Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2185: Divine Court Shattered

Han Yu is naturally familiar with this name. Han Yu and him do have a great connection. The ultimate magical power cut-to-sky sword he mastered was obtained from Dugu Yijian, but Han Yu has not seen Dugu Yijian.

"The other two are?" Han Yu asked.

"The other two, one is a sword master with the same fame as Senior Dugu, Senior Sword Master Li Weibai; the other is Senior Honghu who is called Hongtianshi by my uncle." Tang Hongyuan said.

"Master Hongtian is Master Qitian?" Han Yu asked. Only Qi Tianshi generally has such a nickname.

"Yes, the existence that can be compared with the Yitianshi of the year, only one step away can become the Xietianshi. If it were not for the deception of the gods, and Qi Tianshi was troubled in his later years, my uncle might have become the Xietianshi." Tang Hongyuan said.

Han Yu suddenly felt admiration.

To reach his current state, only the existence of Dugu Yijian, Li Weibai and Honghu can make Han Yu admire and admire him.

Several people talked a lot about the border city and Jiuyang Continent, which gave Han Yu a deep understanding of the history and current situation of Jiuyang Continent. Now Jiuyang Continent has entered the great world, but it is also facing another battle between humans and gods.

The secret of the tortoise shell that Han Yu had obtained before was also solved.

The tortoise shell always has nine pieces, and the combination of the nine pieces is: the battle between humans and gods, the ancestor of the human race, the gods use the ancestor's body to transform the nine worlds, suppress the human race, and all generations will not flourish.

Because the tortoise shell is nine pieces, arranged vertically from right to left, and then separated, it is formed by "Human God", "War of War", "Human Race", "Ancestor of Ancestor", "Sorry God Body", Nine tortoise shells with the words "Beginning of the Nine Realms", "Suppression is not Hing", "Human Race", and "Wandai"

The "people" here represent not just the human race, but the souls of the Nine Suns Continent. "God transformed the Nine Realms with the body of the ancestor" is not a superficial meaning. The Protoss transformed into the Nine Realms with the body of the ancestor of the human race; but because the battle at that time was so tragic, the Nine Suns Continent was full of the corpses and flesh and blood of the ancestors of all spirits. , It can be said that the entire Nine Suns Continent is piled up with the flesh and blood of the ancestors of all spirits

That's why I have this sentence, which shows how tragic it was back then.

As for the origin of this tortoise shell, it is no longer possible to verify. Tang Hongyuan guessed that it should be before the Protoss broke the Nine Suns Continent. Before the nine sages were lost and returned, a certain strong man of the Human Race felt that the Nine Suns Continent had reached the end, and then left his advice in this way. Later generations discovered this tortoise shell, and it will serve as a panacea for Jiuyang Continent.


After solving countless questions, Han Yu and Tang Hongyuan and Zhang Daojun separated temporarily. Han Yu found a quiet place, sat cross-legged, and released Fengshenzi from the Heaven-swallowing Devil Gourd.

Now that he knew that the **** of wind did not dare to kill, then Han Yu was not welcome.

With a thought to Han Yu, the invisible dragon rushed out, looked at the Fengshenzi lying on the ground, and roared excitedly, as if he saw his favorite delicacy.

Han Yu stretched out his hand and forcibly deprived Fengshenzi of the original Qi of his blood. The original Qi of Fengshenzi's bloodline is very special, like a wisp of wind, invisible and invisible.

The invisible dragon swallowed the blood origin qi in one bite, and then the body burst into white light and began to transform.

It didn't take long for the invisible dragon to become a **** of wind, and Han Yu took the **** of wind on the ground into the swallowing demon gourd and directly refined it.

Sit quietly and wait for the breakthrough.

However, to Han Yu's surprise, the black hole and the devil gourd had no reaction at all.

"What's going on?" Han Yu looked inside his body, and there really was no movement at all.

Baihu, Xuanwu, Sun Godzi, and even the Feng Shenzi who had just emerged, were all puzzled.

This shouldn't be.

"Could it be that the death of Yun Taixu and Yuexian had the effect?" Han Yu frowned.

Before every dragon resurrected, it would feed back and break through, and every dragon in its shape would also feed back.

"I have long realized that the deaths of Yun Taixu and Yuexianzi will definitely have a great impact on my cultivation, and this impact is now evident. If it is just this impact, I don't care, I'm afraid..."

Han Yu sighed quietly and put Fengshenzi into his body. Go to Tang Hongyuan and Zhang Daojun.

The two looked at Han Yu with smile and curiosity. They knew what Han Yu did in retreat.

"Feng Shenzi is your incarnation now?" Tang Hongyuan asked.

Han Yu nodded.

"Great, in this case, we can have a thorough understanding of the gods." Tang Hongyuan said with joy. The understanding of the creatures of the God Realm and the Nine Suns Continent is very limited. Even if the people of the Protoss are caught, it is difficult to get too many useful things from the people of the Protoss.

But Han Yu is different. After Feng Shenzi became his incarnation, Feng Shenzi shared all secrets with Han Yu. The most important thing is that Fengshenzi has a high status in the Protoss and knows more.

"This time the Protoss will definitely go crazy. We must be prepared to defend the border city." Han Yu warned the two.

Han Yu gradually learned something from Fengshenzi's memory, which made him feel very dignified.

Afterwards, the three began to scrape the property of God Court. Han Yu used the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Gourd to install countless heavenly materials and earth treasures, and there were only seven holy medicines.

Then the three people joined together to board Shenyuan Mountain, and Shenyuan Mountain was moved to the Shenting base camp by the masters of Shenting early.

From Fengshenzi's memory, Han Yu knew the origin and purpose of Shenyuan Mountain.

Shenyuan Mountain is just a small mountain in the birthplace of the Protoss. It was invaded by the Devouring Demon Ancestor in ancient times. It cut off a section and brought it back to the Nine Suns Continent. Later, the Protoss master came to **** it again, and it happened many times on the Shenyuan Mountain. The terrible battle, that's why the terrible environment of Shenyuan Mountain today was formed.

Because the great world is approaching, the people of the Protoss attacked the border city and brought this Shenyuan Mountain by the way. Because the people of the Protoss can get twice the result with half the effort by cultivating on Shenyuan Mountain.

If the masters of the Protoss attacked the border city as a marching war, Shenyuan Mountain would be regarded as food and grass. Also as a way to express my condolences to the side branches of the Protoss who are sticking to the Nine Sun Continent.

On Shenyuan Mountain, Han Yu and the others didn't get any benefit. Han Yu tried to collect the emperor blood, but before he got close, he was deterred by the terrible power of the emperor blood, and finally had no choice but to retreat.

Then Tang Hongyuan sat in the court, Han Yu returned to the Demon League, and Zhang Daojun returned to the Emperor League.

After more than a month, the news that the rudder of the Protoss had been breached did it spread. At that time, the army of the Imperial League and the army of the Demon League had already been dispatched.

Although the Shenting base camp has been taken down, there are still countless protoss living in the territories of Shenting, and for those people, it is natural that there is no need for Han Yu, Zhang Daojun and others to do it, and just hand it over to the army of the Imperial League and the Demon League.

After returning to the Demon League, Han Yu went into seclusion and practiced hard. Now that the matter of Zhongtian Continent is almost resolved, he is also going to the border city.

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