Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2368: Scold Xiao Taiyi

Han Yu's gaze swept across Hua Huan, Ma Zhi, and Dong Qinglei, then looked at the distant void, and said lightly: "Xiao Taiyi, I've already come, don't you want to show up?"

Hua Huan, Ma Zhi and Dong Qinglei were all taken aback. What does Han Yu mean?

Even Rong Aotian also changed his color slightly. He reminded Han Yu just now that he was only speculating that Xiao Taiyi might appear, but Han Yu's move clearly confirmed that Xiao Taiyi was coming.

"Human, you are so courageous, you know that God is here, do you dare to show up?" Suddenly, a low voice sounded. I saw in the distant void, a majestic old man quietly appeared, isn't it exactly who Xiao Taiyi, the lord of Dongyang Star Territory, is?

Rong Aotian couldn't help feeling horrified. It turned out that Xiao Taiyi had already arrived. If he had taken a shot, how much of a wave could their Spirit Race make? Perhaps Xiao Taiyi didn't even bother to take action for him.

The powerhouses of the Protoss all changed color and hurriedly knelt on one knee in the void, shouting and worshiping the lord.

"Huh!" Xiao Taiyi snorted heavily, obviously dissatisfied with the performance of Hua Huan and others. Many protoss masters hurriedly lowered their heads, and did not dare to breathe.

Xiao Taiyi walked slowly with his hands on his back, and cast his eyes on Han Yu again, and said indifferently: "I said how can you slay the four powers on the peak of true gods and also **** the chaotic lock sky flag of the gods, so you Used the taboo secret method. The taste of the taboo secret method is uncomfortable, right?"

Based on the white hair of Han Yu's temples, Xiao Taiyi inferred that Han Yu used the taboo secret method.

Han Yu sneered: "This will disappoint you. The taboo secret method didn't affect me at all except for turning my hair white."

Xiao Taiyi said coldly: "Really?"

He didn't believe Han Yu's words at all.

In his opinion, Han Yu must have been injured by the Tao now, and that's what happened in this life.

"Senior, you go and rest first." Han Yu spoke to Rong Aotian.

Rong Aotian paused, then turned and flew towards Shi Tian, ​​Xuan Xuan and others. He is now very worried about Han Yu's situation, but with his state, he can't help Han Yu at all, so he can only watch the changes.

Xiao Taiyi didn't even look at Rong Aotian. He looked at Han Yu and said, "To be honest, you disappointed the original god."

Han Yu snorted: "Really? I really want to disappoint you, but the kind of disappointment is despair."

Xiao Taiyi's eyes were cold, and he said sharply: "Kill him."

Now that he learned that Han Yu had used a powerful taboo secret method, Xiao Taiyi didn't bother to do anything with Han Yu.


Hua Huan, Ma Zhi, Dong Qinglei and others hurriedly stood up, and Hua Huan slashed at Han Yu for the first time.

From this simple conversation, he had already heard that Han Yu did not possess the strength to kill four true **** peak powerhouses, and that little fear in his heart disappeared instantly.

Ma Zhi, Dong Qinglei, etc. also hurriedly shot, this is a rare opportunity to perform in front of Xiao Taiyi, how can you miss it.

Facing Hua Huan's sword of terror, Han Yu only raised his brows, with a touch of disdain on his face, and slowly stretched out **** to clamp Hua Huan's sword.

"Looking for death!" Hua Huan's face trembled, Han Yu was too arrogant, his anger rushed, his vitality surged, and the power of the sword he split instantly rose a lot.

However, what made everyone dumbfounded was that Hua Huan's sword was gently caught between Han Yu's fingers, and he couldn't move.

Suddenly everyone was stunned, even Xiao Taiyi, with a look of astonishment on his face.

Han Yu calmly grabbed a sword cut by the True God Peak powerhouse. This ability is only possessed by the powerhouse in the early days of the Gods.

And what made everyone even more incredible was still behind. When Han Yu moved his fingers slightly, a clear voice rang, Hua Huan's sword tip was actually broken by Han Yu effortlessly.


At this moment, let alone others, even Xiao Taiyi couldn't help taking a breath.

Breaking the top True God soldier with bare hands, Han Yu's physical power is definitely not weaker than the power of the early days of the gods.

"How is it possible? After he casts the taboo secret method, his strength should plummet. Why is his strength stronger than before?" Xiao Taiyi's heart turned up against the stormy sea.

Han Yu's performance was really unexpected.

Hua Huan's sword was broken, he vomited blood, his face instantly turned pale. Ma Zhi, Dong Qinglei, etc. were so frightened that they hurriedly rejected their attacks. This kind of horror was no longer what they could contend.

"You have broken through the realm of the early days of the Emperor?" Xiao Taiyi shot terrifying Guanghua in his eyes, wanting to see Han Yu through.

But Han Yu's way of hiding his breath was so superb that he could not see Han Yu's cultivation.

Rong Aotian, Shi Tian, ​​and Xuan Xuan were already dumbfounded. They know the situation of Han Yu best. They know that Han Yu killed the four true **** peak powerhouses by using taboo secrets. Although Han Yu's own strength is strong, he has not yet become such a metamorphosis.

"After he was captured by Master Huo Ling, how could his strength become stronger?" Rong Aotian's heart suddenly trembled.

He thought of Han Yu's horrible devouring power. It was not that Huo Ling wanted to refine Han Yu but was swallowed by Han Yu instead?

Rong Aotian's heart suddenly felt sad, and his mood was mixed.

After a brief trance, Xuan Xuan's face showed ecstasy. Han Yuguo is really lucky if he survives a catastrophe, even if he faces Xiao Taiyi now, there should be no problem, right?

Rose looked at Han Yu's gaze, and gradually burst into bright light, with a strong color of worship and a touch of potential affection.

At this time, only Han Yu's voice sounded.

"If I have broken through the realm of the early days of the Emperor of Heaven, you are a dog in front of me."

Everyone in the Spirit Race was full of enthusiasm after hearing this, it was too arrogant and domineering.

Calling Xiao Taiyi a dog, who dares to look at the Dongyang star field and the Milky Way star field?

Today, Han Yu not only cursed, but also pointed at Xiao Taiyi's nose. Rong Aotian also felt relieved, but there was a secret worry in his heart. Han Yu's words revealed an important message, that is, Han Yu has not broken through to the early days of the Emperor of Heaven, which means that Han Yu's cultivation is not as good as Xiao Taiyi. So even if Han Yu breaks through to the peak of Emperor Wu, he is above his cultivation base

Still suppressed by Xiao Taiyi.

Although the Wudi peak and the early days of the gods are separated by a line, the gap between the late Wudi and the Wudi peaks can be compared in the great realm. It is difficult to reach the sky if you want to leapfrog.

No matter how powerful Han Yu is, it will be difficult to break through that barrier, right?

Xiao Taiyi immediately became so angry that the three corpse gods violently jumped with smoke in the seven orifices, and there was no high above, calm and calm, his face became extremely hideous, and he shouted angrily: "Little thief, the **** wants you to die!" Xiao Taiyi patted Han Yu with a palm. Suddenly, the terrifying aura shook the eternal blue sky, changing the colors of the gods and demons of the heavens, so that as soon as the aura spread, it made the powerhouses at the peak realm of true gods such as Hua Huan, Ma Zhi, and Rong Aotian feel suffocated.

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