Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2243: Waited for tens of thousands of years

Shi Tianshi is the **** in the line of Qi Tianshi. At this moment, Honghu worshiped from the heart, abandoned all prejudice against Han Yu, and was very pious.

Han Yu shook his body and arrived in front of Honghu, helped Honghu up, and said with a smile: "Senior doesn't have to be like this. If there is no senior, there is no junior today."

Honghu nodded happily, and kept wiping tears. The grievances, excitement, excitement in my heart, and the unwillingness that has been hidden in my heart for countless years, instantly vented out. "Senior, let's go back!" Han Yu supported Honghu, rolled Hongzhi to his side as soon as his sleeves were rolled, and then moved his fingers forward, countless formation patterns rushed out, forming a special formation channel, Han Yu Take Honghu and Hongzhi one step into the formation channel, and then Honghu feels

I felt a terrible Dou Zhuan Star Shift, the speed was hundreds of times faster than the most advanced teleportation array on the Nine Sun Continent.

So Honghu still didn't recover in shock, and his eyes lit up. They had already appeared in the border city.

"This...Is this the method of the Heavenly Removal Master?" Honghu was shocked, his chin almost fell to the ground in shock.

He is a ten-yuan unloader, the top ten-yuan unloader, and he is only one step away from the un-heavenly master. However, compared with Han Yu, it is simply the gap between a child and a giant. In front of Han Yu, he was already embarrassed to say that he was Qi Tianshi.

In Golden Crow City, all the masters of Jiuyang Continent were injured. The five incarnations of the old madman, Li Weibai, Golden Wing Roc, and Han Yu were all wounded, with little combat power left. It was Dugu Yijian, with several blood holes on his body, and his left arm was cut from the shoulders. Several masters back to back, surrounded by the masters of the Protoss


"Are all the strongest people in the Nine Suns Continent here? With this strength, I want to compete with our Protoss. It's a silly smashing tree. I can't help myself!" Jin did not disdain, and looked high.

"The Nine Suns Continent is the humble lower realm. You creatures from the lower realms dare to fight against our upper realm gods and seek death by yourself. Our Protoss loses these few times, I want to let ten times as many creatures in the Nine Suns Continent to bury them!" Ling Xun Han said, looking at Lingyin's eyes, sinister and vicious.

"Where is your main body, dare to kill the **** of the wind, I want to punish the ten clans!" Huang Qiujian pointed at the **** of the wind and said murderously.

"Brother Huang, let's do it, kill these people, let's go to the Nine Suns Continent!" Jin did not say, looking indifferent, almost like trampling an ant to death.


Huang Qiu didn't say much. He raised his sword and slashed it with a sword power. The terrifying sword aura was shaking the earth, and it seemed to split the world in half.

Dugu a sword is pointed together as a sword, and the other is pointed out against the sky. The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, turning into a sword net to envelop everyone.

The old madman, Li Weibai, etc. all tried their best to resist.

"A group of ants still dare to resist?"

Jin Changchang raised his brows and shot out with a punch. A cold light flashed in Ling Xun's eyes and a shot was shot out.

"Boom boom boom..."

The sword net of Dugu Yijian collapsed in an instant, and the attacks of Li Weibai, the old lunatic and others were also unbearable.

The terrifying sword aura, fist marks, and spears blasted into the void, and the many masters in the Nine Sun Continent seemed vulnerable at this time.

"Go and die!" Jin Chang sneered again and again.


Dugu Yijian, Li Weibai, Golden Winged Dapeng, etc. all sighed secretly, and a crazy color appeared on their faces, preparing to explode, and finally make some contributions to the Nine Sun Continent.


A golden sphere suddenly appeared in the sky above the crowd, and the golden sphere exploded, forming countless array patterns, like flowing water, instantly forming a golden shield to protect the masters of the Nine Sun Continent.


Dugu Yijian, Li Weibai, the old madman, and the Golden Winged Roc were all shocked. This golden shield was actually made up of countless golden array patterns. It looked as thin as a cicada's wings and seemed indestructible.

Lingyin, Xuanwu, Baihu, Sun Shenzi and Feng Shenzi instantly burst into terrible light, and surprises appeared on their faces.

"Boom boom boom!" Three terrible attacks hit the golden array shield. The surface of the shield shook violently like water waves, but it didn't break. Instead, Huang Qiu's sword light shattered and gold was not broken. The changed fist marks collapsed, Ling Xun's spear was bounced back, and his arm numb. All of the Nine Suns

Many masters, none were injured.

In Dugu Yijian's dim eyes, a bright light burst instantly, and suddenly something seemed to have occurred.


Huang Qiu, Lingxun, and Jin Chang snorted one after another, launching even more terrifying attacks.

The sword light opens up the world, the fist print can smash the eternal blue sky, and the spear can pierce the endless star field. The terrifying attacks of the three half-step true gods simultaneously hit the golden array shield.


The sword light was bounced and collapsed; the fist print was bounced back and exploded; the spear was shaken back, and almost dropped out of Lingxun's hand.

The three masters all made a muffled hum, and they took a few steps backwards before they stopped, and looked at the golden array shield in amazement. The rest of the Protoss masters are even more surprised and inexplicable. How strong is the formation shield that the three half-step true gods can't break through a single blow?

"Han Yu? Could it be that Han Yu is back? Did he break through to the Master Xietian?" Li Weibai was surprised, looking at the incarnations of Han Yu and asked.

Dugu Yijian, the old madman, and the Golden Winged Roc also looked expectantly at the incarnations of Han Yu.


Suddenly, a figure abruptly appeared in front of the formation shield, blocking the protoss masters. This is a gentle-faced man with a slender figure and a long robe.

The moment the man appeared, the golden array shield quietly converged, turned into a golden light and flew to the man's fingertips, entered the man's body, and quickly disappeared without a trace.

When seeing the man's appearance clearly, Dugu Yijian, Li Weibai, the old madman, and the Golden Winged Dapeng were all overjoyed.

"Xiaoyou Han, have you taken that step?" Li Weibai asked nervously. Although judging from the power of the shield just now, it was definitely from the hands of a celestial master, but he was very afraid that Han Yu would answer no.

Han Yu nodded slightly, and said: "Four seniors, you guys have a good rest, and then just leave it to me."

The four masters nodded in excitement. They have waited for this moment for tens of thousands of years, while Jiuyang Continent has waited for this moment for hundreds of thousands of years. In the Nine Suns Continent, a Heaven Exclamation Master finally appeared.

"Who are you?" Huang Qiu Baojian pointed at Han Yu's back and asked in a deep voice. The expressions of the masters of the Protoss became a bit solemn, and the sudden appearance of Han Yu made them feel a dangerous aura, so that they all gathered together involuntarily, watching Han Yu's back vigilantly.

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