Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1679: Outbreak of murder

Chapter 1679

The transmission channel constructed by the teleportation array of the Sun Moon God Sect is much more stable than the transmission channel constructed by the teleportation array of the Promise Hall, and the speed is much faster. According to Han Yu's expectation, he should be able to return to the Kun world within seven months.

Today's Han Yu, it can be said that he is homecoming. It has been more than ten years since he left. The two children must have grown up, and he can't help feeling a little guilty.

During the trip that lasted more than three months, Han Yu spent calmly. In the third month and eleven days, the transmission channel suddenly vibrated violently.

"What's going on?" Han Yu frowned.

The tremor frequency has not undergone a buffering process, and it is extremely violent, which is extremely unusual.


Immediately afterwards, the transmission channel exploded. The powerful tearing force hit Han Yu's body, and Han Yu rushed out with a leap. In the starry sky of the universe, there was a horrific crash. Two powerful auras intertwined and collided, disrupting the void and shaking the sky for nine days.

"Someone is fighting!" Han Yu's face sank. Breaking through the energy storm, I saw the two who were fighting each other.

A woman in red, who looked more than a god, was holding a white sword in her hands. A white-clothed man with a burly figure with a sturdy head, holding a square painted halberd. The two of you come and go, fighting so dimly, the stars pale.

The two are as old as Han Yu, and they are both in the five-fold realm of Wu Sheng's early transformation of stars. It can be seen that they are not ordinary people.

"These two people are definitely not people from Kunjie and Lijie, how can they fight here?" Han Yu secretly asked.


The two met in a horrible encounter, and they separated quickly, and glanced at Han Yu.

"Who are you, why do you peek at us to fight?" the man raised his brows and said angrily.

"Hmph, it's up to me whether you live or die!" Han Yu said angrily. The opponent's battle shattered the transmission channel, making him feel angry when he fell out, but he didn't expect to be so unreasonable.

As soon as Han Yu said this, their faces became cold.

The woman said solemnly: "If you don't want to die, just get out of here!"

"I think you are looking for death!" Han Yu was furious.


Han Yu started directly, and bombarded with both hands at the same time, with Wang Yin on one hand and Heavenly King Seal on the other, respectively.

The seal of the king of heaven collapses like the sky, and the seal of the earth king turns over like the earth, both are terrifying.

"In the early stage of Wusheng's five-level transformation of stars, with two celestial elementary supernatural powers, he wanted to kill us, it was ridiculous!" The man sneered.

The Fang Tian painted halberd in his hand smashed down, blasting towards the land king's seal. The woman's long sword is like a rainbow, piercing the seal of the king.


There were two loud noises, and the sneers on their faces instantly solidified, and replaced by full of incredible. The magic weapon of the two was shocked, and their palms were shattered.

Han Yu stepped forward, and two more terrifying supernatural powers bombed out.

The two supernatural powers hit the two of them separately, and the bodies of the two of them exploded in a scream, blood spilling into the sky.


Array patterns flashed on Han Yu's body, and he quickly propped up an array pattern shield to trap all the blood of the two, and then displayed an array pattern storm. The terrifying storm wiped out their flesh and blood into ashes. In the end, the two died. Dao disappeared, soul flies away.

Han Yu spread his hand and grabbed it. The two origins of blood entered his body and were swallowed by the invisible dragon. The two universe bags and the magic weapon of the two flew into Han Yu's hands. Han Yu put the things away and walked away.

Although the killing of the two made a bad breath, Han Yu was in a bad mood at all. Now he can only walk across the void by himself, even if he doesn't encounter any danger on the road, it is impossible to return to the Kun world within a year or a half.

Two months after Han Yu's departure, an old chariot came here. From the chariot, one old and one young came out. The old one was a crooked old woman, and the youngest was an eleven or twelve-year-old girl.

"Your sister died here." The old woman looked sadly at the deserted void.

"Mother-in-law, could it be that Zhu Chongshan killed my sister?" the girl said with red eyes.

"No, Zhu Chongshan is also dead, wait for me to restore the scene with a yin and yang mirror to see who it is. It's just that time has passed too long, I don't know if it can be completely restored!" The old woman took out a simple bronze mirror and took a shot at the void. Above the bronze mirror, a Tai Chi pattern suddenly appeared, slowly rotating, from the Yin and Yang eyes of the Tai Chi pattern, a black light and a white light were shot out. Black light and white light are intertwined, evolving yin and yang.

Before long, a vague image suddenly appeared in the void, which looked like a terrifying tornado.

"Mother, you can't see clearly!" the girl said anxiously.

The old woman is not in a hurry, and calmly controls the Yin Yang mirror. The image began to change, and a **** scene appeared, a man and a woman beaten into blood.

"Sister, it's sister!" The girl exclaimed, pointing to the woman in the image. Although the image was very blurry, she still recognized it.

"Huanxuan and Zhu Chongshan are both strong men in the same realm who have few opponents. Together, they can retreat in a battle with the masters of Wusheng's early stage Huaxing Seventh Layer. Who is this person, he was killed by himself Two of them, how can there be such a strong person in the world of all directions?" the old woman exclaimed.

"Mother-in-law, look at where the evil thief has gone, no matter who it is, I want him to bury her sister!" The girl gritted her teeth, her immature face revealed an insidious color that does not fit her age.

"The image is too blurry. Even if we know where he went, it will be difficult for us to find the thief." The old woman sighed, and began to use the Yin Yang mirror to restore the scene repeatedly.

After many attempts, I finally found the picture of Han Yu's departure and determined the direction.

"let's go!"

The old woman put away the yin-yang mirror and took the girl onto the chariot. The chariot rumbled through the void and headed towards Kunjie.

Time passed quietly, Kunjie, northern Wuzhou, and the northern boundary mountain.

"Han Huangsheng, can you do it? You brought grandpa's holy soldiers, why can't you break this space barrier? Be soft, and sister will help you!" A beautiful young girl put her hands on her chest. Said with a smile on his face.

"No need!" In front of him, a young man was holding a broad sword, frantically slashing the void, he was already out of breath, but his face was stubborn and unwilling to admit defeat.

"Hey, if the eccentric old guy Daddy sees you like this, he will definitely be **** off!" The girl complained somewhat.

"Hmph, I don't allow you to say that about father!" The boy turned his head and glared at the girl with a look of anger.

"You'd better save your energy to do your business, hey, it's really boring, it would be great if anyone can come and play with this lady." The girl looked bored, and the teenager gave a cold snort of anger and continued Chopping the void.

"Brother Jiao, why don't you come and play with me!" The girl tilted her head to look at the little beast squatting on her shoulders and smiled badly.

"Hey!" Little Beast was frightened by Ji Ling, and ran away.

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