Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2112: The nature of heaven and earth

Han Yuxi said: "Thank you for the recommendation of Senior Jiang."

The great formation of heaven and earth is about the rise and fall of human race.

The Emperor League's tens of thousands of years of research on the Great Array of Heaven and Earth must have reached a very deep level. Han Yu can obtain the labor results of the sages of the Imperial League, which will save him a lot of detours in the future.

Jiang Ling smiled and said: "You are welcome, Deputy Leader Li has long wanted to see Han Shaoxia's demeanor. He will be very happy to see you."

Jiang Ling was not talking nonsense, he stood up and took Han Yu to find Deputy Leader Li.

In the Imperial League, there are two deputy leaders, namely Jiang Ling and the deputy leader Li. The deputy leader of Li is named "Li Taishan". He is a ten-yuan unloader and a figure in the early days of the emperor.

Jiang Ling took Han Yu through layers of palaces and came to a palace called "Heaven and Earth Hall".

"Xiaoyou Han, do you know why this palace is called the Palace of Heaven and Earth?" Jiang Ling asked Han Yu, pointing to the huge plaque.

Han Yu shook his head.

Jiang Ling said: "Because everything in this palace is related to the Great Array of Heaven and Earth, it was named Heaven and Earth Hall. At the same time, it is also a warning to the descendants of our Imperial League at any time. If it's not destroyed, we can't slack off."

Han Yu showed admiration. The Emperor League has fought for the rise and fall of the human race, and everyone deserves Han Yu's respect.

This line of business understood the culprit of Qi Tianshi's ominous old age, and Han Yu naturally had no grudges and defenses against the Imperial League.

The two stepped up the steps.

Suddenly, the ground shook, and then Han Yu and Jiang Ling felt like the stars were shifting, and they quickly fell into the misty fog and couldn't recognize the north and the south.

Jiang Ling was not in a hurry, but smiled: "Xiaoyou Han, it must be Deputy Leader Li who knows that you are here, and wants to learn from you."

Han Yu was taken aback and laughed: "If this is the case, then I will show my ugliness!"

Jiang Ling made a request and said: "Please!"

Han Yu took seven steps with his hands behind his back, a smile suddenly appeared on his face, and said, "Senior Jiang, please come with me."

Jiang Ling did not speak, and quietly followed Han Yu.

The two turned around and walked for seven minutes, and suddenly their eyes lit up and they had come to the gate of the Heaven and Earth Hall. Looking back, the stone staircase was still a stone staircase, and the fog had disappeared, giving people a dreamlike feeling. .

Jiang Ling nodded secretly. It was not an illusion just now, but a maze. Even for her, it is impossible to get out without one day, and Han Yu only took seven minutes.

Suddenly, the door of the room opened automatically. Behind the door is not an ordinary palace, but an endless void. In the void, it can be as large as the Star Continent, as small as a book and scroll, floating. It is really a magical place.

An old man in Tsing Yi, walking slowly in the air with his back on his back, is lean, with a childlike look, and a fairy style.

"Haha, Han Yu Han Shaoxia, who has been known for a long time, and finally got the chance to see him!" The old man greeted him with a smile, without any shelf. This person is Li Taishan, the deputy leader of the Imperial League.

"See seniors." Han Yu bowed his hands.

"You are welcome, please come in quickly." Li Taishan smiled.

Han Yumai stepped forward and, accompanied by Li Taishan and Jiang Ling, walked into the palace.

"Xiaoyou Han came here to ask you about the Great Array of Heaven and Earth, is that okay?" Jiang Ling said.

"Don't dare to ask, learn from each other." Li Taishan smiled modestly: "How much does Han Xiaoyou know about the Great Array?"

Han Yu said, "I only know the fur, it is the remnant soul of Master Yi Tian told me."

Li Taishan nodded, pointed to a few models of continents floating in the distance, and said, "Please look at Xiaoyou Han!"

Just now, Han Yu swept his eyes and saw these continental models, and didn't care. At this moment, as Li Taishan's hands looked, suddenly one of the continental models attracted Han Yu's attention.

This continental model, unlike other continental models, is connected together and divided into several parts. There is an ocean between the land.

"This land model looks so similar to the Cloud Continent." Han Yu said in surprise.

"This is the model of the Cloud Continent." Li Taishan smiled.

"Oh?" Han Yu's eyes lit up, and his gaze swept to other continent models.

There are just nine continent models arranged in the direction of the nine houses, and the place where the cloud continent is located is exactly the place of Kun in the nine houses.

"Do these eight continent models represent the world of eight directions?" Han Yu pointed to the eight continent models in eight directions.

Li Taishan nodded and said, "Yes."

Han Yu asked, "How are the positions of the Eight Directions World arranged like this?"

Li Taishan said: "Yes. This continent model is the painstaking work of countless sages of our Imperial League. Five hundred years ago, I asked the Wild King Dao friends to calibrate it. It is very accurate."

Han Yu couldn't help taking a breath, creating eight continent models, which was nothing to the Imperial League. But to arrange the position of the model according to the position of the eight directions world, that is a vast project.

To understand every world and the relationship between the eight worlds, this is not something ordinary people or ordinary forces can do, and Han Yu is absolutely unable to do it now.

The eight continent models represent the world of Qian, Kan, Gen, Zhen, Xun, Li, Kun (cloud continent), Dui, and the world.

Now let’s look at the naming of the Bafang World, and it really matches the eighth house of the nine houses.

"What is the continent in the middle?" Han Yu asked, pointing to the model of the continent in the middle. He had already thought of a certain possibility.

"It is where we are now, Zhongtian Continent!" Li Taishan said.

Is "Zhong" not correct with the "Zhonggong" in the Nine Palaces? Han Yu should have thought of it long ago.

"Zhongtian Continent has always regarded itself as the upper boundary of the Octagonal World. How can it be arranged in parallel with the Octagonal World?" Han Yu asked.

In the model, the nine continents are arranged on the same plane, and there is no distinction between upper and lower.

"Han Xiaoyou also said that this is self-confidence, not a fact." Li Taishan said.

Han Yu nodded, and some of the mysteries in his heart were answered instantly. Fly around the continent model, Han Yu glanced over several continent models in turn, saying: "The so-called heaven and earth array is actually a vast array of nine palaces. Its magnitude is beyond comprehensible. Range. Because it uses nine worlds as the base, it puts the surrounding universe

The starry sky also wrapped around, forming a big array. This is not only a great array of heaven and earth, but also a great array of nine palaces, and a great array of void! "

Every time Han Yu said a word, his heart beats. Because of this handwriting, it is really terrifying. Ordinary people don't even talk about layout, they just don't even dare to think about it.

Li Taishan's eyes are full of admiration. Through the continent model of the Nine Worlds, Han Yu can see the essence of the heaven and earth array. Its vision, courage and courage are not comparable to ordinary people. This is because some people dare not admit it, let alone speak out, even if they see that this is a great formation of the nine palaces.

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