Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1676: Starry Encounter

Chapter 1676

After a great battle, the cock-head monster was seriously injured and fled. After all, it is a master of Hualian Yizhong in the middle of the demon saint. Although it is not as powerful as Han Yu, it is not easy for Han Yu to keep it.

Han Yu didn't chase, but returned to collect the Five Elements Spirit Earth. When Han Yu received about one-fifth, there was a sudden tremor in the void, and a powerful force tore Han Yu away, trying to take Han Yu away.

"Oops..." Han Yu was shocked and tried his best to resist the tearing force. However, that power was too strong, and Han Yu soon entered the space-time tunnel, and when he regained his vision here, he appeared in the endless starry sky of the universe.

"Where is this and what era is it?" Han Yu looked around blankly.

The world is chaotic in time and space, and there are often time and space jumps. Han Yu didn't expect that his luck was so bad that he encountered the extreme point of jumping at a critical moment.

Han Yu glanced at the space magic weapon in his hand, and was fortunate that the five-element spiritual soil he had put in was still there.

"Did the rooster come back and take away the Five Elements Spirit Earth? Or is that pile of Five Elements Spirit Earth transformed into the Xianxia Mountain afterwards?" Han Yu was in pain. With so many Five Elements Spiritual Earth, he only took away one fifth.

"I'm going back now, is the Five Elements Spirit Earth still there?" Han Yu put away the space magic weapon.

But the idea is good, but the reality is that Han Yu doesn't know where he is, how to return to the Kun world? Han Yu tried to communicate with the white tiger, but still got nothing.

Han Yu traveled through the vast universe for more than three months, and did not see any place where humans live. He realized a serious problem, he might be lost in the stars of the universe.

"Identify a direction and keep going!" Han Yu set his attention, and flew towards the brightest star in the sky. Han Yu did not cross the void, he was afraid that crossing the void would miss some important clues.

Three days later, Han Yu flew to the brightest star, and the terrifying heat made him afraid to approach. He bypassed this star and moved on.

Suddenly, in the deep space, a golden light flashed across, like a meteor, which instantly attracted Han Yu's attention.

"The breath of a monster beast, that is a monster beast." Han Yu was overjoyed and hurriedly pursued it. To encounter life in this vast universe is undoubtedly like seeing a lighthouse in the vast ocean.

The monster's speed was extremely fast, Han Yu summoned the white dragon and crossed the void several times, but failed to catch up. Han Yu asked the white dragon to follow the golden light. After half a month, Han Yu narrowed the distance and finally saw what the golden light was.

This is a golden cloud the size of a futon. On top of the cloud, lies a small golden beast. The beast is only one foot long. It is lying on the cloud with its front feet holding the back of the head as a pillow, and the back legs are tilted. , Shake leisurely and leisurely. There was a small golden horn less than three inches gleaming on his head.

"Little Horn?" Han Yu exclaimed. Although he only saw the little monster beast from behind and didn't see its appearance, Han Yu was sure that this was Little Horn.

"Little Horn..."

Han Yu yelled loudly, but it didn't hear it, allowing the clouds to quickly pass through the void. Seeing its chic appearance, it seems to be traveling.

"Little guy!" Han Yu shouted desperately. He hadn't seen this little guy for many years, and he had been missing him very much.

"Damn, it should hear my voice in principle, isn't it deliberately teasing me?" Han Yu was a little speechless. No longer shout, just chase desperately.

After a few days of chasing, it didn't take long to catch up, and suddenly time and space became confused again. When Han Yu regained his vision, he was still in the starry sky of the universe, but Xiaojiao was no longer visible.

Han Yu settled down and thought secretly.

"If it is that little guy, ignore me for no reason. I am now in a chaotic time and space, time is jumping, a long time ago. The little beast I just saw is not the little horn. It should be the same species as the little horn. Is it Xiaojiao's ancestor? Xiaojiao's father?" Han Yu secretly asked.

Xiao Jiao has followed Han Yu since he was a child, but its origin has always been a mystery. Han Yu didn't expect to encounter a small beast that looks the same as a small horn here.

"In all likelihood, it is Xiaojiao's father!" Han Yu said, this is his instinct.

Han Yu couldn't help feeling a little regretful. If he could catch it just now, maybe he could solve the mystery of Xiaojiao's life experience. I don't know what era I have been in now, what location I have been to, and it is difficult to find it again.

Han Yu glanced at the void of the surrounding black holes, feeling a little heavy. He was still lost.

"Where should I go now?" Han Yu couldn't pay attention for a while. And the communication white tiger ended in failure again.

Suddenly, there was a sound in the silent void, and the sound became louder and louder, and it didn't take long for it to be like a chariot pushing through the void.

Han Yu looked at the sound, only to see some black spots passing through the void.

"What is this?" Han Yu hurriedly flew over. When he reached a certain distance, he finally saw those things. It was a group of coffins flying through the void, all made of bronze. It is densely packed with no fewer than a thousand.

The bronze coffins are arranged regularly, like a well-trained army. At the forefront, an ancient coffin leads the way. Next to it is a small coffin.

"This coffin?" Han Yu's eyes widened. He recognized the two coffins in front of him. They were those of the old madman and the girl in Wuya Mountain.

"Are they going to Wuya Mountain?" Han Yu hurriedly followed.

Han Yu did not disturb the coffin. Following the encounter with the old madman, the girl, and the big girl, Han Yu knew that their family used a special method to fall asleep and spent a long time, from a long time ago, to a later life. .

Once you wake up, you can only return to this world and start your life.

"Where did they come from?" Han Yu followed behind the coffin army. It is now certain that the current era is after Han Yu entered the era of Blood Moon Forest for the second time, and it is likely to be the era of no emperor. But the age of Emperor Wu has spanned seven thousand years. Whether it was the early, middle or late stage, Han Yu didn't know.

The coffin army is fast, and Han Yu can keep up. After several months of long travel, finally a continent appeared in Han Yu's line of sight, it was the Cloud Continent.

The coffin army quietly entered the Kun world and fell to the east of Xiling, without attracting anyone's attention. The direction of the coffin is exactly where Wuya Mountain is located.

"Daya's family only entered Wuyashan during this period. They are not the original residents of Wuyashan. It seems that there are others in Wuyashan."

When the coffin army was about to enter Wuya Mountain, the depths of Wuya Mountain suddenly became dark and the mountain shook, and a team of heavily armored men rushed out.

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