Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1959: Huabi Five

Chapter 1959 the five layers of wall transformation

At the same time, the barrier that intercepted Han Yu's step forward suddenly disappeared, and Han Yu's physical capacity instantly doubled, and his meridians more than doubled instantly. The vitality circulates in the meridians, extremely happily.


Within the swallowing devil gourd, a terrifying aura poured out. The mind works on its own, quickly refining into vitality.

Soon, Han Yu recovered the vitality consumed by the impact of the level. His physical body was not saturated, and the lake that the vitality turned into in the dantian expanded rapidly in all directions.

And the breath in him is also soaring.

"Breakthrough?" There was a surprise in Phoenix's eyes.

"Break through so easily?" Bai Feifei was extremely surprised.

When he met Han Yu for the first time, Han Yu had not yet reached the four peaks of wall transformation in the later stage of Wu Sheng. Such a speed of cultivation made her unable to describe in words, and in the end she could only secretly sigh, "Deserving of the Heaven Swallowing Devil Body."

She and Han Yu are about the same age, and the cultivation environment from a young age can be said to be thousands of times better than Han Yu, but now, Han Yu has come to the point where she looks up, which is simply a miracle.

Time passed quietly, and the breath on Han Yu's body was like a volcanic eruption, out of control. In one fell swoop, he climbed to the fifth stage of Wu Sheng's late stage wall transformation, and stopped the soaring speed. Suddenly, a strong pressure surged from Han Yu, causing both Phoenix and Bai Feifei to feel the tremendous pressure. Especially the monstrous demonic nature contained in that coercion, it almost makes gods and Buddhas be afraid of three points.

Suddenly, Bai Feifei rose from the depths of his soul with a touch of fear.

She knew that Han Yu would not hurt her, but it just made her a little scared. This kind of fear is stronger than that of a Seventh-layer enemy standing in front of him in the late stage of Wu Sheng.

And this kind of fear, this kind of fear, was caused by the breath of the Heaven Swallowing Demon Body.

Lingyin appeared, propped up a shield to protect Phoenix and Bai Feifei, the pressure on the two of them disappeared.

Bai Feifei's body was actually wet with cold sweat.

In Han Yu's dantian, Sun God and Moon Fairy also began to rush through. This time Han Yu didn't let them out, the aura in the Devouring Demon Gourd was enough for them to rush through.

Han Yu began to steadily cultivate.

This breakthrough not only greatly increased his strength, but Han Yu also had the feeling of breaking through the clouds and seeing the sky. He suddenly had a very deep understanding of "Martial Art". The specific manifestation of this understanding is his understanding of "Tai Shang The eighth level of understanding of Zhenjing.

Although Han Yu hasn't cultivated to the eighth level of "Tai Shang Zhen Jing", he has already hit the eighth severely. After a long period of polishing, he has been extremely satisfied. But after this breakthrough, Han Yu suddenly discovered that the eighth level still had many defects.

This kind of defect is not because there is a problem with the mental method itself, but because he has higher requirements for the eighth-centered method.

It can be said that if he practices according to the Eighth Center of Gravity Method, he can still practice quickly, but the height he can reach is no longer satisfactory to Han Yu.

Back then, Han Yu created the "Sutra of Supreme Supreme Being", which was based on a collection of many top mental methods. His goal is to create the most terrifying mental method in the world, to disrupt time and space and master the cycle of life.

Today, the chaotic time and space are inaccessible heights for Han Yu.

The Supreme Mind Method "Tong Tian Dao Fa" created by the Great Emperor Tongtian requires great cultivation to master the ability to "disorder time and space". As for "mastering the cycle of life", it is just a conceived concept.

Han Yu wants to make "Tian Shang Zhen Jing" surpass "Tong Tian Dao Fa", then, before "Tong Tian Dao Fa", it involves the ability to "disorder time and space".

In other words, when Han Yu cultivates "Tai Shang Zhen Jing", he has to master the ability to chaotic time and space in the realm of quasi emperor, otherwise there is no way to go beyond "Tong Tian Dao Fa" and other mental methods.

Han Yu is now the five-fold cultivation base of Wusheng's late stage wall transformation, and he is far away from the realm of the Emperor Zhun, and it is also near. The seventh level of "Tai Shang Zhen Jing" is about to achieve a great accomplishment in cultivation, and soon you can enter the eighth level of cultivation. This eighth-centered method must already reach a height, which is the ability to master "disordered time and space."

It can be said that Han Yu's idea is crazy and unrealistic.

The Great Emperor Tongtian, one of the most amazing and talented people in the past, the "Tongtian Dao Fa" he created is also one of the most terrifying cultivation methods between heaven and earth, and the ability of the Great Emperor Tongtian to "disorder time and space" is even more impressive. unprecedented.

Han Yu wanted to master the special abilities of Emperor Tongtian's "Emperor Wu realm" when he was in the realm of Emperor Zhun. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as a dream.

However, Han Yu has this belief and determination, why not try it?

What's more, there is the "Tong Tian Dao Fa" as a reference. If you don't even dare to try it, it is a waste of resources.

Han Yu closed his eyes and forcibly erased the eighth level of the cultivation mentality of "Tai Shang Zhen Jing" from his mind. He wanted to overthrow the previous and recreate the mentality.

The goal of the eighth center of gravity method-chaotic time and space.

"Tong Tian Dao Fa" has become Han Yu's main reference, followed by the rebellious third type of time and space, which has also become Han Yu's reference object, as well as the shuttle of the Great Emperor Tong Tian... all people, things, things related to "time and space", Both will become Han Yu's source of inspiration.

Han Yu couldn't help himself with this thought. Completely immersed in the vast "time and space".

The "true meaning of time and space" described in "Tong Tian Dao Fa" is unpredictable and vast.

"Big Brother Han, what are you doing? His cultivation is already firmly established, why hasn't he woken up yet?" Bai Feifei asked curiously.

"Perhaps, his several incarnations are also breaking through." Phoenix said in an uncertain tone, and couldn't help but look at Lingyin.

Lingyin and Han Yu cherish each other, he must know what Han Yu is doing.

Lingyin secretly transmitted to Phoenix, saying, "He is studying the mental method."

Phoenix nodded slightly without saying much.

Bai Feifei looked at Lingyin and said, "Why didn't you break through?"

Lingyin said: "My cultivation base has far surpassed the body, so naturally I won't break through."

Bai Feifei nodded without understanding.

Han Yu has been sitting for more than a month. In his mind, a "time and space" scene has evolved, which has evolved over and over again.

One day, I suddenly woke up from that obsession.

Han Yu has a very dazed feeling, as if walking in the mist, with a strand of rope in front of him, every time you have the feeling of grasping, but you can't grasp it.

"How's it going?" Seeing Han Yu opened his eyes, Phoenix asked urgently.

Han Yu shook his head and stood up. He clearly wanted to study the new eighth-centered method, not a matter of overnight, after some things were done, he had to close the door.

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