Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1974: Turn the tide

Chapter 1974

Some of the five clouds rose, some fell, and they began to evolve into the universe.

Yuan Jinghuan's heart tightened, and suddenly he felt an ominous feeling, and decisively rushed to the sky to kill Han Yu.


The falling fire attribute cloud turned into a big fire and wrapped Yuan Jinghuan, causing him to instantly fall into a duel with the endless terrifying flames.

The five elements evolve into the world, and gossip reverses the universe.

Many masters in Shenting felt the ominousness, and they all shot up to the sky to kill Han Yu, but as long as they entered the shrouded area of ​​Xintiandi, they couldn't help themselves. Han Yu was like a high master, making them look up.

The power of Dacheng's first form of rebellion is simply unimaginable.

Before long, a whole new world evolved. Thousands of waters and mountains, the universe of heaven and earth.

People on the entire battlefield couldn't help but stop. Those who are not shrouded in the first form of rebellion, what they see is an image of mountains and rivers like flowers, water and moon in a mirror, hung in the sky, and those who are shrouded in the first form of rebellion, It is another feeling. It was similar to the feeling of standing on the Zhongtian Continent, the only difference was that Han Yu was looking down at them as the master.

Han Yu thought, everything in this new world is under his control, including the people wrapped in it.


The non-shenting people suddenly disappeared and appeared on the battlefield outside of Baijiapu, while the Shenting people, after all their hard work, were unable to break through the confinement of the new world.

The new world is like a cage, but they are like pets locked in a cage, letting them be killed.

Suddenly, Xuan Zhi opened his eyes again, his face instantly became ugly, and he raised his head to look at the sky. At this time, Han Yu asked him to look up.

The new world is divided into eight parts: Gan, Kun, Kan, Li, Zhen, Xun, Gen, and Dui. The universe began to turn upside down and the world collapsed. Suddenly, the screams came and went one after another, and in front of the might of the world, the saints were as small as dust.


Yuan Jinghuan's body suddenly fell apart, and a master of Wusheng's late stage wall-changing six layers was killed.


A scream made everyone frightened, especially the people of Shenting, who instantly chilled from head to toe.

Because it was not someone else who screamed, it was the commander of the Shenting army this time, Xuan Zhiyou.

It can be seen that there are many cracks on Xuan Zhiyou's body. The most terrifying thing is that the cracks on his body are rapidly corrupting, and the situation is very different from the rest of the people.

This is naturally due to the grievances of God.

Exceeding everyone's expectations, Xuan Zhi persisted for a short time. Suddenly, his body exploded, and his flesh and blood dissipated into thick smoke. A master of the Seventh Layer of Martial Saint's late stage wall transformation, he died like this.

Everything in the world seemed to solidify at this moment, and no one would have thought that Xuan Zhi would die so simply.

Boss Bai was the first to react, holding the treasured sword and roaring: "Xuan Zhi is dead again! Shen Ting is defeated, brothers, kill me, don't leave one!"

The heroes of Baijiabao seemed to be beaten in blood. But the master of Shenting fainted instantly.

Baijiapu began to counterattack, and the counterattack went well. The lives of the masters of the gods were harvested by them.

Speaking of the overall strength, the Shenting side is still stronger than the Baijiapu side at this time, but Xuanzhi is the spiritual support of the Shenting army, Xuanzhi is dead again, and the hearts of all the Shenting masters have collapsed.

Defeated like a mountain, the people of the gods began to flee in a panic, and were assaulted by the masters of Baijiapu like a wolf driving a flock of sheep.

Seeing that the situation had completely reversed, Han Yu couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief. The first form of rebellion quietly resolved, suddenly a touch of exhaustion spread all over the body.

The first type of rebellion, although he has already cultivated great achievements, every time he uses it, the load on him is extremely heavy.

Especially this time.

Before he knew it, Han Yu's face had become pale and bloodless, a dead gray color appeared between his eyebrows, and blood was involuntarily flowing from the corners of his mouth.

Han Yu felt that his eyelids were extremely heavy, and he was likely to pass out.


Suddenly, a familiar shout rang from behind, and Han Yu forcibly took a breath and turned around. I saw three beautiful women standing behind.

The three of them were Narcissus, Shui Ling'er and Phoenix.

Phoenix stood aside, Narcissus and Shui Ling'er looked at Han Yu with affection and a little shyness.

"He is the person in the lower realm?" In the distance, Bai Ling looked at this side, and suddenly felt mixed and mixed. He kept saying that he looked down on Han Yu, but Han Yu's battle today made him only look up, where he could still be born with the slightest bit of injustice.

Han Yu at this time was not his deity's appearance, but Narcissus and Shui Ling'er would no longer doubt his identity.

"Xian'er, Ling'er..." Han Yu looked at the two affectionately, but just after calling out their names, their bodies began to fall involuntarily, and then the two of them became blurred in his eyes.

Han Yu fainted.

Shuixian'er and Shuiling'er hurriedly rushed over and supported Han Yu one by one. Phoenix wanted to come over, but resisted, and gave the opportunity to the two of them.

The two supported Han Yu and rushed directly to Baijiapu. Phoenix followed closely behind. Lingyin put away the corpses of Sun God, Moon Fairy, and Black Dragon, and entered Baijiabao with the White Tiger, Orange Dragon, Purple Dragon, and monsters with six heads and eighteen arms.

The heroes and heroes of Baijiapu are still fighting the enemy bravely.

Half a day later, on the plain in front of Baijiapu, it became quiet. Some of the masters of Baijiapu went to chase and kill the people in the court, and some left to guard Baijiapu and clear the battlefield.

Boss Bai took the senior officials of Baijiapu, and went to the residences of Shuixian'er and Shuiling'er for the first time. He wanted to see the hero who could turn the tide and save Baijiapu from the fire and water.

Seeing that Shuixian'er and Shuiling'er care about this pedestrian so much, everyone suspects that this pedestrian is the same Han Yu and the group that Uncle Mu met before.

Asked Uncle Mu, but Uncle Mu shook his head, saying that he hadn't seen it before, saying that it was not the Han Yu he met.

Uncle Mu knew that Han Yu had the secret of incarnation, and had promised Han Yu not to tell Han Yu's secret, so much so that he knew that this group of people were Han Yu and others, but he chose to play stupid.

Everyone didn't see Bai Feifei's figure, so they didn't doubt Uncle Mu's words, so that Han Yu's identity was concealed.

Even Granny Yun and Bailang, who had been to Bafang World, who knew Han Yu better, were all taken away.

The people in Baijiapu didn't know it was. Bai Feifei came back, but changed his face. It was a melee at the time and no one paid attention to her. As a result, Bai Feifei died of a severe injury and was rescued by the people of Baijiapu and sent for treatment. No one knew.

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