Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 1991: Strong dialogue

Chapter 1991 Strong Dialogue

Baijiapu, the central hall.

A huge monster bird stood in the hall, as if a hill had moved. At this time, the demon bird seemed to be covered with a layer of haze, so that the air in the hall became gloomy and cold.

This demon bird is surprisingly the Saint Ancient King, one of the four leaders of the Demon League.

At this time, Saint Ancient King was very angry, and there was faint anger jumping in his pupils.

It is the commander of the demon league, the master of the seven-fold wall of the demon sage in the late stage, and the status is so noble. Boss Bai did not go out to meet him in person. He only sent a boy to bring it in. He was extremely despised, Saint Ancient King It doesn't work if you are not angry.

What made it even more furious was that Boss Bai hadn't come, so he had to wait.

"Huh, a small Baijiabao fortress, the shelf is so big, thinking that blocking the siege of the gods, will have the strength to compete with my demon league!"

King Saint Gu resisted the urge to overthrow Baijiapu.

When the time passed by, and when Saint Ancient King was about to be unable to help it, Boss White came.

Before Boss White could speak, Saint Ancient King said gloomily: "Baijiapu Fort Master is so big, it's not easy for this king to see you!"

Boss Bai hit a haha, and said with a smile: "Sheng Gu Wang forgive me. Recently everything is busy and it is difficult to get away. I hope to forgive me for neglect."

"Huh!" Saint Ancient King snorted heavily, looking at Boss Bai's gaze, even more unkind, because he could not see the slightest apocalypse on Boss Bai's face, even with a trace. Of playfulness.

Boss Bai didn't care, and went straight to the main seat and sat down, and said unhurriedly, "Sheng Gu, please sit down."

Saint Ancient King snorted again, how could its huge body sit down in the seat of Baijiapu, it was even more disdainful to transform into a human form.

A sneer flashed over the corner of Mr. Bai's eyes, and he asked lukewarmly, "I wonder if the Holy Ancient King is coming here, what's the matter?"

Saint Gu said indifferently: "I will ask you for someone."

"Sure enough, it's for Han Shaoxia, hum, with your strength, you dare to embarrass Han Shaoxia, aren't you looking for death?" Boss Bai thought, he admired Han Yu's methods, even with a touch of it. fear.

He put on an expression that he didn't know anything, and asked, "The Holy Ancient King came from thousands of miles away, isn't it just for one person? Who on earth can make the Holy Ancient King so aggressive?"

Saint Gu said every word: "Han Yu!"

"Oh?" Boss White had a look of surprise on his face, and asked, "I wonder what Holy Ancient King did with Han Shaoxia?"

Saint Ancient King said: "You don't need to know this, you can bring him to this king."

Bai Lao Avenue: "Han Shaoxia is a distinguished guest of our Baijiapu, not anyone who wants to see it."

As Boss Bai said, he picked up the teacup next to him bored and took a sip of his tea, his contempt for the ancient king made him angry.

"Han Yu is the main culprit of our Demon League, and I hope Lord Baibao will hand him over to this king." Saint Ancient King resisted his anger and said coldly.

"The King of Saint Gu is just joking, don't you know the rules of our Baijiapu?" Boss Bai put down the teacup gently, and looked at King Saint with piercing eyes.

How can Saint Ancient King not know Baijiapu’s rules? Baijiapu was originally a haven for "criminals" in the world. Anyone who came to Baijiapu would be affected by the Baijiapu no matter how big the mistakes they made in several major forces. Asylum of the fort. If you want to arrest someone, you must pass the level of Baijiapu.

If it is an ordinary person, Saint Ancient King would not come to Baijiapu to be an important person, but Han Yu is no ordinary criminal to the Demon League.

"Lord Baibao, he was arrested by our leader himself!" Saint Ancient King said indifferently.

Moving out of the Kylin Emperor, it believes that the old man will be cautious. But I didn't expect Boss Bai to look disapproving, and said: "Then you go back and report to the Qilin Emperor, saying that Han Shaoxia is a distinguished guest of our Baijiapu, and you want to arrest Han Shaoxia unless we flatten our Baijiapu!"

Saint Ancient King narrowed his eyes slightly, and a cold light shot out.

The cold light was like a sword, and it actually made a crack in the void. The chill out of the cold light instantly cracked the surrounding tables, chairs and benches.

Boss Bai didn't take it seriously, and when the cold light reached ten feet away from him, it quietly disappeared.

"Lord Baibao, if your words reach our lord's ears, it will definitely be angry and the consequences will be disastrous!" Saint Ancient King took a breath, revealing a look of consideration for you.

"It's okay, just go back and convey my words." Boss Bai said lightly.

"Boss Bai, don't toast or not eat fine wine!" The King Shenggu couldn't bear it, and was furious.

Suddenly, a powerful breath gushed out from his body, instantly flooding the entire hall, causing the hall to tremble slightly. At this moment, even the masters of Wu Sheng's late stage wall-changing six layers are here, and they will be overwhelmed by the powerful aura of the ancient king.

Boss Bai looked calm and calm, and said in surprise: "Holy Ancient King, I just want you to bring a word, why get angry?"

Seeing Boss Bai's pretense, Saint Ancient King became even more furious, shouting: "Boss Bai, don't think that your Baijiabao blocked the siege of the gods, and you have the ability to compete with my demon alliance. Hand over Han Yu, we are well. The water doesn’t offend the river, if you don’t pay, then don’t blame the king for being rude!"


Boss Bai stood up suddenly, but it did not seem to stand up alone, but a volcano rushed up. A powerful aura that was not weaker than that of the Saint Ancient King rushed out, and for a while, the ice and fire in the main hall were twofold, and murderous aura.

"Holy Ancient King, with your strength, you are at best 50-50 against me. Do you still want to threaten me?" Boss Bai glanced at the Ancient King, disdainfully said.

"If you were in your heyday, maybe you could still fight this king, but you were seriously injured, how many times could you launch a full attack?" Saint Ancient King sneered.

Recently, Boss Bai has been entangled in mundane affairs and has not had time to heal his injuries. His injury in the battle with the Shenting Army has not yet healed, and he was severely injured by Han Yu. The combat power he can exert at this time is less than 50%. Difficult to contend with the Saint Ancient King.

"Hahaha..." Boss Bai raised his head and laughed and said, "I do have an injury. If it's somewhere else, it's really not your opponent, but don't forget, this is Baijiapu!"

Boss Bai's eyes condensed, turning into a sword, rushing several meters away, smashing the void.

The Saint Ancient King's expression changed slightly, and the Baijiabao, which even the gods could not attack, could not be contended by its own power.

Coldly said: "Are you determined to fight against my demon alliance?"

Boss Bai snorted: "Holy King, you'd better listen to my persuasion and return to your demon league obediently, otherwise the Free State is likely to become your burial place!"

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