Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1966: Take a sharp turn

Chapter 1966

Suddenly, the corners of Xuan Zhiyou's mouth rose slightly, revealing a cold, deep smile.

"Retreat!" Bai Lao yelled loudly, and he instantly realized that he was hit.

Shen Ting would not know that someone would come to help Baijiapu, but Shen Ting did not make any defense. Obviously, this was a conspiracy.

However, at this time, the people and reinforcements of Baijiapu were killing them heartily. Not to mention that they didn't hear Boss Bai's voice.


Boss Bai shouted again, but his voice was soon drowned in screams and screams.

Looking at Xuan Zhiyou again, that smile made Boss Bai feel colder.


A low, desolate horn sounded from the Shenting camp, which seemed to travel through time and space, coming from the ancient killing battlefield.

One after another, dark tanks rushed out of the camp, with a terrifying air of murder.

Soon, the horizon was filled with chariots. The soldiers on the chariot were all wrapped in pitch-black armor, showing only a pair of cold eyes. That pupil, even Boss Bai looked at it and felt terrible.

This is a person who has to kill like hemp to have such terrifying eyes.

This is like an army coming from an ancient battlefield. Their mission in life is to kill!


Boss Bai's heart trembled suddenly, and he yelled to the sky.

This roar, earth-shaking and weeping, suppressed the sound of horns, and suppressed the sound of killing and screaming.

With the roar of Bai Boss, the world became quiet instantly.

The Baijiapu army and reinforcements that were rushing to a halt stopped and looked up at Boss Bai. They didn't understand why they stopped when the soldiers were heading.

The people of the gods retreat in an orderly manner amidst the sound of drums and horns. Not long after, the black and heavy chariot came into the sight of most people.


Boss Bai shouted again.

At this time, the people on Baijiapu's side reacted and began to withdraw.

However, the chariot army of the God Court has already been dispatched.

One after another, chariots rushed through the sky, like a thundercloud. The world became dim and depressed in an instant, and many people actually found it difficult to breathe.

"Is this the Eternal Chariot Legion of the God Court?"

"Isn't it ruined in the battle of the end of ancient times?"

In Baijiapu, there is no shortage of knowledgeable and savvy people. And as soon as this remark came out, many people were suddenly terrified.

The Eternal Chariot Corps, one of the most powerful armies since ancient times, has left countless earth-shattering legends and almost myths in history.

Looking at the world, only the "Undead Legion" of the Imperial League can compete with it.

"Back, fast back..."

Many people started yelling and realized the seriousness of the problem.

However, after all, it was slower.

One after another, the tanks came under pressure, and many people were still in a daze, and they were hit and killed by the tanks.

The soldiers on the chariot each held a black spear in their hands, and the red tassels on the guns seemed to be dripping blood. Every shot out will be accompanied by a lively life.

This is not a fight, this is a slaughter.

It was Boss Bai, Lao Er Bai, Granny Yun and others, all of them shuddered.

"Protect everyone to evacuate safely!"

Boss Bai was holding a big knife and rushed to face the chariot army. Suddenly, the army of chariots separated, and a larger chariot drove out. The four people who had besieged Boss Bai just now stood on the chariot and urged the chariot to face Boss Bai.

The masters on Baijiapu's side took the initiative to come to the front line to protect everyone from evacuation, but the Shenting side would often send corresponding masters to respond.

On Baijiapu's side, the top masters are all fighting and retreating, let alone others.

Although the saint can take a thousand miles in one step, the people of Baijiapu retreated for three hours before returning to the city wall after a short distance of tens of miles. However, only less than one-third of the people who returned were left.

It can be seen that on the ground in front of Baijiapu, countless corpses and pieces of meat, blood stain the ground red.

Where the chariot passed, it was really the gods blocking and killing the gods and Buddhas.

Back on top of the city wall, Boss Bai immediately activated the foundation of Baijiapu, and a huge energy shield appeared, covering the entire city of Baijiapu.

The chariot that was forced outside the city wall was forced to stop.

"Count the people!" Boss Bai ordered.

Before long, reports gathered from various places, and Baijiapu suffered heavy losses.

Baijiabao is not just the battle of the East City Gate, **** battles have taken place at the three gates in the south, west and north, but the main force is concentrated outside the East City Gate. Fortunately, after a field of desperate resistance, the people of the gods did not step into Baijiapu. Everyone's family members, ordinary people in Baijiapu, did not harm the pond fish.

Listening to the reports coming from everywhere, the people around were angry and wished to rush out to kill the Quartet, but reason defeated the impulse.

In front of the East City Gate, the Shenting army opened its battle and became uniform.

In contrast, the heavy general of Baijiabao above the city gate looked very embarrassed.

Suddenly, the center of the army broke through a hole, and Shen Ting's Dianjiang Platform moved here, and Xuanzhi stood on the Dianjiang Platform again, pointing the country in a leisurely manner.

Countless people in Baijiapu gritted their teeth.

Boss Bai looked at Xuan Zhiyou gloomily, and the hand holding the sword trembled. A cold light flashed on the sword, and the blood dripped from it.

Dianjiangtai came to the front of the city gate and stopped. Xuanzhi looked at Boss Bai with another condescending appearance, and said faintly: "Boss Bai, those who know the current affairs are brilliant. Our gods appreciate you quite a bit. You surrender now. Not only can you avoid the bloodbath of Baijiapu, but you can also get the reuse of our gods. The glory and wealth are endless, and the training materials are inexhaustible. With the help of our gods, you may be able to take that step. , Aspire to the realm of Zhunhuang!"

Boss Bai snorted heavily and said: "Stop talking nonsense, you can attack the city if you have the ability, and see if I don't take off your head as a chamber pot!"


Many heroes laughed and felt very relieved.

Xuan Zhiyou's face was so gloomy that it was about to drip, and he said in a deep voice, "Toast, not eat or drink fine wine, and attack the city!"

Pointing to retreat to the back, the Shenting army opened its formation and began to attack the city.

Suddenly, there was a loud noise, and the energy shield began to tremble under the bombardment.

"Everyone, Baijiapu thanks everyone for your help. Now that the city will not be destroyed, everyone’s kindness, I will bear in my heart, but the energy shield will not last long. I don’t want to increase the casualties. Please everyone from other cities. Open the door and leave here." Boss Bai's eyes swept across the crowd, and a strong voice rang in everyone's ears.

Guarded by an energy shield, and covered by the sound of the opponent's attack, he is not afraid of being heard by the people of the gods.

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