Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2045: Too much contrast

Chapter 2045

Han Yu held Qin Yi's token and went unimpeded all the way through the blockade.

Before the entrance of Yin-Yang Impeccable Land, a huge battlefield ran across the sky, and the ship was heavily armored and its banners were displayed.

"Qin Yi is under the command of this big ship!"

Han Yu was about to fly on the big ship, suddenly a few people flew off the big ship, and met Han Yu.

"It's you?"

When the leader saw Han Yu, he was first shocked, and then his entire face became distorted.

"Jiang Xinghe." Han Yu's expression was indifferent, and he murmured in a low voice. This person was defeated by him, Jiang Xinghe, deputy chief of the Formation Hall.

A sharp light flashed in Jiang Xinghe's eyes, and his face spread smoothly, and he sneered: "Han Yu, there is a way to heaven, you don't go, **** has no way, you break in, this time, I won't let you Escaped."

Han Yu held his hands behind his back, expressionless, and asked calmly, "Do you want to shoot me?"

Jiang Xinghe snorted heavily and said, "What do you mean?"

Han Yu said, "Have you forgotten the scene where you were beaten?"

Jiang Xinghe's face trembled violently, and it was not a glorious thing to lose to a five-fold kid in the late stage of Wu Sheng.

"Get it for me!"

Jiang Xinghe gave an order, and the people behind him quickly rushed towards Han Yu.

Each cultivation base is extraordinary, but it is a bit worse than Jiang Xinghe.

Han Yu still carried his hands behind his back, with a calm look, and said: "I am your honorable guest of the Lord Qin Yi, you dare to embarrass me, be careful that he kills you!"

As soon as this remark came out, the few people who rushed towards Han Yu couldn't help but stop.

They are not fools, Han Yu can walk here calmly, he must have relied on something, if he accidentally makes a mistake, they are also afraid of being punished.

"Haha!" Jiang Xinghe laughed, "Han Yu, Han Yu, you don't even know how to make up lies, our hall master can't wait to pull your ribs out of your skin, you dare to say that you are the hall master's distinguished guest?"

"Don't stand stupidly, take it for me!"

"You have to think about it, Qin Yi blames you, I'm afraid you can't afford it!" Han Yu glanced lightly across a few people, with his hands on his back and his chest.

A few people look at me, I look at you, and you can't make up your mind for a while.

"Hands, I'm responsible for anything!" Jiang Xinghe shouted.

Others may be bluffed by Han Yu's words, but he is an insider, how could he be fooled by Han Yu in a few words.

"I think you are embarrassed, don't worry, I will go to see Qin Yi with you, anyway, I am also here to find him." Han Yu backs his hands, ignores the raging Jiang Xinghe, strode the meteor, and strode forward.

"It seems that he is really a guest of Palace Master Qin, so let's not do it!"

"Yes, anyway, he is going to see Palace Master Qin himself, it doesn't matter whether we catch it or not."

A few people quickly gave way and dared not stop.

Jiang Xinghe's mouth was crooked, even if Han Yu were to go to see Qin Yi, he couldn't let him go so swaggeringly. But looking at it now, those subordinates will no longer listen to him.

"You still think about it, how to resist Qin Yi's anger later!" When passing by Jiang Xinghe, Han Yu said lightly, then set off with his back in the air and boarded the warship.

Those subordinates now believed Han Yu's words even more seriously.

Nima, what's the situation?

Jiang Xinghe was taken for a while, and no one knew how much Qin Yi hated Han Yu.

Is this man's brain broken?

Jiang Xinghe couldn't think of how, other than this situation, how could Han Yu dare to come here to look for Qin Yi in a big way.

"Hmph, I'll let you be arrogant for a while, wait a minute to see how the lord vents his anger, even if I can't beat you, but when you die, I will make a punch to dispel my hatred!"

After Jiang Xinghe was taken aback, Han Yu boarded the battleship and hurriedly led a few of his men to catch up.

On the battleship, Qin Yi and the others were staring at the soul card on the table at a loss. Hearing the sound of footsteps, Yang Li looked to this side and frowned when he saw a strange man boarding their main battleship.

The eyes of the person next to him were bright, and he wanted to ask questions when he stepped forward, but when he saw Jiang Xinghe and others go and return, he swallowed back what he said.

"Deputy Palace Master Jiang, why are you back so soon?" Yang Li asked suspiciously.

Han Yu carried his hands behind his back and walked swaggeringly, Jiang Xinghe hurriedly followed behind, like a subordinate.

In the Imperial League, he would have known someone like Jiang Xinghe, but the man in front of him did look strange.

When Jiang Xinghe saw Yang Li's expression, he knew he had been misunderstood. Looking at the current battle, it really looked like they were Han Yu's followers. Jiang Xinghe didn't even get out of anger. He showed his starting method, surpassed Han Yu, and said as if asking for credit: "Dian Lord Qin, look at who I caught."

"Catch?" Yang Li was even more confused. Is this a catch?


Qin Yi asked without looking back.

Now his mind is all within the yin and yang desperate situation, there is no time for ordinary things.

"Palace Master Qin, my gift to you!" Jiang Xinghe said mysteriously, already expecting Qin Yi's reward in his heart.

While talking, Han Yu had already come behind Qin Yi, and said lightly: "Qin Yi, I am here!"

The people around were all in a daze, wondering who this person is, dare to call Qin Yi directly?

"This guy really has a broken brain, but this is a chance to show!"

Before Qin Yi could react, Jiang Xinghe took a step forward, pointing at Han Yu and yelling: "Be bold, dare to call the name of the lord directly, the crime is a plus. Come, take it for me, and open your mouth!"


Three masters were dispatched at the same time.

"Hmph, just now you slapped your words, there was no Dianzhu Qin, no one dared to move you, but now Dianzhu Qin is here, see how you fool people!" Jiang Xinghe was sneering, and suddenly he heard a loud shout.


Then I saw that Qin Yi, who was always high above him, had a smile like a rotten persimmon on his face, and he hurriedly handed over to Han Yu to apologize: "It turned out that it was Brother Han who came here. I hope Brother Han will forgive me for the offense."

"This...what's the situation?" Jiang Xinghe was stunned.

I thought Qin Yi would slowly torture Han Yu to the point of death, but the result was too far apart from what he imagined.

Is Han Yu's brain broken, or the head of the palace master? Or is my brain broken?

Jiang Xinghe's head suddenly couldn't turn around.

The few people who followed Jiang Xinghe just now secretly rejoiced.

Yang Li looked at Han Yu in surprise, wondering where is it sacred to ask Qin Yi to compliment him? It seems that Qin Yi is still a little scared?

Han Yu turned a blind eye to Qin Yi's compliments, carried his hands behind his back, and even looked at Qin Yi more. He faintly said: "Just now, your subordinates wanted to kill me, what did you say?"

"Who?" Qin Yi jumped immediately, his eyes widened and Yang Li was shocked.

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