Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2132: Exhausted

Imperial League, in the secret meeting room.

When seeing the intelligence emerging on the wall of light, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. The leader of the Imperial League, who was sitting in the first place, all stood up suddenly, shooting two substantial beams of light in their eyes.

"Han Yu and Sha Qianmo both lose and lose!"

As the biggest enemy of the God Court, there is no power in this world except God Court itself, and the Emperor League understands the God Court better.

The power of the gods has kept the Imperial League from acting rashly.

So that Han Yudong entered the realm of the gods, and the gods blocked and killed the gods all the way, and the Buddha blocked and killed the Buddha, the Emperor League did not move. Because in their opinion, Han Yu was at best making trouble in the Shenting, and could not have much influence on the Shenting.

Many people were even more faintly worried for Han Yu when they knew that Sha Qianmo had appeared.

Unexpectedly, Han Yu broke through the Eternal Chariot Legion with his own power, and then used his incarnation to fight with the old patriarchs of the four major families, and he was single-handedly fighting against the stalks, and eventually he suffered a loss.

In other words, Han Yu alone confronted the Eternal Chariot Legion, the old patriarchs of the four major families, and Sha Qianmo.

Such a combination would have to avoid its edge when encountering the strong in the mid-term quasi-emperor.

But now it seems that Shenting still can't suppress Han Yu.

"Lord Lei, go and rectify the three armies quickly, and stand by at any time!" The leader of the Imperial League said deeply.

Lei Qianjue was overjoyed, he couldn't bear it a long time ago, and hurried away.

All the people at the scene immediately talked about it. Those who supported the battle accounted for part, those who were silent accounted for part, and those who opposed it accounted for part. Regarding the many discussions, the leader of the Imperial League ignored them, but quietly looked at the light wall.

After a while, another message jumped above the light wall.

Xuan Mo appeared and besieged Han Yu with a killing array.

Li Taishan was shocked, and said, "Xuan Mo is a ten-yuan earth smasher. The killing array he carefully prepared is bound to be powerful. Xiaoyou Han may be able to contend for one or two in his heyday, but now he is seriously injured and the situation is critical!"

Jiang Ling said anxiously: "Leader, let's send our troops!" The leader of the Emperor League frowned deeply. The fastest time to go to the Demon League will take half a month, and the marching war will not happen overnight, at least. It will take a month. If Han Yu is unable to inflict fatal damage on the masters of the God Court, wait a month later for the army of the Imperial League to arrive, then

Will lose the opportunity. Li Taishan sighed: "Now Xiaoyou Han is in danger, I am afraid that we will be powerless. We should not go out of the army. Moreover, even if Xiaoyou Han wins this time, we have not thoroughly studied the Shifang World Array and cannot break the Shifang World Array. No amount of other victories are worth mentioning

! "

Jiang Ling sighed secretly and chose silence.

The leader of the Imperial League did not speak, and looked at the light wall quietly. He had a faint intuition in his heart that Han Yu might create a miracle.

Time passed quietly, and the masters of the Imperial League felt sorry for Han Yu and no longer held any hope for him.

An hour passed away in a blink of an eye, and text would pop up on the light wall every moment, which was bad news for Han Yu.

Many people no longer want to look at the light wall, and the conference room is silent.

Suddenly, the leader of the emperor alliance who had been without waves in the ancient well had a terrifying aura, his eyes staring, and the beam of light from his eyes had hit the wall of light.

Everyone's eyes looked at the light wall one after another, and all jumped in surprise.

Only a few words appeared on the light wall, but these words were enough to make everyone present thrilling.

Han Yu broke through and came out!

The leader of the Imperial League did not hesitate to dispatch troops and prepare to send troops. And is personally in charge.

"Leader, I and Deputy Leader Li can go there, you don't need to go out in person!" Jiang Ling persuaded.

The high-levels present were very surprised, but did not expect that the leader of the Imperial League would personally lead the three armies. "Needless to say, now the Shenting is too busy to take care of itself, and our emperor is not afraid that he can come and take our nest. We can't live up to Han Yu's hard work, even if it is temporarily unable to crack the Shifang World Array, then our emperor league , Just enclose the God’s Court in the Shifang World Array and do their

Coward! "The imperial alliance leader said domineeringly.

When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help feeling enthusiasm and fighting spirit.

The leader of the Imperial League directly took the Wall of Light by his side, and then led many masters to take the lead, followed by the three-way army.


Shenting, Shenhua State.

Han Yu and Shenting’s masters fought for a few days, and eventually both suffered. On his side, except for Xuanwu, everyone else lost their combat power. On the Shenting side, the situation is not optimistic, but killing Qianmo and Xuanmo is still there. Spare power.

Han Yu did not hesitate and asked Xuanwu to take him, Lingyin, Sun Shenzi and Yuexianzi to leave for the first time.

Killing Qianmo and Xuanmo followed closely behind.

Xuanwu's advantage lies in defense, and its speed is its weakness, so that the distance between the two sides is getting smaller and smaller.

Han Yu and others can already clearly feel the murderous aura from the killing Qianmo and Xuan Moshen.

The two of them did not rush to make a move, they were all accumulating their strength, ready to kill Han Yu with one blow. Even if he chased it within ten thousand meters, he didn't rush to do it.

The distance between the two sides quickly narrowed, nine thousand feet, eight thousand feet, seven thousand feet... When the distance was about three thousand feet, Shaqianmo and Xuanmo had already begun to brew supernatural powers. The situation of the two is not optimistic either, they are barely able to display a high-level supernatural power.

The two of them have a strong heart, and when the distance is about thousands of meters, they are ready to do it at the same time.

At such a short distance, at the speed of basalt, it is impossible to avoid the two supernatural powers. Once hit, Han Yu and the major incarnations will have to faint without death and let the people of the gods slaughter.

Sha Qianmo and Xuan Mo were about to do it, when they suddenly received a terrible impact on their bodies at the same time, like a wood hitting them.

The bodies of the two of them flew sideways involuntarily, and the magical powers in their hands exploded before they had time to play.

Sha Qianmo and Xuanmo let out a scream, and then the scream was drowned out by the terrifying explosion.

A sneer appeared at the corner of Han Yu's mouth. With a thought, he and many incarnations entered the Heaven Swallowing Demon Gourd for the first time.

A few people had just disappeared, and a violent energy storm swept in, and the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Gourd was swept out, throwing away thousands of miles away.

Although both Killing Qianmo and Xuanmo were nowhere near their peak state, the power of the high-level supernatural powers they displayed was still extremely terrifying.

However, no matter how strong it is, it will not hurt the Sky Swallowing Devil Gourd. When the energy storm subsided, Han Yu came out of the Sky-Swallowing Demon Gourd and refined some heavenly materials and earth treasures in the Sky-Swallowing Demon Gourd, and at this time had already recovered some physical strength. Han Yu held the Sky Swallowing Demon Gourd in his left hand and the Xuanwu sword in his right hand. With a thought, the orange dragon appeared, carrying him back on his way quickly.

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