Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1812: Help

Chapter 1812

Han Yu and the saint of Yaochi went to see the palace lord of Yaochi. After learning of Han Yu's thoughts, the palace lord of Yaochi's eyes widened in surprise. In the end, thanks to the efforts of the saint of Yaochi, the palace lord of the Yaochi answered to use the mica fairy tower to help Han Yu.

Then Han Yu and the saint of Yaochi followed the palace lord of the Yaochi to the absolutely forbidden place of the saint palace of Yaochi-Jixian Hall.

Jixian Hall is the place where Yaochi Sacred Palace enshrines the Mica Immortal Pagoda. It looks like a palace on the outside, but it is an independent space inside. Only here, Han Yu felt four terrifying auras. These are the four elders guarding the Jixian Temple. Their seniority in the Yaochi Sacred Palace is terribly high. Even before them, the Yaochi Palace Master has to claim to be a disciple.

Entering the Temple of Sacrifice, Han Yu clearly felt a sense of oppression, which originated from the oppression of the emperor's soldiers.

In the center of the Jixian Hall, there is a huge altar. Above the altar, there is a small tower suspended in milky white like mutton jade. There are nine layers in total. At this time, there was no cloud spraying outwards. At first glance, it seemed to be a very ordinary small tower, but the kind of breath that crushed the eternal blue sky, even if it was stronger than the palace owner of Jade Lake, felt huge pressure.

And this is just the spontaneous aura of emperor soldiers from the mica fairy tower, if it is urged, it is unimaginable how terrible it is.

"Put that person on the altar." When approaching the altar, the master of Yaochi Palace said.

Han Yu took out the essence, a wisp of wind in his hand dragged the essence and gently fell on the altar.

The Jade Lake Palace Master and the Jade Lake Saintess looked at Shen Marrow, their eyes became weird.

I saw the Jade Lake Palace Master's hands forming a series of seals like lightning, and suddenly the mica fairy tower fell lightly, gently pressing on the top of the spirit.

"Well, when he wakes up, it will automatically activate the mica fairy tower. The stronger he is, the stronger the power of the mica fairy tower. As long as he is not the emperor, he will not be able to break free from the suppression of the mica fairy tower." Palace Master Yaochi was confident. Tao.

"Thank you Palace Master!"

"Thank you, Master!"

Han Yu and the saint of Yaochi thanked them almost simultaneously. Palace Master Yaochi smiled faintly: "You do it, this palace is waiting for your good news."

Palace Master Yaochi left quietly.

Han Yu and the saint of Yaochi looked at each other, both with smiles on their faces.

"What do I need to do now?" the saint of Yaochi asked.

"Now let’s examine your mental method. Your newly created mental method has almost reached the end of your cultivation. You must research a higher level of mental method as soon as possible, so that you can achieve the greatest gains in this refining. "Han Yu said.

The sage of Yaochi nodded, her heart suddenly warmed. At this time, Han Yu was the first to think of her.

The two sat cross-legged face to face under the altar, and the saint of Yaochi told Han Yu her own mind.

The mental method created by the saint of Yaochi is called "Bodhi Heart Sutra", and now she has created six layers, and she has also practiced six layers.

After listening to Han Yu, he began to study the "Long Ba Bible", "Luntian Jue", "Tongtian Dao Fa", "Nine Turns Magic Technique", "Xuantian Sacred Method", and "Tai Shang Zhen Jing" which he mastered. Ponder.

Only the few of the saints of Yaochi can make Han Yu help with such unreservedness. It took more than two months for Han Yu to create a rough mind for the saintess of Yaochi. After speaking to the saint of Yaochi, the saint of Yaochi's eyes widened.

Although Han Yu created this layer of mental method is very rough, but it gives her a very suitable and powerful feeling.

In the past two months, she has also developed a rough mentality, which is nothing compared to the one created by Han Yu.

Later, the two new mental methods of the saint of Yaochi combined to study the mental method that suits them best.

After that, Han Yu's role was much smaller. He was completely incarnate as a reference. The saint of Yaochi told Han Yu over and over again about the improvement mentality, and asked Han Yu to help her modify it.

After all, the method of mind is the cultivation of the sage of Yaochi, Han Yu can only set up a frame for her, and the sage of Yaochi must figure out the details by herself, that is the most suitable for her.

During the period, the palace lord of Yaochi came once and was extremely surprised to see that Han Yu and the saint of Yaochi had not done anything yet. But when she knew that the saint of Yaochi was about to create the seventh-centered method of the "Bodhi Heart Sutra", her eyes widened in surprise. Never imagined that with the help of Han Yu, the progress would be so fast.

The palace lord of Yaochi told Han Yu that Yuxu Sacred Palace was frantically looking for him, and he went to Yaochi Sacred Palace a few days ago, but she was dismissed.

For this, Han Yu is not surprised.

In a blink of an eye, more than three months passed, and finally, the seventh mental method of the Bodhi Heart Sutra was created successfully.

The saint of Yaochi was full of red light and was extremely happy.

"Let's get started!" Han Yu smiled slightly, pointed his right hand at the spirit and left hand at the saint of Yaochi, running his mind like crazy.

The saint of Yaochi hurriedly stabilized her mind, watched her nose and nose, and entered the state of cultivation in an instant.


Suddenly, a terrifying beam of light rushed out from above the soul, hit Han Yu's hand, and was quickly swallowed by Han Yu's body.

This scene stunned the saintess of Yaochi.

The beam of light rushing out of the spirit marrow is the essence of the spirit marrow. It enters Han Yu's body, is quickly swallowed by the black hole, and then spit out part of the black air from the black hole. These black auras are the most suitable auras for Han Yu's cultivation. However, it is not suitable for the cultivation of the Yaochi saints.

But this is not difficult for Han Yu. Han Yu quietly dissolved the Heaven-Swallowing Devil Qi in the spiritual energy, and only the pure spiritual energy rushed out from the other hand and hit the palm of the saint of Jade Lake.

The amount of aura rushing out of Han Yu's left hand was less than one-tenth of the amount of aura that he inhaled from his right hand, but the speed was too fast, and it was almost impossible for the saint of Yaochi to keep up with the refinement.

In just three short days, the body of the saint woman in Jade Lake became a little swollen and could no longer absorb aura. Han Yu stopped sending aura to her and refined it himself. After the sage of Yaochi refining the aura, Han Yu injects the sage of the Yaochi with aura.


Suddenly, the aura on the saint woman of Jade Lake was like a volcanic eruption, and the seal on her body was broken, restoring the fourth level of Hualian in the middle of the martial arts.

After the state was restored, the speed of refining the spiritual energy of the sage of Yaochi was obviously much faster, but it still couldn't keep up with the speed of Han Yu injecting the spiritual energy.

When the sage of Yaochi reached the fourth peak of Hualian Hualian in the middle of martial arts, even if her body could not hold aura, Han Yu did not hesitate to inject aura into her body.

Under the squeeze of the terrifying aura, the body of the saintess of Jade Lake became bloated and bloated again. A peerless beauty turns into a ball in the end, it seems to burst with a needle randomly.

Even the four masters who were in the dark saw it, they were scared into cold sweat.

But Han Yu did not stop, nor did the saint of Yaochi stop.

When the physical endurance of the saint of Jade Lake had reached the limit, she finally broke through that barrier and successfully broke through to the fifth stage of Hualian Hualian in the middle of the martial arts. In an instant, the body of the saint of Yaochi collapsed, restoring her majestic appearance and posture.

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