Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2212: Xuantian realm secret

The Profound Sky Realm is a very special world that exists in the void of the Nine Suns Continent, and occasionally manifests. It is divided into three parts, the first is the Jiugong Bureau, the second is the Demon Cavern, and the third is the celestial burial pagoda. The first two Han Yu have entered.

The secret realm of stone steles that Han Yu once entered in the Kunjie Nanhe is suspected to be the third burial pagoda in the Xuantian realm, but it has not yet been determined. The Golden Winged Roc saw Han Yu’s thoughts and was not ashamed. He explained: “The Xuantian Realm existed in ancient times. It is a very mysterious and dangerous world. It is suspected that the tombs of ancient powers were buried in ancient times. It’s just a latecomer, and the Lord is studying and deciphering its secrets. The first Nine Palace Game is a huge puzzle. The value of its existence is to guard the second entrance; the second man’s cave is a dilapidated one. After the Taoist temple, there is a huge cemetery hidden. That cemetery is called the Mausoleum of Humans and Demons. As for the third burial pagoda, we have only been in contact with

It's just some fur. Judging from the research results at this stage, the Funeral Pagoda is like a tower of ashes. The Demon Cave is to bury the corpse in the tomb, while the burial pagoda is to offer ashes in the tower. "

Han Yu asked, "The tomb of the ancient mighty power? Was it built by the powerhouses of the Nine Sun Continent or by the Protoss?"

Golden Wing Dapeng said: "From now on, the second stage should be built by the Protoss, and the third stage should be built by the masters of Jiuyang Continent."

Han Yu asked questioningly: "Xuantian realm is not a whole?" Golden Winged Dapeng shook his head, and said: "A long, long time ago, it was definitely not a whole. It was later thought that it was spliced ​​together to become the present. Profound Sky Realm. The second and third levels should have existed first, and then in order to protect the second and third levels, the first nine palaces were built.


Han Yu was relieved, and some of the previous questions were easily resolved, and then asked: "Why did the strong man in the ancient times **** the man-devil cave built by the gods back, and put it together with the burial pagoda to rebuild it into the mysterious world?"

The Golden Wing Roc said: "The bones of the powerful people in the Nine Suns Continent are buried in the Demon Caverns. Naturally, they have to be snatched back. However, the ancient powers who snatched the Demon Caverns were definitely not simply because of this. The reason, there should be more important significance, we are still exploring."

Han Yu said, "Is the secret realm of the stone stele a burial pagoda?"

The Golden Wing Roc asked: "You are talking about the secret place of the stone stele in Nanhe, Kunjie?"

Han Yu nodded.

The Golden Wing Roc said: "The stone stele secret realm is only a part of the human devil cave. It was smashed and lost in that place at the end of ancient times. We had thought of a way to put it back, but there was nothing we could do."

Han Yu asked with some expectation: "Senior can you know someone named Zhao Wending?"

Since the Golden Winged Roc has been in the burial pagoda for a long time and is so familiar with the secrets of the stele, maybe he knows the whereabouts of Zhao Wending.

Golden Wing Roc said: "You are talking about the person who was sucked into the stele?"

Han Yu was overjoyed and nodded hurriedly.

Zhao Wending's whereabouts is unknown, and Zhao Yubing has been uneasy. If Zhao Wending's whereabouts can be found, it can be regarded as fulfilling a wish for his mother.

Golden Wing Roc said: "This person has good luck and got the inheritance of an ancient power. By chance, he broke into the burial celestial pagoda and is now in retreat in the burial celestial pagoda. What is his relationship with you?"

Han Yu's heart rate increased instantly, and he said with joy, "He is my grandfather."

Golden Wing Roc said: "If we can get through this difficult time this time, you and I will be able to see him when we go to the burial pagoda."

Han Yu was so excited, whether it was to meet Zhao Wending, who had never been masked, or to explore the mysterious Third Burial Pagoda of Xuantian Realm, it was enough to make Han Yu excited.

The Golden Wing Roc said: "About the Profound Sky Realm, we will find the opportunity to discuss it in detail in the future. Let's discuss how to resist the enemy now."

Han Yu suppressed many doubts in his mind and nodded. The two of them looked at Dugu Yijian. Dugu Yijian didn't care about Han Yu and Jin Wing Dapeng's distraction of the topic. Seeing the two of them, they said indifferently: "Just follow Brother Hong's proposal. The seedlings under the Emperor Zhun gathered together, and then it depends on the situation, whether they should be sent to the funeral tower

. "

Everyone nodded in agreement.

Duguyi Jiandao: "I have an idea. Brother Li, Brother Hong and Brother Jinpeng will join forces to help Han Yu so that he can break through the pinnacle of Zhundi within three years."

This sudden suggestion left several people in a daze.

Li Weibai said: "If Han Yu can break through the peak of the quasi emperor within three years, this is a great thing for us. But at Han Yu's level of cultivation, it is almost impossible for outsiders to force him to break through. It is possible, unless there is a strong Emperor Wu."

Golden Wing Roc said: "I agree with Brother Li's statement that even if the four of us help each other with all our strength, it will be more difficult for Han Yu to make a breakthrough than to reach the sky."

Honghu continued: "I think so too. I'm afraid that the four of us teamed up not only failed to help Han Yu make a breakthrough, but instead caused us to consume too much, and then we would lose out."

Not to mention that Li Weibai, Golden Winged Dapeng and Honghu did not approve of the idea of ​​Dugu Yijian, even Han Yu felt it was impossible to realize it.

Said: "Senior Dugu's kindness, the younger generation has received it, but to break through this kind of thing, pay attention to the matter of course. I will try my best to practice, and hope that within three years, I will reach the next level.

If it was before, it wouldn't be a problem for Han Yu to make a breakthrough in his cultivation within three years. However, Han Yu, who is now in the late stage of the Zhun Emperor, wants to break through to the pinnacle of the Zhun Emperor within three years, and he is not at all sure. Cultivation becomes more difficult as it goes to the back, especially when it comes to the realm that is close to the top, it is common for ordinary people to spend a thousand years on further progress.

thing. It's not surprising that you can't make progress in a lifetime.

Dugu Yijian looked at Han Yu and said, "Do you want to go up to the next level in three years?"

Han Yu was questioned for a moment, and then smiled bitterly: "Naturally think."

Dugu Yijian then asked: "Then do you have confidence?"

Han Yu gritted his teeth and said, "If the four seniors are willing to help me, I can give it a try." Dugu Yijian nodded slightly, his eyes slowly sweeping across Li Weibai, Golden Wing Roc and Honghu, and said: " If it's someone else, even if we have the means to reach the sky, we don't want to help him go further, but Han Yu is a heaven swallowing monster, and his potential is unlimited. If there is no great way to suppress it, it is only a matter of time to prove that the Dao becomes an emperor. Of course, qualification is only one aspect, and more The important thing is his physique. As long as he has enough energy to swallow him, even if he breaks through the barriers and takes that step, it is not impossible. I think we need to give it a try. If it succeeds, I believe Han Yu will never let

We are disappointed. "Dugu Yijian's eyes suddenly shot out two terrible rays of light, and a madness appeared on his face quietly. The appearance of such emotions on this numb, indifferent, and immortal face is unprecedented.

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