Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2195: Split eleven

There was a brief silence on the scene, and then bursts of cold breath sounded, especially the people of the Protoss, looking at Xiaojiao as if seeing a ghost. Even if the facts are in front of them, they are still a little unbelievable.

"Dare to underestimate the Hongmeng Saint Beast, the descendants of the demon ancestor, it is almost dead." Jin Wing Dapeng sneered.

"Lulu!" A man rushed out frantically, piercing the little horn with a sword. Suddenly, the terrifying sword energy penetrated the void, blinking dozens of miles.

Many people change color in Baidi City. The strength of this man was three points stronger than Jianbi.

Without changing the color of the small corner, he raised the pocket-sized small golden knife and slashed it lightly, easily splitting the man's sword energy in half, and then smashing the man forcefully.

Another master of the Protoss was beheaded by Xiaojiao effortlessly.

Not to mention the Protoss, even the masters of the Nine Suns Continent, could not help but take a cold breath.

What is invincible in the same realm? This is it!

In Baidi City, Xiao Sable and Horned Dragon mother and son, looking at the shining golden back, it was almost as if seeing their idols, they were all excited and unable to control themselves.

On the Protoss side, no one dared to fight for a while. Xiao Jiao stood in the void, with a small body, but at this moment there was a feeling of standing upright, seeming to step on the world's heroes.

"The Protoss Bi Jing is here to learn about your brilliant tricks, and report your name!" A man rushed out, murderously said.

"You're not worthy!" Little Horn's immature voice sounded, and once again raised the small golden knife in his hand and slashed it down.

Suddenly, the sword's energy was vertical and horizontal, making Xinghe pale.

Bi Jing snorted coldly, and the long-length sword in his hand swept up diagonally, and the more powerful and magnificent sword qi slashed towards the small horned sword qi.

Bi Jing's momentum is far more magnificent than Xiaojiao's momentum. However, Bi Jing's knife energy was easily broken by Xiaojiao's knife energy, and the back knife was like a broken bamboo, smashing on Bi Jing's sword.


Bi Jing's treasured sword broke, and the sword was slashed righteously. Bi Jing's body collapsed in two and died on the spot.

The third Protoss who was slashed to death by Xiaojiao was exactly the same as the two just now.

"The ants are killed!"

Among the Protoss crowd, a giant rushed out with a long axe in his hand, and when he jumped out, an axe smashed toward the small horn, with a great momentum of pioneering.

The little horn was really vulnerable under the axe.

The little horn still repeats the action just now, raising the knife and hacking it down!

The man's great axe was cut in half by a small horn, and the back small horn's knife went forward and split the man in half.

The fourth one was cut to death by Xiaojiao!

An incredible cry of exclamation broke out in Baidi City. On the side of the Protoss, the silence was so quiet that the needle fell, and the faces of the masters were extremely gloomy.

They were proud of them, and they thought they were above all the spirits of the Nine Suns Continent. They were slashed to death by an ant that they looked down upon. It was unbearable.

The fifth master jumped out, stronger than the four just now, however, he was still smashed to death by Xiaojiao.

The sixth master jumped out, brewing in the crowd for a long time before coming out, the shot is the ultimate magical power, making the wind and clouds change color, the sun and the moon are dark, and the stars tremble. Let the masters in Baidi City frightened.

However, he was still slashed to death by Xiaojiao.

The same raises and hacks, the same simple and domineering, the same effect.

"How could it be possible that the ordinary sword aura smashed the ultimate magical powers?" Even with the insights of Bian Yangyan, Jin Buhui and others, he couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

Honghu, Li Weibai, Golden Wing Roc, etc. were also unbelievable.

In the end, I can only sigh that it is worthy of being the descendants of the demon ancestor, and it is reasonable to have the power of the demon ancestor, because it is the descendants of the demon ancestor, and the two characters of the demon ancestor can explain everything.

If it is an ordinary person, even Han Yu, it is absolutely impossible to smash the opponent's supernatural powers with a single knife. But the small horn is fine, because the sword of the small horn is transformed by the supernatural power, and the sword and the magical power can be changed at will.

The masters of the Protoss, especially the strong ones in the mid-term quasi-emperor, were all fearful and afraid of being selected to fight. Going out at this time is undoubtedly going to die, facing death, everyone is afraid.

"Look, it's bleeding from its mouth!"

Suddenly, one of the Protoss pointed to the little horn and exclaimed in excitement, as if a drowning child caught a straw.

"It's not invincible. Although it smashed the ultimate supernatural powers, it also paid a great price." Countless people in the Protoss race were overjoyed.

The blood dripping from Xiaojiao's mouth undoubtedly showed them the hope of victory.

The masters in Baidi City were all shocked. Although they couldn't see the bleeding in Xiaojiao's mouth, they could feel that Xiaojiao's breath was rapidly weakening. This is by no means a good sign.

"Protoss Zhu Mao came to ask for advice!"

A man quickly rushed out of the Protoss crowd and threw his right hand violently. The dart in his hand was like a torrential rain meteor shooting towards the small corner. This is his once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for meritorious service, how could he let it go.

On the Protoss side, many people regretted that they had not been able to seize this first opportunity for meritorious service and that they had been seized by others.

"Despicable and shameless!"

In Baidi City, countless people gritted their teeth. There is really nothing more shameless than the Protoss. He kept looking down on the creatures of Jiuyang Continent, and what they did was shameless to the extreme. To describe them as hypocrites is an insult to this term.

The little horn didn't change his face, and still cleaved with a knife.

"Do you think you are the same you were just now?" The man sneered again and again, not taking it seriously.


The sword qi rushed out, splitting the void. The man's darts exploded in an instant, and then the sword aura of the small corner split the man in half with the momentum of breaking through.

The seventh was slashed to death.

Even if the little horn is injured, it still kills like cutting vegetables.

Everyone in the Baidi City cheered, countless people on the Protoss face were gloomy, and many people were lucky.

After a while, no one from the Protoss side came out to fight, Honghu shouted: "The Protoss does not come out to fight again, we won this round!"

The leader of the Protoss had a pale face, Bian Yangyan gritted his teeth and sent one out. The man was very reluctant, but didn't dare to violate Bian Yangyan's instructions, so he could only bite the bullet. Without a doubt, he was slashed to death by Xiaojiao.

The eighth.

After hacking this person to death, Xiao Jiao's body couldn't help but sway, and the situation was not optimistic.

"It's dying, whoever killed it, I remember his first work!" Bian Yang Yan said overjoyed.

Under the reward, there must be a brave man, and a woman rushed out.


The woman was stabbed to death by Xiaojiao before she even started.


The Protoss was in a panic, and after a while, a man rushed out courageously, with a fluke mentality.

As always, he was slashed to death by Xiaojiao.

The tenth.


Tianyu exploded, and another person rushed out of the Protoss crowd, and the shot was extremely magical. Like the sixth one, it has been prepared for a long time. Let the heroes in Baidi City wish to tear him up.


The little horn held up the treasured sword, and the sword slammed straight down at the bull's head. Cut the opponent's supernatural powers with one knife, and then split the opponent in half. The eleventh!

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