Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2352: Where Han Yu

Han Yu put away the Chaos Suotian Flag, glanced at the pale temples, and couldn't help but sigh secretly. He didn't expect that he still took this step.

As the Chaos Suotian Flag was put away, the power of Chaos in the void was quietly resolved, Han Yu moved across the void and headed north.

The time to perform taboo magic is limited. Once time passes, he will collapse and must leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible.

Han Yu rushed forward in the wild star field all the way, within the wild star field, not only was there no life, but also no light, the deeper the core area, the deeper and terrible.

Han Yuyuan escaped dozens of tens of billions of miles before falling on a star, entered a natural stone cave, began to arrange the formation, halfway through the formation, suddenly a strong sense of exhaustion hit.

Han Yu secretly cried out bad, and the Heaven Swallowing Devil Gourd continuously provided him with energy.

However, after performing the forbidden magic, the body, mind, and soul were severely consumed, and it was not ordinary energy that could help Han Yu recover.

Han Yu wanted to use the last bit of effort to arrange the Deception Great Formation, but in the end he failed to achieve his wish and passed out.


"Is he the human being who made trouble in the Dongyang Star Territory and the Galaxy Star Territory? Doesn't it look great?"

"I remember his name is Han Yu, right? Both temples are pale, are they very old? Hey, I thought he was a handsome and extraordinary young man, which made this young lady happy."

"I haven't woken up after taking the next holy medicine. Are you crippled?"


Inside a stone cave, a group of people pointed at the man lying on the stone bed. The man had a beautiful face, fair skin, and looked young, but his temples were pale as snow, and he seemed to have lived for thousands of years.

At this time, he was lying on the stone bed, motionless, airy. Even if the holy medicine is fed, it has no effect at all.

"Don't quarrel, do you have any sympathy? He is so badly hurt, and you are still talking cold words here." The woman standing by the bed turned around and waved to chase people away.

This woman is beautiful and beautiful, with a hosta in her hair, embellishing her beautiful and noble.

"Oh, Miss Sister is still angry, you won't be interesting to this guy, are you?"

"This is the first time I have seen young lady guarding a man like this!"

The woman's face was blushing when you said what you said, and she became a little more charming, and pushed all the booing people out.

At this time, an old man with a childlike face and a fairy-like spirit walked in and said: "You all go out."

Everyone immediately stopped the hippie smiles and called out "Grandpa" together, and then they all left, not forgetting to whisper and tease the woman.

"Xuan'er, you stay!" the old man said lightly.

The woman Xuan Xuan who was teased by everyone quietly flashed a touch of joy, twisted the little sister who kept laughing at her, and ran back to the cave.

"Xuan'er, have you been guarding him here these days?" the old man asked deeply.

Xuan Xuan was a little bit shy, and hummed softly.

"Did there be any changes during the period?" the old man asked.

Xuan Xuan glanced at Han Yu who was lying on the stone bed, and said, "There is no improvement at all, it's like stagnant water in a pool."

The old man nodded slightly, walked to Han Yu's bed, and observed Han Yu carefully. After a while, the old man shook his head and said, "Weird, I can't find the slightest injury on his body. It's obviously collapsed and fainted. The holy medicine does not have any effect?"

With the insight of the old man, this is the first time I have seen this weird situation.

Xuan Xuan sighed in her heart, even her grandfather said so, that there is no way to help Han Yu, whether Han Yu can wake up, it is up to fate.

"Xuan Xuan, when you saw him last time, did you find anything weird about him?" the old man asked.

"No, I tried to probe him many times when Picking up the Star Tower, but he was too deep. It seemed that there was no problem at the time. It should be the result of the recent battle." Xuan thought for a while.

She was the same woman who went upstairs with Han Yu in the Shenchao Xingzhexinglou, but her appearance at the time was fake, and now she is her true face.

At first she didn't know that Han Yu was a human being, but after a series of events, she inferred that the ordinary man with shame is the human Han Yu who is now famous in Dongyang star field and Milky Way star field.

"Under the siege of four powerhouses at the peak realm of true gods, and the opponent had low-level Celestial soldiers oppressing the formation, not only escaped alive, but also killed four people. It was a miracle in the cultivation world. How did he do it?"

The old man looked at Han Yu, his eyes gleaming with uncertainty. Han Yu fought with Bao Qian, Song Chengyun, Luo Luo, and Kong Yangyao. Although no one was watching the battle, it is not difficult for the people of the Protoss to know the truth. Now the entire Dongyang star field and the Milky Way star field are shaking, even The turmoil on this matter also swept other star regions. Han Yu

This name is known by more and more people in the Protoss.

"He has a strong combat power and has a perverted leapfrog ability." Xuan Xuan said not sure.

The old man shook his head, and said: "No matter how strong the combat power, no matter how strong the leapfrog battle ability is, you can't achieve such a shocking record. You must know that he only has the cultivation base of the late Emperor Wu!"

Han Yu is asleep, and he is unprepared. The elderly can learn about Han Yu's cultivation level by exploring Han Yu's body.

Xuan Xuan looked at Han Yu with surprise. This man seemed to be covered with a veil of mystery.

How Han Yu killed the four and left was a mystery for them, and also a mystery for the Protoss.

In the Protoss, there are even rumors that a master secretly helped Han Yu to let Han Yu escape.

Suddenly, the old man was attracted by the snow-white color of Han Yu's temples. Suddenly, his heart jumped and a light of horror appeared in his eyes.

"Isn't his hair white before, but white after the war?" The old man looked at Han Yu's appearance more and more and felt that this white hair really didn't match Han Yu's appearance.

At Han Yu's age, this level of cultivation would not have gray hair.

"Could it be that he used a certain secret method to stimulate his body's potential and explode extraordinary combat power before breaking out of the siege? As a result, his hair turned white and he was asleep for a long time?"

The more the old man thinks about it, the more he feels like this.

After the old man said his thoughts, Xuan Xuan suddenly changed her color. Those who reached their level naturally knew how undesirable it is to use secret methods to forcibly upgrade their cultivation base, and asked worriedly: "Grandpa, will he be fine? "The old man sighed: "There is something wrong now. Whether this matter is serious or not depends on the level of the secret method he uses. The higher the secret method, the more damage it can cause. I hope that the secret method he uses is just The general secret method."

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