Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2055: Competition for talent

Chapter 2055

"Yes, Han Shaoxia not only has the five-fold cultivation base of the late Martial Saint, but the realm of Qi Tianshi is not lower than that of Palace Master Qin. If he can't succeed, then no matter how many people we send in, it will be useless. But we don't have the soul of Han Shaoxia. I don’t know how he is inside. It’s life or death, so I can’t make an accurate judgment.” Yang Li sighed.

Qin Yi's face was very ugly. He is fine now, which means Han Yu is fine. However, no one knows whether Han Yu will be in danger in the next moment. Yin and Yang desperately belong to Master Yi, even if the quasi-emperor enters, he is not completely sure. If Han Yu dies, then he will not survive.

"There is a peerless killing array arranged by Master Yi Tian. Even if Han Yu is the Jiuyuan Earth Disposer, there is absolutely no life." Jiang Xinghe said in Yinsi.

He hates Han Yu now.

"Why, does anyone want me to die?" At this moment, a light voice sounded.

After Jiang Xinghe heard this voice, it was as if he was pinched by an invisible big hand by his throat, and he felt that it was difficult to breathe.

Nima, why don't you die!

Jiang Xinghe cursed secretly in his heart, followed by fear, and glanced at Qin Yi secretly.

If Han Yu asked Qin Yi to fix him, wouldn't he be miserable?

Jiang Xinghe's soul trembled involuntarily.

I saw Han Yu stepping out of the sky with a few people. All heroic and graceful. However, Han Yu, who was walking in the front, had a feeling of standing out from the crowd.

"His strength has improved again!" Qin Yi's heart jumped, and then he was overjoyed and hurriedly greeted him.

"A few, he is the palace lord of the Imperial League Formation Hall, Qin Yi, and represents the Imperial League. If you want to join the Imperial League, follow him." Han Yu's gaze swept across Sword Dao I and Ling Zun. , Wu Gu and Chen Mengyao.

Then he said to Qin Yi: "Several of them are geniuses from all directions. They were used by Shenting before, and now they are very angry when they learn of Shenting's conspiracy."

Qin Yi and Yang Li are both overjoyed.

Before Qin Yi could speak, Yang Li couldn't wait to say: "Genius from all directions, welcome, I am the deputy head of the Battle Hall, Yang Li, as long as you join us in the Battle Hall, from now on, we will fight The battle hall will provide you with the best cultivation resources."

Qin Yi's face darkened, and he hurriedly said: "Several people, he is just a deputy hall master, and he is not qualified to promise you anything, and I am the hall master of the formation hall, I am qualified to promise you any conditions, as long as you I am willing to join our Array Hall. All the good resources of our Array Hall are provided to you unconditionally."

Before Han Yu passed by the formation hall, the talents died and walked. Now is the time when talents are urgently needed. Not to mention Sword Dao One, Ling Zun, who can be regarded as extremely talented people in the middle of the sky, how can they let it go.

Yang Li did not back down and said, "Although I am the deputy hall master, I can guarantee that my promise is the promise of the hall master. You can join our battle hall with confidence. The formation hall is based on the formation method. If the few were not Qitian Masters, they would be covered in dust if they joined the Formation Hall!"

Kendo One, Ling Zun, Wu Gu, and Chen Mengyao, seeing the two aristocratic figures scramble for them with red face, they were also a little proud after the mistake.

Although they are not as good as Han Yu, they are truly peerless geniuses.

Jiang Xinghe watched from behind and couldn't help but pray secretly, hoping that after this talent dispute, Han Yu would forget him.

Han Yu also didn't expect the two of them to be so unassuming, and said with a wry smile: "The two of you don't fight, listen to their own ideas."

Hearing that, the two talents stopped arguing. After all, the people were brought by Han Yu, and Han Yu's opinions should be heard.

Wugu was the first to stand up and said: "I am willing to join the Battle Hall."

Yang Li was overjoyed and hurriedly said, "Welcome, Wangu Pavilion's genius is inexperienced, and it will be like thunder in the morning."

The Imperial League once had an underworld branch in the Bafang World, and naturally knew the talents of the Bafang World well. If they hadn't left in a hurry and had limited resources, I'm afraid they would have gathered these talents long ago.

Wu Gu arched his hands, did not feel proud of it, and quietly walked behind Yang Li.

Before coming out, Han Yu told them about the pattern of the Imperial League, and they had some tendencies in their hearts.

Qin Yi and Yang Li both looked at the remaining three people hopingly.

Ling Zun stood up and chose to join the Battle Hall. Qin Yi instantly turned into a bitter face, and hurriedly sold himself to Ken Dao Yi and Chen Mengyao.

Although Yang Li gained two great talents, he was still not satisfied, and continued to seduce Ken Dao Yi and Chen Mengyao.

"I want to walk around the Zhongtian Continent first." Sword Dao refused to join the Imperial League.

Let Qin Yi and Yang Li regret.

Finally, both of them looked at Chen Mengyao.

"Deputy Palace Master Yang, you have already got two geniuses, do you still want to grab them with me?" Qin Yi blew his beard and stared, very upset.

"Dian Master Qin's words are very bad. It's useless for you and me to fight. The most important thing depends on this little friend's choice." After Yang Li finished speaking, he straightened his chest very confidently.

He knows that Chen Mengyao is not Qi Tianshi. In his opinion, joining the Battle Hall is an ironclad thing.

Qin Yi couldn't help but looked at Han Yu for help. Although he didn't know Yang Li about these people, he also knew that Douzhan Hall had more advantages than Formation Hall.

Chen Mengyao also looked at Han Yu and asked, "Which hall do you think I should join?"

Kendo One, Ling Zun, and Wu Gu couldn’t help but look at each other. Along the way, they felt the difference between Chen Mengyao. At this time, when Chen Mengyao asked Han Yu so obviously, they all had the same idea, that is, "Chen Mengyao." The relationship with Han Yu is not simple."

Both Qin Yi and Yang Li secretly transmitted to Han Yu, hoping that Han Yu could help them.

Han Yu thought for a while and said, "You join the Array Hall."

Although the formation hall is biased towards formation, it is not suitable for Chen Mengyao. But based on the relationship between Han Yu and Qin Yi, it doesn't matter if Qin Yi spends all resources on Chen Mengyao. The benefits Chen Mengyao can get by going to the Formation Hall are far more than the benefits Lingzun and Wugu can get by going to the Battle Hall.

Chen Mengyao nodded, and walked towards Qin Yi without fluctuation.

Qin Yi was overjoyed. Although Yang Li was a bit disappointed, he was also very satisfied. Already looking forward to returning to the palace master how to praise him.

"These two?" Qin Yi looked at Han Zhan and Yun Taixu. Lingyin had been taken into Han Yu's body. At that time, he was stunned by Kendo One, Ling Zun, and Wugu.

Yang Li also looked at them hopingly.

"They will not join the Imperial League." Han Yu said.

Yun Taixu was his incarnation, and the Korean War had to follow in the footsteps of Emperor Tongtian.

Both Qin Yi and Yang Li had some regrets.

"She goes to the Array Hall, you have to respect her and use the best resources to train her." Han Yu gave Qin Yi a voice.

Qin Yi thought, "Does this woman have anything to do with him?" Qin Yi didn't dare to neglect, so he hurriedly gave Han Yu a pass.

Han Yu turned to look at Jiang Xinghe, and said meaningfully: "Dian Master Qin, I have helped you so much, you see someone cursing me to death, what should I do?"

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