Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2098: One punch

Chapter 2098

"go with!"

The Qilin Emperor threw the Chikun rod, and the Chikun rod took the initiative to kill the Heaven-swallowing Devil Gourd.

At their level, the magic weapon of life has a strong spirituality, as long as the master's mind moves, he can attack and kill on his own.

As soon as the Qilin Emperor threw the Chikun rod out, he saw Han Yu grinning smirkly, and couldn't help crying out badly.

Without the Chikun rod for self-defense, once Han Yu is deceived to the front, with Han Yu's terrifying defense and abnormal body, he can only be passively beaten.

The Qilin Sovereign immediately activated the high-ranking supernatural powers, and did not give Han Yu a chance to get close.

"Qian Yuan Palm!"

The Qilin Emperor raised his right hand and pressed it against the void. The sky trembles suddenly, and then it seems that the entire sky has collapsed. A translucent palm is condensed in the void, covering the sky over Han Yu.

The spectators in the distance suddenly breathed in cold air.

Even the Qilin Sage King felt great pressure, and the Sage Ancient King looked more solemn and couldn't help explaining to Phoenix.

"The Qianyuan palm is one of the best methods of the Qilin Emperor. With this palm, he defeated the divine electric sculpture who was vying for the leader of the demon alliance. It is known as the first palm under the extreme way..."

Saint Ancient King still wanted to speak, but seeing Fenghuang's face indifferently, he stopped.

It doesn't know whether Han Yu can withstand this palm, but since Phoenix is ​​not in a hurry, it can say more.

Han Yujing waited for Qian Yuan's palm to approach before he struck out with a punch.


With a loud noise, Han Yu's body trembled suddenly.

Then, Qian Yuan's palm crackled to pieces and exploded into pieces.

The powerful air wave swept Han Yu away, but did not cause much harm to Han Yu.

Even though Qian Yuan palm had the title of the first palm under the extreme path, it was not the opponent of Tianlei Baquan.

The shortcoming of Tianlei Baquan is that it can't attack far, only close attack can exert its full power.

In this way, in the middle of the war, you can only take action when the opponent's supernatural powers reach the front, and Han Yu will bear the brunt of the explosion. If it is a master of the Seventh Layer in the late stage of Martial Saint, it simply cannot withstand this kind of damage several times.

But Han Yu's defense is Wushuang, not afraid at all.

What kind of eyesight the Qilin Emperor saw Han Yu's disadvantage at a glance, and without thinking about it, he used Qianyuan's palm again.

"Boom boom boom..."

Both heaven and earth were blown up by the two's supernatural powers, and the two of them had stunned thirty-three times with high-level supernatural powers, and none of them saw their momentum weakened.

Unleashing high-level supernatural powers without gaps, using dozens of times without losing momentum. Let the spectators truly realize what is invincible under the quasi-emperor.

Holy ancient king, unicorn holy king, a horror.

Although the cultivation base of the two of them is the same level as Han Yu and Qilinhuang. But in terms of strength, it is not enough for two people to stuff their teeth.

The Emperor Qilin used Qianyuan palm thirty-three times in succession, while Han Yu used Tianleiba fist thirty-three times in succession.

The flaws of Tianlei Baquan were infinitely magnified by the Qilin Emperor, but the powerful defense filled the defects of Tianlei Baquan, so that the Qilin Emperor became angry and took the initiative to change his magical powers.

It is still the magical power of the far attack, and Han Yu is still the Tianlei Baquan.


The Qilin Emperor shouted and hit a real fire.

The ten fingers are opened, and each finger is turned into a sword, and the fingers move together like ten swords.

Suddenly, the sky was filled with sword energy, surging towards Han Yu.

In terms of power, this ten-finger sword art cannot be compared with Qian Yuan's palm, but its mystery lies in its inadequacies.

However, no matter how tough the sword qi is and how fast it is, it is impossible to get close to Han Yu's body. Han Yu can destroy countless sword qi with a single blow.

The Qilin Sovereign played three times in a row, but seeing no effect, he had to change his magical powers again in anger.

"Damn it!"

As the number one master under the Emperor Zhun, Zeng and Emperor Zhun could all retreat, facing the people under the emperor. The Qilin Emperor had long been a lone lone and begging for defeat. Almost no one could hold on to three in his hands. trick.

But now, his various means attacked, but Han Yu's punches were really frustrated. At the same time, it was extremely shocking, thinking that at the beginning, Han Yu was not in his eyes at all, and he sent the mad lion holy king casually to chase Han Yu into the sky. How long has passed since then, Han Yu is terrifying.

The Qilin Emperor refers to the sword-like leg technique, coming and going invisible, as fast as lightning.

In a blink of an eye, Han Yu launched twenty-one attacks from all directions, and each time he could easily kill a master of the Seventh Layer in the late stage of Wu Sheng, but he still couldn't break Han Yu's fist.

Han Yu's punching method is simply breaking ten thousand methods with one punch.

I was shocked when I saw Saint Ancient King, Qilin Saint King, etc. Especially for the latter, seeing the Qilin Emperor violently thunderous, his heart became more and more disturbed.

Even if the Qi Lin Huang in his body was like an ocean lake, his breathing began to rush, and cold sweat was intensive on his forehead.

However, he did not stop.

Long attack is his strong point, and he can't give Han Yu a chance to get close.

Change the leg technique again, ten minutes later, it becomes the sword technique, and ten minutes later, it becomes the Yinjue...

Two hours later, Emperor Qilin had to stop and began to gasp, his yellow robe was already wet with cold sweat.

He used nine high-level heavenly supernatural powers back and forth, but they were all repelled by Han Yu with the same fist, without hurting Han Yu's hair.

The Qilin Emperor looked at Han Yu gloomily, as if looking at a monster.

Back then, when he was walking around the world, he was also called a monster, but compared to the person in front of him, he was nothing short of a shame.

"Anything else, use it!"

Han Yu looked very excited.

He is using the supernatural power of the Qilin Emperor to sharpen the Tianlei Baquan. Tianlei Ba Boxing is Han Yu's own boxing method, as long as Han Yu thinks it can be improved, he can improve it at any time.

Fighting with a master of the Qilinhuang level is undoubtedly the best choice to sharpen his supernatural powers.

If the Qilin Emperor knew Han Yu's thoughts, he would have to vomit blood with anger.

"Do you really think that with a set of boxing techniques, you can be invincible?" Qilin Emperor asked angrily, there is no longer the demeanor of a hegemon.

"Otherwise?" Han Yu asked rhetorically, so angry that Emperor Qilin blocked his chest in one breath and almost didn't catch his breath.

"Thousands of waters, thousands of mountains, vast land, listen to my orders!"

The Qilin Emperor yelled at the sky and raised his hands.


Suddenly, the mountain shook.

The earth turned over, the rivers flowed backwards, and countless majestic mountains and great mountains rose from the ground, spectacular.

"I'm tired of using this method!" Han Yu said calmly.

When he became the unloading division, he used the power of the great mountains and great mountains. After becoming the unloading division, he stomped thousands of miles in a radius to move at will.

As the enemies he encountered became stronger, this method was no longer so powerful, Han Yu stopped using it.

"How can Qi Tianshi's method of moving mountains and unloading mountains be compared with the emperor?" Qilin Emperor said proudly.

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