Martial God Sovereign

Chapter 2388: Bankruptcy

"Xiao Ping actually suppressed Yu Han, how could it be possible?" Luo Zhenhe's eyes widened. Yu Han is a strong man beyond his reach, almost invincible in the same realm.

Luo Zhenhe suddenly broke into cold sweat, and even Yu Han was not Han Yu's opponent. Then he suppressed his cultivation and battled with Han Yu in the same realm, wouldn't he just look for abuse?

Wei Xiaoting had the same idea with Luo Zhenhe. Thinking about the threats to Han Yu before, he felt a little sad.

"Hmph, Brother Yu is a little underestimated. When Brother Yu takes it seriously, how can he be Brother Yu's opponent?" Zhu Xuan said in discomfort when he saw everyone around him in dismay.

After hearing this, everyone felt reasonable.

At this moment, Yu Han's exclamation sounded from the ring. Although the sword qi hadn't been broken yet, but on his forehead, a hole was actually broken by the terrifying sword intent, and blood flowed.

Zhu Xuan suddenly felt like he was slapped severely, and for a while, he felt cold all over.

At this time, everyone could tell that Yu Han was going to die. Once Yu Han couldn't do it, the sword would not be able to save it.

In the distance, Yu Boda's pupils shrunk and looked at the two people in the ring incredibly.

At this moment, Han Yu suppressed the sword energy with both hands, Yu Han knelt in front of Han Yu, holding his hands high and barely blocking the sword energy, such a scene, even if Yu Han finally won today, it would be a great shame.


Suddenly, an extremely powerful aura surged from Yu Han's body, and this aura only belonged to the peak of the true god.

Under extreme pressure, Yu Han unexpectedly lifted the seal automatically and restored his peak combat power.


At the same time, Han Yu's sword aura shook Yu Han's hands apart and slashed. Suddenly blood spattered, blood and flesh flew, Yu Han's body was directly cut in half by Han Yu, and he died on the spot!

The scene fell into deathly silence for an instant, and after a while, the voices of cold breath came and went one after another. Countless people's eyes, looking at Han Yu on the ring, became exciting.

Yu Shaan was defeated, defeated and killed Huangquan. This is something no one thought of.

Yu Boda's body trembled suddenly, and suddenly a murderous intent went straight into the sky.

Originally, he had been paying attention to the station, as long as Yu Han was lost, he would immediately stop it. But Yu Han lifted the seal by himself. He felt that Yu Han would not have any problems, so he relaxed. Unexpectedly, at this critical moment, Yu Han could not stop him and was split in half by force.

Many people thought like Yu Boda, and they sighed that Yu Han could not break out the strongest strength, otherwise Han Yu could not kill him at all.

Only Huo Ling knew that even if Yu Han could break out the strongest combat power, he would not be Han Yu's opponent.

"Little thief, die!" Yu Boda shouted and patted Han Yu with a palm. A powerful man in the middle of the gods, the blow of his anger was unimaginable, even if Han Yu exposed his identity and resisted it with all his strength, it would be difficult to stop it.

However, Han Yu had been paying attention to Yu Boda for a long time, and Yu Boda took the shot. Han Yu jumped off the ring and rushed to the side of Elder Yin.

Yu Boda didn't dare to do anything, and hurriedly put his hands back.

"What a chicken thief!" some people thought.

"Since the life and death contract has been signed, life and death are destined, no one else can intervene." Elder Yin said coldly, his heart is dripping blood, three holy medicines, wishing to slap Han Yu. But as the elder of the East Pole Star Alliance, he naturally couldn't favor anyone in full view.

Yu Boda gave Han Yu a vicious look, and then at Xiao Taiyi again, but in the end he could only suppress his inner anger.

No matter how unscrupulous he was, he did not dare to be presumptuous on the East Pole Star.

A sensational life and death battle ended in this way, but the result was beyond everyone's expectations. Except for Han Yu and Huo Ling, everyone else can be said to be losers.


Suddenly, a blood attacked his heart, a mouthful of blood, and he passed out.

He is one of the people who suppressed all the belongings.

As everyone watched with hooks, Han Yu and Huo Ling Shi Shiran left the martial arts ground. Not only did they kill a protoss master today, they also won countless treasures from the protoss, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

"Unexpectedly, there are such characters in Dongyang Star Territory. He made this round with the certainty of victory. It seems that Dongyang Star Territory is going to stand up this time."

"Huh, just an arrogant kid. The Pole Star Race has offended so many people before the Pole Star Race started. I think, this time Dongyang Star Territory will be worse than ever!"

"Under the anger of the crowd, he is bound to be struggling, and the good show is yet to come!"

Countless people sneered in their hearts, Han Yu exploited everyone present at once today, and no one wanted to see their good end.

For this situation, Han Yu could imagine before the war started. But he didn't care at all. If the people of the Protoss didn't take the initiative to provoke him, it would be enough to allow them to live for a while.

In the next few days, countless materials about Xiao Ping were sent to the tables of the major giants and the principals of the East Pole Star Region. Han Yu's performance was beyond common sense, and everyone had to doubt Han Yu's origins.

Almost everyone has an idea in their hearts, that is, "How come Dongyang Star Territory has such a talent suddenly, it's not normal".

If Dongyang Star Territory had not gone through the previous turbulence, it might not have aroused too much suspicion, but after the turbulence where the master was almost completely wiped out, a genius suddenly appeared, and it would be difficult for everyone to doubt it.

The major star regions, the general rudder of the Dongji Star Alliance, have eyeliners placed in the Dongyang Star Domain and even the Dongyang Sky Star. Although this place is very far away from the Dongyang Sky Star, it is very convenient to send information through the transmission of jade cards. Almost everyone gets the same information: Xiao Ping, Xiao Taiyi’s distant relative and nephew, a leader among the Dongyang Star Territory’s peers, but it’s not outstanding. After the battle between Dongyang Star Territory and the Human Race and the Spirit Race, Dongyang Star Territory’s The master suffered heavy casualties, Xiao Taiyi began to do his best to train Xiao Ping


"It is possible that Xiao Ping has this talent, but it has been kept hidden. It is possible that Xiao Taiyi used a special method to train Xiao Ping, which made Xiao Ping a blockbuster!"

After getting the information, everyone didn't doubt Xiao Ping's identity too much.

After all, the words "Xiao Taiyi tried his best to cultivate" contain too many possibilities. A strong man in the early days of the gods used all the treasures of the Dongyang Star Territory to train a person. Not to mention that this person was also well-qualified before. Even a pig will be raised, right?

Although the period of "Xiao Taiyi's efforts to cultivate" is a bit short, it doesn't matter much. Everyone can only sigh that Xiao Taiyi really made a desperate move and put all hope on Xiao Ping. After sighing, there was more sneer, how could they let Xiao Taiyi find his face and dignity in the Pole Star Competition?

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