Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2324: Dog bites dog

The woman followed Han Yu with joy. She didn't know that Han Yu had already regarded her as a "training material". If she knew it, she might not be able to laugh.

Under the leadership of Xiaoer, the two of them went all the way up, just about to reach the ninth floor of the Star Picking Building, when a fierce and vicious man suddenly blocked the stairs with his fat body, and said in a vulgar tone: "This floor is all I've been packaged by Yun Shao, and no one can enter!"

Xiao Er from the shop said in surprise: "Master, who is Shao Yun? How come I don't know who is covering this layer?"

The brawny man glared at the shop's second child, and yelled, "Shao Yun is also someone you are qualified to know?"

Dian Xiaoer shuddered and couldn't help but step back a few steps. As soon as he saw this person, he knew that he could not offend him. He turned to look at Han Yu and smiled awkwardly: "Master, wait a moment, I'll go down and make sure."

Dian Xiaoer hurried off after speaking, neither of these two parties could offend him.

Han Yu doesn't have time to wait for the shop's second person to make sure, watching the strong man coldly said: "Go away."

With Han Yu's experience, how can one fail to see that the Yun Shao is definitely suppressing others, the so-called package is just a rhetoric.

The brawny man was furious and cursed: "You are looking for death!"

Han Yu ignored the brawny, turned his head and looked at the woman and said, "Don't you want me to sell you a seat? Leave this running dog to me."

The woman stared at Han Yu with wide eyes, with an incredible expression on her face.

You can't even get back your own turf. You still use the bait of selling your seat and let me be your thug? Your business is not authentic, right?

"You two, let me go!" The strong man gave the woman no chance to react, and slapped both of them with a palm.


The generous palm carries an aura of terror. This is a strong man with half-step True God cultivation.

A strong man of this level can easily shake the Star Picking Tower to pieces if he wants to, but his palm strength is very well controlled, covering only Han Yu and the woman, and does not harm other places.

The woman had no time to care about Han Yu, so she hummed softly. The voice reached the ears of the brawny man, but it seemed like a bolt from the blue sky.

The brawny man was shocked and vomited a mouthful of blood. The palm he waved out quietly resolved, with an incredible color on his face, and he said in surprise: "Are you a true god?"

As he said, his feet moved backwards involuntarily, and couldn't help but shiver.

Although he is a half-step true god's cultivation base, in front of the woman, he is as small as dust.

"Get out!" The woman whispered, and the brawny man was buzzing with his head again and hurriedly fled.

Han Yu took the lead on the ninth floor and said with his back the old god: "Okay, come with me!"

The woman couldn't help rolling her eyes.

The woman followed Han Yu depressedly, and walked to the private room No.1 Tianzi. The door was open. There were three people sitting inside and one person standing. The standing person was the brawny man just now.

When Han Yu and the woman walked to the door, two cold eyes shot. But the man sitting in the main seat was sipping tea on his own, and he owed him a second glance outside the door. You don't need to think about it, this person is the so-called cloud less.

"In the early stage, the true **** dared to make trouble." A deep voice sounded.

Opposite Yun Shao, there were two sitting people, a middle-aged man and an old man. A breath came out of the middle-aged man quietly, causing the woman to change color slightly, and her footsteps stopped abruptly.

"This is a strong mid-True God, be careful." The woman secretly gave Han Yu a voice.

"Aren't you a strong mid-True God? Are you scared?" Han Yu ran on.

"Afraid? I'll be afraid?" The woman sneered, and then said in surprise: "How do you know that I am a true God mid-stage cultivation base?"

Han Yu ignored it and went straight in.

There were four people in the house, one and a half-step true **** realm, and three true **** mid-stage realms. This was a very good "cultivation material". Han Yu didn't expect that there would be surprises other than a woman who took the initiative to send it to the door.

"Life and death!" The middle-aged man did not expect that he had already demonstrated his strength, and the other party walked in as if nothing had happened. He stood up suddenly, a murderous aura instantly rose from his body.

Han Yu ignored the middle-aged man, but turned to look at the woman behind and said, "What? I'm afraid? If you're afraid, get out of here, my seat won't be sold to you!"

The woman was itchy with anger, and snorted coldly: "Who is afraid?"

Stepped forward a few steps, pushed Han Yu away, and no longer retained his aura. The real god's mid-term cultivation base was instantly exposed, and he proudly said: "Don't think that you are the true god's mid-term cultivation base. This room belongs to us, please Leave me immediately."

Han Yu was surprised secretly. There was a subtle aura in this woman's breath, which was very weak, and no one except Han Yu was able to sense it. That cryptic breath is definitely not what the Protoss should have.

The middle-aged man sneered and wanted to do it when he stood up.

Suddenly, Yun Shao slowly put down his teacup and said, "No one can take away what Luo Yun is after."

After speaking, she looked at the woman, with a threatening expression in her eyes. As for Han Yu, he didn't even glance at the corner of his eyes. He didn't even look at Han Yu in his eyes or take it seriously.

The woman looked at Yun Shao coldly, and was not shaken by his threat.

Yun Shao looked at the woman for a moment, slowly retracted his gaze, took a sip of the hot tea, and said faintly: "I don't want to see them again."


The middle-aged man rushed to the woman in an instant, raised his hand and pressed it down, with a terrifying aura, as if it was not a palm that was pressing down, but the sky.

The woman gave a soft drink and greeted her with a palm.


When the two palms collided, the woman snorted and took a few steps backwards, while the middle-aged man stood motionless.


At this moment, a powerful wave of air swept out, turning into mercury and generally pasting a thick protective layer on the wall of Room No. 1 Tianzi, so that the two middle-term powerhouses of the true gods fought against each other. Shake the star picking building.

The old man with a slender figure started.

The woman changed her color slightly and decisively chose to retreat.

"Yun Shao gave you a chance, you don't want to, now you want to go, how easy it is!" The middle-aged man sneered, and grabbed his hand, and rushed out of five horrible horses at the same time on his five fingers. To the woman.

The woman hurriedly communicated to Han Yu and said, "Don't do it yet?" Han Yu clasped her hands in front of her chest, as if it had nothing to do with her. Let the Protoss master dog bite the dog, why not he? What made him quite regretful was that the woman's strength was a little weaker, and it seemed that the idea of ​​reaping the benefits of the fisherman might not be realized.

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