the core of the star storm.


A star smashed from the left, and Han Yu had no time to control his sword qi to dodge. He was hit and the sword qi flew out.

Jian Qi's defense was strong enough, and neither Han Yu nor Yuexian received any harm.

Next, there was a boring interstellar shuttle. There were many dangers in the star storm, and Han Yu avoided it without any risk.

Seven months later, Han Yu passed through the star storm and entered a peaceful void.

"It's almost in the core area!" Han Yu frowned. According to his guess, there should be an extremely huge "primary star" within the star storm. However, it seems that there is nothing at all. However, he can feel a strong gravitational pull.

After moving on for thousands of miles, a huge black figure suddenly appeared in front of Han Yu. Han Yu hurriedly stopped the white dragon and examined it carefully.

"Why doesn't it look like a star?" Fairy Yue said.

The dark shadow itself didn't shine, only by taking advantage of the light of the surrounding stars to see the fuzzy shadow.

"Like a huge palace?" Han Yu said uncertainly.

The white dragon flew forward for a certain distance. Han Yu finally saw the thing clearly. It was indeed a huge palace. The palace was really too big. Han Yu visually observed the outline, and the width was at least ten thousand miles long. Compared with the stars, this is nothing, but compared with the palace, it is simply incredible.

The palace is quietly suspended in the void, smaller than any surrounding star, but exudes a terrible gravitational force, pulling the surrounding stars to rotate around it.

"How could there be such a terrifying palace in the cosmic starry sky?" Yuexian asked in surprise. Such a huge palace is simply not built by humans.

This palace was not made by refining, but made up of countless large black stones, which made this palace unusual. They were on the side of the palace with no entrance. Han Yu asked the white dragon to fly clockwise around the palace. It didn't take long to fly to the other side, which was the front of the palace.

Under the front steps of the palace, there is a huge square which is connected to the palace. On the square, there are eight giant Optimus pillars, engraved with some engraved pictures of monsters that Han Yu can't name, as well as many spells and red text.

Above the main entrance of the palace, there is a huge board with the three characters "Temple of the Gods" written in ancient red text, exuding a faint light, and iron painted silver hooks, vigorous and powerful.

"The temples of the gods, is it the place where gods live?" Yuexian asked in surprise.

She thought of the fairy gods in the legend, but Han Yu was solemn, thinking of Heavenly Court. Han Yu looked at the three words, as if he could hear the voices of the gods discussing the Tao, which was extremely shocked.

"Look, there is a pool of blood!" Fairy Yue pointed to the back of a pillar.

There was indeed a pool of blood, bright red, and it looked like it had just shed. Beside the blood, there is a box. This box is square and black, with several golden dragons carved on it, each of which is lifelike.

"Is this the box that Wangu Pavilion was looking for?" Han Yu looked at the box, his eyes lit up.

Han Yu secretly explored the surroundings and found no danger, so he let the white dragon carry them down towards the square before stepping into the edge of the square. Suddenly a stray wind blew, making Han Yu and Fairy Yue shiver.

I was outside just now and couldn't feel anything. But when you enter this range, you can feel a bleak air rushing toward your face, giving people the general feeling of returning to an ancient battlefield. Very sad and depressed.

The powerful gravitational force emanating from the palace suddenly disappeared. It was replaced by a powerful pressure, as if facing a god, making Han Yu and Fairy Yue feel a throbbing from the depths of their souls. Feel the pressure everywhere.

"There is weirdness here!" Fairy Moon became alert.

The pool of blood beside the box also became uncommon, exuding a terrible holy power, but a pool of saint blood.

"Is this blood left by the masters of the Wing Gu Pavilion?" Han Yu's soul power was released, covering the entire square. It is already certain that the person from Wangu Pavilion died here.

After the death of the saint, his body is immortal, but he only left a pool of blood, obviously encountering a great crisis.

The opponent's ability to come here through the star storm shows that his strength is extraordinary, which makes Han Yu more careful.

Han Yu put the white Shenlong into his body, and Fairy He Yue walked towards the box slowly.

Han Yu looked at the box carefully. It was exactly the same as the box on the portrait Jiang Xian had shown Han Yu in the past. He was definitely looking for something.

Han Yu walked to the box and picked it up. The weight of the box is average, and it is impossible to tell what is inside. Han Yu looked through the box and found that the box was a whole and could not be opened.

Han Yu put the box away, and the things that Wangu Pavilion could exchange with Emperor Tongtian’s treasures were by no means ordinary things.

"Now that I have got the things, should I go back or explore this palace?" Yuexian asked.

Han Yu did not answer, but carefully observed the surrounding area of ​​the pool of blood.

The master of the eternal pavilion did not die in the star storm, but died when he came here. You don't need to think about it to know that there is a great danger hidden here. It is a pity that Han Yu did not find any traces of the fight, and could not speculate how that person died. Judging from the scene, it seems that the person suddenly turned into a pool of blood when he walked here.

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