Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2354: The world's first physique

Han Yu scanned his body again, and found that there were no injuries left on his body, and even the injuries he suffered before performing the forbidden magic arts were healed.

This made Han Yu both surprised and happy, didn't he hurt him?

It is clearly written on the scroll that once a forbidden magical skill is used, it will inevitably leave a wound.

Soon, Han Yu's joy disappeared. Dao wounds were imperceptible. They only manifested in battles and during cultivation. Now that he hasn't found any injuries, it doesn't mean that there are no injuries left.

Han Yu no longer thinks too much, some things have now become reality, he can only face. Slowly closed his eyes, quietly running the "Tai Shang Zhen Jing".

Only then did Han Yu discover that there was a burst of vigorous energy in his body, which seemed to have the effect of reviving the dead.

"This is the vitality of a certain master? This vitality is more terrifying than the vitality of Moon Fairy back then." Han Yu was surprised secretly.

You don't have to think about it, this was injected into Han Yu's body by a certain expert in the spirit world, and it was definitely not Xuan Xuan. From this vitality Han Yu can infer that the opponent is at least a powerhouse at the peak of Emperor Wu.

"It is the effect of this vitality that helped me wake up the dead body and wake me up." Han Yu was grateful.

Under Han Yu's refining, the vigorous vitality was completely absorbed by Han Yu's body. Han Yu regained his mobility, sat up, and began to practice.

Inside the Sky-Swallowing Demon Gourd, there are still a lot of flesh and blood of Bao Gan, Song Chengyun and Luode Yong, which contains terrifying energy.

Two days later, Han Yu returned to his peak.

The later period of Emperor Wu was not the middle period of Emperor Wu, nor the early period of Emperor Wu.

Han Yu was stunned for three times, using the taboo magic technique, he was downgraded by at least one level, but he didn't even get downgraded.


Han Yu stood up, walked to the open space in front of the bed, and displayed a rebellious third-style space-time. Not long after, a special space was formed in front of Han Yu, exuding terrifying power.

Han Yu was not affected in the slightest when he used his magical powers.

His cultivation base has not changed.

With a thought, Han Yu quietly resolved the rebellious third type of time and space, and then disappeared after a flick of his body. After the next moment, Han Yu appeared in the vast cosmic starry sky, and his ability to cross the void remained unchanged.

One of the sequelae of performing taboo magical skills, the decline in cultivation level, did not appear in Han Yu's body.

If it hadn't been for the white sideburns to tell Han Yu that he had indeed performed a forbidden magic, he would doubt if everything before was dreaming. Han Yu took out the scroll and scanned it carefully. The above impressively records the three major costs that must be paid to perform taboo magic; first, time is limited, once time passes, no matter how powerful, even Da Luo Jinxian will instantly collapse into collapse; second, after performing taboo god

After the gong, the cultivation base will drop instantly, and the lowest is the first level; third, Dao injury, no matter who performs this taboo magical skill, it will leave Dao injury.

Han Yu has already paid the first price; the second price has not been shown; and the third price is still to be determined.

Han Yu used several magical powers one after another. After using the Zhenshen Tianbei, he was absolutely certain that his realm was firmly established in the later stage of Emperor Wu, and he was not downgraded, and there will be no downgrade in the future.

The most important thing is that Han Yu displayed the high-level supernatural powers of the Zhenshen Tianbei, which consumed a lot of himself, but did not touch the Taoist injury.

This gave him a faint hunch, a very good hunch.

Han Yu continued to use the Heavenly Zhentian monument until he collapsed and did not touch the Dao injury at all. In all likelihood, there was no Dao injury on Han Yu.

For Han Yu, this is simply an unexpected joy.

The three costs of performing taboo magical powers, and the two most terrifying costs, didn't even appear on Han Yu.

If it weren't for that taboo magical technique is really terrifying, one would doubt whether the word "taboo" is an exaggeration.

There is nothing wrong with Taboo Divine Art, and Han Yu hasn't experienced any reduction in cultivation base or road damage, so the problem is definitely Han Yu's body.

"Is it because of my physique?" Han Yu instantly thought of the reason.

Han Yu's physical body was the Heaven Swallowing Dao Body, a combination of the Heaven Swallowing Demon Body and the Heavenly Thunder Dao Body.

It should be known that both the Sky-Swallowing Demon Body and the Sky-Thunder Dao Body are invincible physiques; the Heaven-Swallowing Demon Body is called a taboo physique by the Protoss, and its terrible aspects can be seen. The terrifying extent of the body is simply unimaginable.

It is absolutely no problem to say that the Taoist body is the number one physique in the world.

The strong physique allowed Han Yu to withstand the damage caused by performing taboo magic.

In this world, I am afraid that only the Heaven-swallowing Dao Body can withstand the damage caused by the use of forbidden magic.

After figuring out the reason, Han Yu was relieved with a sigh of relief.

If his cultivation level does not decline, and there is no Dao injury, his cultivation path will not be affected, and he can continue to advance!

Han Yu stroked his gray hair on the temples, and the price alone seemed insignificant.

When Han Yu was about to return, he discovered that a raging fire was burning in all directions. The starry sky he was in was a special space in the sea of ​​fire, with only a dozen stars floating.

"Is it Xinghai Fire Territory?" In Han Yu's mind, the four words "Xinghai Fire Territory" flashed. He had been in the God Realm for so long, and coupled with the memory of Feng Shenzi, Han Yu didn't understand some things in the east of God Realm. less. The Star Sea Fire Territory is a special world in the northern wild star Territory of Dongyang Star Territory. The fire burns the sky and the earth and burns everything. It is said that in the core area of ​​the Star Sea Fire Territory, a fire spirit lives with unmatched strength. Once Xiao Taiyi wanted to capture the fire spirit and go back to sacrifice a magic weapon.

Coming menacingly, returning in embarrassment.

Also because of Xiao Taiyi’s offense, the fire spirit was not cold to the Protoss. Almost as long as the Protoss approached, he would be controlled by the fire spirit and burned into fly ashes by the monstrous flames. He became a Jedi in the minds of the Protoss. Dare to come closer.

Han Yu didn't expect that the people in the spirit world were hiding in the Star Sea Fire Region. It looks like it should have been approved by that fire spirit, otherwise no one would want to get close to the Star Sea Fire Territory, let alone enter the Star Sea Fire Territory to survive.

With the Star Sea Fire Territory, the people of the Protoss did not dare to approach it. For the creatures outside the Protoss, it was considered an excellent place to live.

Han Yu glanced at all directions. Although he couldn't feel the temperature of the fire here, he could see the terrible flames from the sky, which made Han Yu a little jealous, and the power of the fire spirit was even more unimaginable. Han Yu didn't stay long, and flew to the green star. There are more than ten stars here, and the masters of the spirit world live on the green star, and the other stars have no living things.

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