Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2349: Suffered heavy losses


The face of the Chaos Locking Sky Banner swept towards Han Yu like a stormy sea. Compared with that terrifying flag, Han Yu was like an ant standing on the cusp of a storm.

Han Yu quickly backed away, while blasting out his fists, and the Heavenly Dao Tyrant punched the Chaos Lock Tianqi with punch after punch.

Bao Gan shook the flag, and the surface of the flag rolled like a wave. No matter how fierce Han Yu's attack was, he would explode instantly as long as he was swept lightly by the flag surface.

When Han Yu bombarded the thirty-three punches, the flag face hit Han Yu again, right on top of Han Yu's chest, smashing Han Yu's breastbone, causing him to cough up blood.

"Human, although you have good combat power, you are an ant in front of the gods." Bao Gan said proudly.

"A master at the pinnacle of the true God, I have to rely on the low-level Celestial Soldiers to deal with me. Are you too embarrassed to be proud?" Han Yu spit out blood, sarcastically.

Bao Gan's face turned gloomy, no longer said, waving the Chaos Lock Sky Banner to attack and kill.

Suddenly, a sword appeared in Han Yu's hand, and under the urging of Han Yu, it burst into light.

"go with!"

Han Yu threw the sword and slammed the chaos lock sky flag.


The moment the sword collided with the Chaos Suotian Flag, Han Yu detonated the sword.


The sound of horrible explosions, earth-shaking, and an incomparable energy storm swept all directions.

This sword is a magic weapon that Han Yu previously snatched from the power of the Protoss. It is a high-level true **** soldier, and its self-destructive power is terrifying.

However, the Chaos Locking Sky Banner was just one volume, and it easily resolved the terror storm and slammed Han Yu unabated.

"Even if you blew up the top true **** soldier, don't even want to shake the Chaos Suotian flag, let alone the mere senior **** soldier!" Bao Gan sneered again and again.

With a solemn expression on Han Yu's face, he took out all the True God Soldiers he had captured, and threw it out toward the Chaos Locking Sky Banner.

"Boom boom boom..."

Suddenly, the sound of the explosion shook the nine worlds.

Thirteen true soldiers exploded one after another, the scene is simply unparalleled. Among them, there are low-level true gods, intermediate true gods, and high-level true gods. There is no top-level true gods. Han Yu's only top-level true gods weapon has already been detonated before.

Although the scene is very magnificent, it is impossible to lock the sky flag in chaos.

Han Yu had never thought that this would be able to intercept the Chaos Suotian Flag, while retreating quickly, while quickly forming seals, and displaying the Zhenshentian Monument.

As each of the seal tactics was printed, Han Yu's face gradually became difficult to look at, and blood was constantly flowing in his mouth. In his current state, it is difficult to display the Zhenshentian monument, but now, Han Yu has no choice but to clenched his teeth.

There were a hundred and eight seals, not many, but it was very laborious to form. When Han Yu formed all of them, he felt dizzy and might faint at any time.

Han Yu let out a long howl, making himself excited.


Under Han Yu's control, the 108 seal tactics quickly gathered together, turned into a small monument, and fell into Han Yu's hands. Han Yu threw the small monument up, it was rising against the storm, and it quickly turned into a height of tens of thousands of feet, with the momentum to suppress the nine-day sky.

In the cosmic starry sky, there was a thunderbolt in the clear sky, and the punishment was sent down, but it was easily suppressed by the Heavenly Stone Monument.

At this moment, the Chaos Locking Sky Banner rushed out of the energy storm and hit Han Yu.


With a loud shout, Han Yu slammed the Zhenshen Tianbei towards the Chaos Lock Tianqi.


With a loud noise, Han Yu's head buzzed and almost fainted. He shook his head abruptly to make his head clearer, and quickly backed away.

The Heavenly Stele of Zhenshen is indeed a high-level extreme magical power. It collided with low-level Heavenly God soldiers, but it didn't break apart. Instead, it exuded a shocking weather to suppress the Chaos Lock Heaven Banner.

The two held a stalemate for about three breaths, the Heavenly Zhentian Monument collapsed, and the Chaos Lock Heaven Flag bounced back.

In the rear, Bao Qian's hands were shattered.


Han Yu spit out blood, and the situation became extremely bad. Now let alone continue the fight, even running away seems a bit powerless.


From within the Sky Swallowing Devil Gourd, a huge amount of spiritual energy poured into Han Yu's body, allowing Han Yu to gain some strength, hurriedly stabilize his figure, and rushed into the sky.


From the far rear, there was a heavy cold snort from Bao Qian, and he shook the Chaos Lock Sky Flag frantically. The face of the Chaos Lock Sky Flag rose again against the storm and swept towards Han Yu.

Han Yu threw the archery bow without hesitation and detonated it!

The volume of the flag of the Chaos Locking Sky is to easily dissolve the energy of the self-detonation of the Arch God Bow and continue to sweep towards Han Yu.


Soon, the flag face rushed to Han Yu's back, heavily curled on Han Yu's back, and knocked Han Yu's back apart. Han Yufei rushed out, his body ached, his head fainted, and he no longer had the strength to get up and continue running.


The Chaos Suotian Flag swept over again, Han Yu's already ragged body, the cracks instantly increased a lot, and it might collapse at any time.

"Little thief, run, why don't you run away?"

Bao Gan rushed forward and shook the Chaos Lock Tianqi again.


The chaotic lock sky flag slammed Han Yu into flight again, and Han Yu was already angry.

"Today I want to thwart your bones and ashes, and avenge the Second Protector, Five Protector, Seven Protector and many fellow Protoss!

With a murderous aura, Bao Gan raised the Chaos Suotian Banner and rushed over quickly, kicked Han Yu, and kicked Han Yu out. Suddenly, a large piece of flesh and blood fell off Han Yu's body, like a weathered stone.

"Sanhu Fa is merciful!" Luode Yong and Song Chengyun came after him, the former hurriedly said.

Bao Gan turned around angrily and looked at Luo Yong and said, "Why is Patriarch Luo still begging for him?"

Rod Yong secretly scolded Bao Gan as an impulsive idiot, but with a gentle expression on his face, he said, "I think Lord Xiao is trying to survive, right?"

Only then did Bao Gan remember that Xiao Taiyi really wanted to survive. It was only because of the death of the second protector that he was so blushing that he almost destroyed Han Yu desperately.

Bao Gan nodded and said, "My lord does explain that he wants to live."

Rod Yong said: "The Three Guardians, discuss something with you, how about this human being, let us take it away? When we finish the matter, we will return it to you intact."

Bao Gan frowned and said, "What do you mean? Dongyang Star Territory has been hunting down this little thief. Now, let me let you take it away?"

Luo Ruoyong said with an apologetic expression: "Just because Lord Lang personally ordered that if we want to capture this person alive, we have to go back for business. Please also ask the Three Guardians for convenience.

Bao Gan sneered and said: "You are going to have a business relationship, am I not going to do business anymore?" As he said, the hand holding the Chaos Locking Sky Banner tightened a bit, and the flag surface scrolled by itself, hunting.

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