Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1669: Rebellious Dafa

Chapter 1669


The black sword slashed, cutting off Han Yu's blood, and suddenly the powerful sucking force disappeared. Han Yu secretly breathed a sigh of relief, the cold sweat on his forehead rolled down like raindrops.

The black sword flew over and whispered constantly at Han Yu, and then flew around Han Yu for a while and then flew back to the man, releasing the black princess, and carrying the man to the north.


Han Yu then let go of his hanging heart.

Suddenly, an ancient book fell off the man and fell into the ruins below. The countless sword light attacks just pierced the man's universe bag. Hei Jian didn't notice anything falling, and quickly disappeared into Han Yu's sight with the man.

Han Yu looked at the sky without saying a word for a long time.

"I, Han Yu, unexpectedly had a day when others took blood as nourishment." Han Yu felt extremely bitter in his heart.

He quietly operated his mind, the wound was shining brightly, and he began to heal quickly. The wound disappeared quickly, but Han Yu's blood loss would not be able to recover for a while.

Han Yu gritted his teeth and turned his eyes to the ancient book. This is a very old book, the cover is made of animal skins, and it has been worn out. Han Yu grabbed it and fetched something from the air. The ancient book flew over and fell into Han Yu's palm.

Han Yu turned the ancient book upside down and saw a few large characters on the front of the ancient book.

"Fate Rebellion Dafa." Han Yu frowned. The ancient book reads "Fate Rebellion Dafa" four ancient red texts. Judging from Han Yu's experience, this should be a mental method.

Han Yu had no need for other mental methods, so he couldn't help being a little bit lost, and slowly opened the cover.

"Change your fate against the sky and bring back to life" came into Han Yu's eyes, and Han Yu's heart was shocked. Suddenly, it seemed that there was an extremely overbearing voice that rang in his mind, making his head buzzing.

Just like the devil yelling and confronting the sky, that kind of domineering, that kind of supernatural power, even Han Yu's heart trembled.


Suddenly, a thunderbolt in the clear sky shocked Han Yu.

Han Yu raised his head and looked at the sky. He couldn't help changing his color slightly. The sky was originally clear, but there were dark clouds gathering, thundering, and lightning like a dragon. This is a sign of the imminent punishment of heaven.

Han Yu was secretly shocked, if the Qi Tianjia was broken and Qi Tianshi's aura leaked, it would inevitably lead to heavenly punishment. But he won't attract the punishment of heaven. The punishment of this day is caused by other things.

Han Yu hurriedly looked down at the ancient book, the eight characters on the ancient book actually shone with golden light. At the same time, the overbearing voice just now became clearer.

Suddenly a blurred picture appeared on the ancient books, the sea roared, constantly beating the reef, a burly figure standing on the reef, looking up at the sky, and shouting loudly. The voice was full of provocation and disdain.

"Change your fate against the heavens and come back to life. How can the world reincarnate, the gods and Buddhas of the heavens are killed with one sword!"

Every word was as heavy as thunder, and every word shook Han Yu's body.


In that picture, the sky roared, lightning flashed and thunder, the sky and the earth were irritated by the person and wanted to kill the person.


The man swung a sword, split the thundercloud, shattered the sky, and crushed the earth!

Han Yu was stunned. This person was so fierce and terrifying. He simply trampled the universe under his feet and regarded the gods and Buddhas as ants. How could there be such a terrible existence in this world?

As strong as the emperor, he cannot change his fate against the heavens, resurrect himself from the dead, nor break away from the cycle of heaven and earth!

Han Yu wanted to see who this ruthless man was, but the picture was too vague, and even his back was looming.


The sound of thunder in reality pulled Han Yu back.

"This ancient book is too heaven-defying, and it will attract Heavenly Punishment when it is opened. If it is to cultivate, why not step on Heavenly Punishment under your feet?"

Han Yu was so excited that his pores opened, black light gushing outward, and his fighting spirit went straight to the nine heavens. He has seen a lot of horrible mental methods, such as the Dragon Dominator Bible, Luantian Jue, and Heavenly Dao Fa. They all came from the hand of the emperor, but they didn't reach the point where he opened his mind and would lead to punishment.

Among the mental methods and magical powers that Han Yu knew and mastered, only the Heavenly Suppressing Monument could attract heavenly punishment, but it also had to wait for it to be displayed before it could attract heavenly punishment, which couldn't be compared with the rebellious Dafa.

The level of horror of this rebellious Dafa is simply unimaginable.

Han Yu hurriedly closed the ancient books and put them away. His current state is very bad, unable to withstand the bombardment of Heaven's Punishment. However, the expression he looked at Tianchao was full of disdain.

What if it is a punishment? It's not that he hasn't spent it.

The Heaven's Punishment hadn't really formed, the thing that crossed the catastrophe disappeared, and it disappeared without being sensed.


Suddenly, a loud roar came from the depths of the temples. This voice was not unfamiliar to Han Yu at all, but the voice of the green fur monster. Then came the sound of terrifying collision.

"What happened to the green fur monster?"

Han Yu put the black dragon, orange dragon and blue dragon into his body, and let the white dragon carry him and fly in the direction of the sound.

Eight dragons appeared in Han Yu's body, namely, black dragon, white dragon, red dragon, cyan dragon, golden dragon, orange dragon, blue dragon and invisible dragon. The golden dragon incarnates as a white tiger, in the battlefield of chaotic time and space; the blue dragon incarnates as Yuexian; the red dragon incarnates as the sun god. So now there are only five dragons in Han Yu's body, and the invisible dragon has not been resurrected, so he cannot be summoned to fight.

Not long after, Han Yu saw that the green fur monster was fighting a black sword outside the gossip matrix, which was the same sword before.

"Why did they encounter here? Are they going to enter the gossip matrix?" Han Yu was surprised. The bronze coffin quietly appeared in his mind, and a strange thought suddenly emerged in his heart.

"If you put this corpse in a bronze coffin, with the horror of the corpse, would it not have swallowed all the energy inside and destroyed it?" Han Yu became more excited as he thought about it, and felt that this method was feasible.

In this world, is there anything more terrifying than the devouring sky devouring body?

But Han Yu was quickly poured cold water. Whether it was this corpse, the green fur monster and the bronze coffin inside, it was not something Han Yu could provoke now.

Han Yu walked away quietly. He didn't want to take his heart and blood to wake up the energy of the corpse after Black Sword could not win.

Han Yu let the white dragon move forward quickly, and he quickly refines medicinal materials to heal his injuries. He had no intention of staying here anymore, the green fur monster and the black sword **** were out there, and he didn't want to be targeted.

After several days of rushing, Han Yu circled east and west, finally found a way out and returned to the entrance of the temples of the gods. Inside the black hole palace, there are still blood stains of Yuexianzi and Han Yu, but the Minghuangjian is gone.

"Has it been taken away by the Green Hair Monster?" Han Yu frowned tightly, a pain in his flesh.

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