Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1706: Easy

Chapter 1706

"Big brother is right, Han Yu got the true biography of the patriarch, presumably the Qitian Master's way has reached the point where he can reach the summit, and the mountain protection array can't help him." Another man said, glanced at the wind and waves, and two eyes There was a smirk in the middle.

Feng Xietian glanced at the strong and fierce wind and waves, and frowned slightly. How could he not know the thoughts of the two people? This is obviously to make Han Yu embarrassed.

"Our wind clan’s mountain guard array was arranged by an ancestor at the level of a ten-yuan earth smasher. It is the patriarch. It is impossible to walk in without knowing the correct path, let alone Han Yu. Stop making trouble, just pick him up and talk about it." An old man laughed.

"The mountain guarding formation only opened the maze. Even if Han Yu can't get out, there will be no danger. We won't be too late to get him in at that time." The second elder said, with a mentality that it is not too big to watch the excitement.

"In that case, let's go out and see, how capable the patriarch, a direct disciple, is!" The elder stood up and said.

Suddenly a group of people huffed out of the hall, looking condescendingly at the foot of the mountain. The disciple who had just passed on the message was instructed and hurried down the mountain.

"How long do you think he can get out of the maze?" the elder said.

"How can it be possible? It should be said how long he can persist in the maze and start asking for help." One person smiled, not thinking that Han Yu could walk in.

"I think he will ask for help within ten days!" said the second elder.

"Second elder, ten days is too long, I think five days are almost the same." Fenglang Avenue.

"Back when you tried to make a battle, and only asked for help in seven days, do you think Han Yu is inferior to you?" The second elder laughed as he looked at Fenglang.

The wind and waves did not speak, but from the confident look on his face, he could tell that he thought so.

"The third elder, you know Han Yu better, how long do you think he will ask for help?" the second elder asked.

"I think within ten days, he can break out of the mountain protection formation." Feng Xietian said.

"Huh?" Everyone looked towards Feng Xietian, and even the Great Elder laughed and said: "Three Elders, this is a bit of an exaggeration, even the old man cannot break out within ten days."

Regarding Feng Xietian's words, no one is concerned.

"Look at it and talk about it." Feng Xietian said lightly. There are so many miracles that Han Yu has created, so that it seems logically that it is impossible for Han Yu to break out of the puzzle, but Feng Xietian still holds a glimmer of hope.

Outside the mountain gate, the disciple informed came back and said, "Brother Han, the third elder has important matters and can't get out. Please go in by yourself." The man made a request.

"Are you going to test me?" Han Yu smiled faintly, and stepped into the mist. After a few steps, the road was gone, and it seemed that there were roads everywhere.

"It would be a little difficult for me to break through this formation. It's nothing if I get out of this formation." Han Yu closed his eyes, the power of the soul was released, and he walked slowly.

The biggest effect of the maze is to confuse the eyes. After the eyes are closed, the effect will be greatly reduced. However, this formation is very advanced, it is difficult for the mental power to perceive the direction, even Han Yu's soul power is greatly restricted, and it can also confuse the soul power. But with careful consideration, the false route can be singled out and the correct route can be found.

All the members of the Wind Clan looked at Han Yu, and half an hour later, Han Yu did not take a wrong step.

"As expected to be a direct disciple of the patriarch, I haven't taken a wrong step yet." An old man sighed.

As long as the maze takes a wrong step, it will take the wrong step next. If you want to come out, it is undoubtedly foolish.

"At that time, I didn't go wrong the first day, and on the third day I knew that the others went wrong. He only walked for half an hour, which was nothing." Fenglang Avenue.

"Yeah, even I was right within half a day, this is nothing." Fenglang said fiercely.

The two are outstanding among the Feng Clan's peers. As Tian Lao's disciple, Han Yu, they naturally want to compare with Han Yu.

Half a day passed quietly, Han Yu hadn't taken a wrong step yet, making the stormy complexion instantly flushed. The most important thing is that at Han Yu's current speed, if he has been walking down correctly, he will take less than three days. Can get out of the entire puzzle.

"It looks like we are underestimating this Han Yu." A light flashed in the eyes of the Great Elder.

"It's only half a day, and there is still a lot of way to go." Feng Lang Meng said unconvincedly, and when the wind and waves were strong, he held his hands, still watching the show.

In the blink of an eye, Han Yu hasn’t made a mistake yet, and the distance he and Han Yu walked is more than double the distance traveled before the storm. The wind and waves are no longer calm. Even if Han Yu goes wrong next, he and Han Yu’s High and low, also saw the difference.

"Yes, you deserve to be a disciple of the patriarch!" the elder sighed.

"It's just good luck, and that doesn't mean he is as strong." The storm was a little sour.

No one actually refuted what the storm had said.

On the second day, Han Yu still walked leisurely in the maze, without any mistake. At this time, even if the arrogant storm is strong, I have to sigh Han Yu's strength secretly, but he is more suspicious.

"How could he not go wrong for so long? Could it be that the patriarch told him about this puzzle?" Feng Lang said suspiciously.

Others also became suspicious.

Only Feng Xietian's eyes are getting brighter and brighter. He knows that if the old man tells Han Yu about this formation, Han Yu will definitely walk in directly instead of pretending to be that way. And he was like this, indicating that he came in on his own strength.

In less than three days, Han Yu walked out of the puzzle, opened his eyes, and saw the top of the Feng Clan.

"Walk out in less than three days, how is this possible?"

"It is absolutely impossible, it must be cheating!"


Many high-level members of the Feng Clan were shocked, only Feng Xietian and the elder's eyes became brighter. Feng Xietian took the lead in flying over and said with a smile: "Little Friend Han, you really are here."

"Han Yu pays homage to seniors." Han Yu bowed. Although he had had trouble with Feng Xietian before, he was Tian Lao's family and his peers, so Han Yu naturally wouldn't put on airs.

"How about your master, why didn't you come back with you?" Feng Xietian asked.

"His old man has gone to travel all over the world!" Han Yu said.

Feng Xietian was taken aback and smiled: "The patriarch is that character, go, let's go up."

Han Yu and Feng Xietian flew side by side to the top of the mountain. Under Feng Xietian's introduction, Han Yu paid respects to several seniors one by one.

"Famous teachers make great disciples. Today is really an eye-opener for us!" The Great Elder praised.

"It's just a trivial means by Qi Tian Master, it's nothing at all. What really reflects the ability of a Qi Tian Master is the use of formation and confrontation patterns. Moreover, who knows if some people know the fans in advance? The path of the formation just now was just pretending." Suddenly, a very unfriendly voice sounded.

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