Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1858: Nine Dragon Arch Beads

Chapter 1858 Nine Dragon Arch Beads

There was still a void that couldn't see the five fingers around, and the bottom was still bottomless. They seem to have entered not a black hole, but an endless starry sky.

Before long, the black dragon turned into a black gas and left, like a purple dragon.

"I think I'm going to fall asleep too." Yun Taixu said.

"You go back, and I can go down alone." Some of these incarnations of Han Yu are out, some are asleep. Now that the enemy is approaching, Yun Taixu's great help cannot be allowed to fall asleep.

Yun Taixu nodded and returned to his dantian.

Han Yu continued down.

The swallowing power coming from below is getting more and more terrifying. When the downward movement reaches a certain level, the body is no longer controlled by Han Yu. Han Yu's soul was attached to the Killing Spear, allowing the Killing Spear to fall at will.

The Killing Spear was falling faster and faster, and later the devouring power was so terrible that Han Yu's soul wanted to return to his dantian, but Han Yu was not in a hurry and faced it with a calm mind.

I don't know how long it took for this fall. Later, Han Yu not only lost the concept of time, but also the concept of direction, and even he almost fell asleep.


Suddenly, a horrible crash sounded, shaking Han Yu sober.

He emerged from the Killing Spear and found that the Killing Spear had hit a light curtain, which blocked the black hole.

Seeing the other side through the light curtain is also boundless darkness.

The gravitational force on this light curtain is so big that it is difficult for Han Yu to walk on it.

"Why is there a light curtain here, where are Xiao Hei and Xiao Zi who just came in?" Han Yu turned his head and looked around. The light curtain was endless, and there was no trace of the black dragon and purple dragon.

He walked **** the light curtain with the sharp gun, walked hundreds of meters out and panted, as if he was carrying a huge mountain.

Han Yu raised the Godkiller and hit the light curtain, and the light curtain began to tremble violently like the surface of the water.

"Could this light curtain be a gate to the black hole?" Han Yu muttered to himself. The more I think about it, the more I feel like this.

"Only by opening this door can you enter the bottom of the black hole?"

Han Yu waved the Gunkiller and hit the light curtain, using all his strength to shake the light curtain.

Han Yu tried to mobilize the vitality in his dantian. Fortunately, although this black hole was not bottomed, it was also part of Han Yu's body. Under the mobilization of Han Yu, the dantian boiled, and vitality began to pour into the black hole violently.


After a while, Han Yu heard the loud noise like a waterfall. The black vitality turned into a raging flood.

Han Yu shouted, ready to use his vitality to display his magical powers. What shocked him was that his vitality was not mobilized by him anymore, hitting right above the light curtain, and then weirdly penetrating the beam of light and rushing to the bottom of the black hole.

"Huh?" Han Yu was taken aback and rushed into his vitality decisively.


Han Yu is like a stone in the big water, flowing with the waves.

When going through the light curtain, Han Yu discovered that a magical power was emanating from the light curtain, which wanted to obliterate his "debris".

Han Yu was shocked, he finally knew the function of this light curtain. This light curtain is like a slip through the net. With its existence, every time when Han Yu absorbs the impurities in the aura, it becomes the purest aura when he spit it out again.

You must know that no matter how advanced the cultivation materials in this world are, they all contain impurities. Removing impurities is a process that cultivators have to go through, and it's a very troublesome thing. Because of the black hole, Han Yu didn't have to work hard to remove the impurities in the training materials.

It turned out that it was all because of this light curtain.

This helped Han Yu countless busy light curtains, but at this time it gave Han Yu a headache.

Although he is a soul body, there is undoubtedly an impurity in his vitality.

"It's life or death, let's fight for it!" Han Yu entered into the Killing Gun, letting the Killing Gun protect his soul.

At this moment, the power of the divine material was manifested, even if the power of the light curtain was extremely terrifying, it could not obliterate the God Spear. But another headache for Han Yu appeared. The light curtain couldn't be wiped out, so he wouldn't let it in.

Under Han Yu's control, the Killing Spear kept shrinking, shrinking and then shrinking. In the end, it was completely invisible to the naked eye. With the vitality, it finally passed the light curtain.

"Finally come in!" Han Yu felt like a survivor.

Prepare to control the vitality and don't come in again, the vitality has been out of control and is continuously injected into the black hole.

"It seems to be swallowed up before it stops." Han Yu smiled bitterly.

Not only can he not control his vitality now, he can't control himself and the Gunslinger.

The devouring power from the black hole is really terrifying, and the Gunkiller and him can only be sucked down with the vitality.

"I won't be swallowed by the black hole?" Han Yu suddenly thought of something that made him cry without tears. If so, he might be the most tragic figure in this world.

I don’t know how far it went. Suddenly, seven looming rays of light appeared in the dark void. Han Yu hurriedly looked and saw that there were seven dragons in the darkness below. The seven rays of light came from From these seven dragons.

They are the white dragon, the red dragon, the cyan dragon, the golden dragon, the orange dragon, the blue dragon and the purple dragon. Between the blue dragon and the purple dragon, there is a translucent dragon; between the purple dragon and the white dragon, there is a black dragon.

There are a total of nine dragons, which look exactly like Han Yu's nine dragons. These nine dragons should be the prototype of the nine dragons. The only difference is that Han Yu's nine dragons are spiritual, and the nine dragons here are like sculptures.

The nine big dragons were standing in the void in nine directions, and their dragon heads were facing a black ball with their mouths open.

Nine Dragon Guards One Pearl!

The vitality that rushed in, rushed straight to the ball in the middle. The sphere was like a star, more like a bottomless pit, devouring vitality madly, no matter how much it came, it was all received.

"Here is the secret of the Sky Swallowing Devil Body!"

Han Yu only had time to catch a glimpse, and he and the Gunslinger were swallowed by the black ball and entered the black ball.

"I and you are connected as one, don't swallow whoever you see!" Han Yu shouted.

Now, he doesn't have the ability to resist at all, he is alive or dead, he can only look at this black ball. However, Han Yu still believes that nothing will happen to him, after all, this black ball is also part of his body.

The reality is completely opposite to what Han Yu thought.

Inside the black ball is a terrible vortex, just like a cosmic black hole. The sharp spear was spinning crazily, crazily weathering, turning into purple spots of light and quickly dissipating.

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